The setting sun is like blood, on the fragmented earth, thick smoke rises into the sky like wolf smoke,

   Cover the day!

   The Great Guardian array was broken, and wherever the naked eye could see, there were shattered light curtain fragments, a mess.

  The buildings on the mountain collapsed and collapsed, and there is nowhere to be seen.

   The entire Demon Sect headquarters has been completely destroyed,

  The buildings of the mountain gate are all gone,

  The mountains collapsed,

   The huge gap pierced and tore the blood-colored mountain range that was ten thousand feet high. The hideous crack and abyss ran through for an unknown number of kilometers, and the fragmented rocky soil continued to fall from the crevice of the mountain.

   is like being rammed by a predatory monster, tearing the mountain giant like tofu dregs, leaving behind the traces of huge holes one after another!

   over the sky,

   Two streamers flew from outside the sky and fell on the top of the gravel mountain.

   looked around, his face was full of solemnity.

   The two of them are Zhang Qingyuan and Mozu Kanghou who have rushed here!

   "What happened?!"

   Zhang Qingyuan’s pupils shrink slightly,

   This kind of destruction scene, he can also do it.

   The cultivator in the realm of ten thousand transformations has the power to destroy the world!

   Destroy the mountains and break the mountains, cut off the mountains and rivers, but wait for leisure!

   Just for some reason, the sight in front of him gave Zhang Qingyuan a faint feeling of anxiety.

   He clearly saw that where the scars and cracks of the mountains and mountains were broken and broken, there were strands of black smoke, which was an ominous feeling to people!

   Not right!

   Yes, the Demon Sect headquarters, there are so many Demon Sect disciples gathered, why is there not a single corpse in the same place after a surprise attack?

   I can’t even see the blood! ! !

   The earth in front of me, deathly silence!

   exudes a very strange meaning!

   While Mozu Kanghou was on the side, a color of panic that was visible to the naked eye was revealed!

   That is an indescribable fear!

   is like a mortal without the power to bind a chicken, facing the fear of a fierce and violent hungry tiger!

   And this scene was also seen by Zhang Qingyuan.

  What's the situation?

   Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flickered slightly.

   did not speak, waiting for the other party's explanation.

   "Could it be those guys?!"

   Mo Zu Kanghou swallowed with difficulty, his voice was a bit hoarse and dry, obviously thinking of something.

   "What are those guys?"

   Zhang Qingyuan asked aloud.

The Demon Zu Kanghou, who can cause his cultivation to be on the top of the Yunzhou cultivation world, has such a fear, plus the strange scene left over from the battlefield in front of him. Ordinary little things.