Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 299: End and Aftermath (2 in 1)

Cultivation starts from three years of travel https://

A siege battle finally came to an end.

The prisoner Tiange from Zhongzhou passed on Lu Feilong personally, and finally fled in the hands of Zhang Qingyuan.

And the outer magic way that gathered a lot of power to besiege,

Zhang Qingyuan, along with the demon ancestor Kanghou, and many Wanhua realm demon lords under his command, were captured and taken down by Zhang Qingyuan.

Was banned from all powers,

Imprisoned in Qianyun Mountain,

Wait for the next treatment.

It's not surprising that the people outside the Territory Demon Dao can achieve such a result.

After Lu Feilong escaped, he had witnessed such a terrible battle with his own eyes. Even the Ten Thousand Magic Venerables, who viewed sentient beings like ants in the past, had completely lost the thought of resistance.

Even in the same era as the ancestor of the Holy Family of the Five Elements,

Dominating the outer magic way for many years and survived for thousands of years, he was already standing on the top of Yunzhou, the demon ancestor Kanghou, facing Zhang Qingyuan at this time, he did not have the slightest ability to resist.

After staying in Yunzhou for more than a hundred years, Zhang Qingyuan has not experienced much.

But his achievements are already above the entire Yunzhou cultivation world!

The level of strength has reached a level enough to compete with the giant Tianjiao from the Central Continent!

In the previous battle, the devastating storm that swept across the sky,

It's just the outbreak of Yu Wei,

It was enough to shake the power of the demon venerable Dao venerable in the realm of ten thousand transformations closer to death!

Every Ten Thousand Transformation Realm Demon Sovereign who watched the battle nearby was fierce.

Now perhaps in that rumored land of Central Continent, which occupies seven points of luck in the world, looking at the entire land of Kyushu, Zhang Qingyuan is not really the pinnacle.

But in the boundary of Yunzhou,

He is already a well-deserved pinnacle!

The entire Yunzhou boundary,

The whole world, the native monk, no one is his opponent!

Recognizing this,

In the face of Zhang Qingyuan's horrible aura, under the power that made people feel fearful, most of the Wanhua Demon Venerables who participated in the besieging of Qianyun Mountain had put down their minds of resistance one after another.

Occasionally, those who are lucky enough to flee toward the periphery at high speed,

But it was blown away by Zhang Qingyuan,

The terrifying power penetrated the void, spanning thousands of miles, shattering the fleeing figure and the space!

That piece of heaven and earth,

The void collapsed,

A huge hole appeared in the sky, dark and deep, running across the sky, and the remnants of terrifying power made the nearby creatures tremble!

Under the slaughter of the chickens and the monkeys,

The remaining Wanhua Demon Sovereign swallowed a spit with difficulty, suppressing the careful thoughts in his heart.

And the Mozu Kanghou saw that scene,

They all sighed.

Give up the idea of ​​running away.

If the Wanhua Demon Lords who besieged Qianyun Mountain were scattered and escaped, taking advantage of the chaos, he might be able to take advantage of this opportunity to escape by some means.

But unfortunately,

The people of the magic way are all selfish people.

Few people have the consciousness to go ahead and stand the sword for others like that.

At that moment,

Rao could not help but feel regret in the state of mind that Mozu Kanghou had practiced for thousands of years.

before this,

He has tentatively fought against Lu Feilong,

The result was of course easily suppressed by the other party,

If it wasn't for the other party who needed his own Yunzhou native monk to lead the way, he might have died in the other party's hands, and his life would not be more valuable than an ant.

It is precisely because of this,

When he knew that the other party was looking for Zhang Qingyuan, Kanghou was extremely excited, and felt that it was time for the Demon Sect outside the Territory to counterattack the land of Yunzhou!

So he personally came forward, summoned the demon sect's major Wanhua Demon Lords to besiege Qianyun Mountain, and lay a net of heaven and earth, so as to avoid accidents such as being eventually escaped by the opponent during the battle.


Obviously Kang Hou did not expect that Lu Feilong, who came from the realm of Central Continent and was extremely powerful, would eventually fail in front of this person!

Fled in embarrassment,

All the arrogant words at the beginning have become empty words.

The personal biography of the strength of the Central Continent faction was defeated by this person!

Such a result,

Kang Hou never thought of it anyway.

If he knew this was the result, he was afraid that it would be impossible for him to participate in this matter!


There is no if in this world.

In the face of such an unstoppable enemy, there is no need for confrontation.

Can it survive,

This is the top priority today.

Accompanied by Kang Hou also let go of resistance,

The great abilities on the top were suppressed, and the many low- and middle-level cultivators of the Demon Sect below naturally did not have the ability to continue to cause chaos.

The turmoil soon subsided.

The monks in Qianyun Mountain cleaned up the battlefield,

Rescue the wounded,

Sort out the ruins after the war.

Since then,

An attack initiated by the Demon Sect came to an end.


Just when the curtain of the war came to an end, the monks under Zhang Qingyuan's door began to rebuild Qianyun Mountain.

News about this battle also gradually spread.

Most of the forces of the Demon Sect outside the Territory besieged the mountain, and many Wanhua Demon Venerables gathered, and the Demon Ancestor personally took action. At the same time, there were reinforcements sent from the Central Continent.

Such a lineup,

Originally, for any force in the Yunzhou realm, it could be called a catastrophe of extinction!

Even the Holy Sect of the Five Elements,

It can't resist the powerful strength gathered like this at all.

But it was such a fantastic lineup. The strongest lineup force that Yunzhou Comprehension Realm had gathered in thousands of years had hit a head in front of Qianyun Mountain.

Lu Feilong, a personal biography from the Central Continent, was defeated by Zhang Qingyuan and finally fled in embarrassment.

And Mozu Kanghou,

As well as many demon masters of the Wanhua realm,

Is suppressed at all,

Imprisoned in Qianyun Mountain,

All kinds of information were tortured, including all kinds of treasures of heaven, material and earth, classics of martial arts and martial arts, cultivation techniques and so on.

And with the detailed news coming out,

The entire Yunzhou boundary was almost dumb and silent.

They had already been shocked several times by the deeds of that one who was completely unreasonable.

Anything that is unreasonable to happen to that person is the most normal thing.

For example, using Dongzhen to cut Wanhua, using Dongzhen's body to resist the siege of the three Wanhua without defeat, for example, after being promoted to Wanhua, he killed eight Wanhua Dao Zun with a single sword, and severely damaged that which lived for five to six thousand years. , The ancestors living in myths and legends...

Piece by piece,

Including everything from the previous rise,

The cultivator on the land of Yunzhou said that his heart was already extremely strong in his cultivation.

but now,

The monks in Yunzhou discovered that

This is far from the limit of that evildoer!

Even the true biography of the Da faction from the Central Continent Realm was defeated!

To know,

Every era,

There will always be Tianjiao with full of longing, cross the Tianmen, full of hope to enter the Central Continent cultivation world, into a broader world.

And those left in the native Yunzhou,

Most of them are those who enjoy ease.

But batch after batch of Jiaozi of the age, with great fighting spirit and aggressive genius, stepped into the realm of Central Continent one by one, but since then, most of them have been silent.

In the past, the proud son of heaven was reduced to ordinary people in such places.

Disappeared in the vast sea of ​​people.

There are also geniuses who have returned after hundreds of thousands of years,

But they were all hit and lost their confidence,

Since then, incognito,

Live like a walking dead.

Over the years, with the passage of time, the local monks in Yunzhou have gradually pieced together some information about the boundaries of Central Continent from the mouths of those who traded or returned by chance.

That is a place where geniuses gather and the stars are shining!

Yunzhou's rare genius for thousands of years, the sons of those times, the first of the new generation, etc., after entering Zhongzhou, they have almost become the bottom of the same level!

If you can gain a little fame, it is already extremely difficult!

that place,

Is in the legend,

The place where Zhengxian Road is located!

Gathering the geniuses of Jiuzhou in the world!

The boundary of Yunzhou,

Before the realm of Wanhua,

Unless a genius,

Otherwise, few people can go to the legendary Middle Continent, but from the rumors that have spread, they can also feel how terrible the Middle Continent is in the rumors!

For many years in the Yunzhou cultivating world, there have also been cultivators from the Middle Continent who have crossed the border.

But every time it comes,

Are all sweeping across a domain,

Even the giants standing at the peak are easily suppressed!

Even Tianjiao who is not very famous,

They all swept the world with invincibility!

Also because of this,

It is from the Central Continent faction that Lu Feilong was defeated in the hands of Zhang Qingyuan, which undoubtedly made any monk who knew the gap lost his voice!

Logically speaking,

The Lu Feilong who came from Zhongzhou should have swept Yunzhou with invincibility.

But as a result,

In the first battle, I was defeated by that man!

No one thinks that Lu Feilong is not strong,

The name that came from the realm of the Central Continent and passed by the Da faction is enough to let people know the strength of the other party!

That is the existence that is enough to trample the entire Yunzhou cultivation world under one's feet!

In fact, the same is true,

Mozu Kanghou was easily suppressed by him, and Mozu Kanghou himself, together with Cheng Ancestor of the Five Elements Saint Sect, was the highest cultivation and standing existence in the entire Yunzhou boundary!

But this is such a person,

Leading most of the combat power of the Demon Dao outside the Yunzhou Territory, it ended up in the hands of the monk who grew up from the Yunzhou Territory!

This is enough to make any monk who knows the inside story lose his ability to speak in horror.

And the vast number of low- and middle-level monks,

Is even more horrified,

Although they don’t understand the content of the Central Continent Boundary faction,

But they know,

Yunzhou Land,

Except for the ancestor of the Five Elements Holy The next strongest is the demon ancestor Kanghou!

Now the two realms of Zhengmo were easily defeated and crushed by that Zhang Qingyuan, and both realms of Zhengmo were defeated by him!


Zhang Qingyuan,

It can be said that he is already the first person to stand on the top of Yunzhou!

From this day,

Everybody knows,

Before that person left,

At the end of the sky of Yunzhou Comprehension Realm, there will be a figure covering the entire sky!

And this deed,

At the same time that the entire Yunzhou cultivation world was silent, there was heated discussion in the streets and the legend of Zhang Qingyuan was circulating everywhere,

The news also spread towards the outer continents!


When this matter spread to other continents, not many people believed.

Some monks thought that the people of Yunzhou were bragging about themselves. Perhaps it was just that the prisoner Tiange personally reported that Lu Feilong had let Zhang Qingyuan's move, but they were blown away by the people of Yunzhou and beaten the prisoner Tiange and fled in embarrassment. It's an exaggeration.

This has made some foreign Continent Tianjiao brazen, if these braggers see it, they will definitely teach them a severe lesson, tear off the false face, and see if the people of Yunzhou dare to talk about lies.

However, some people think that perhaps the news of the defeat of the prisoner Tiange is true.

After all, not long ago,

The story of that Zhang Qingyuan slaying Ba Da Wanhua with one sword is circulating, that kid should have some strength.

It's just that the facts may be very different from this rumor.

For example,

The real battle,

It should be that Zhang Qingyuan summoned the many Wanhuas in the Yunzhou realm, and together they besieged the prisoner's Tiange to pass on Lu Feilong, and finally Lu Feilong retreated and left.


There are eight hundred words left here, which will be continued after twenty minutes.

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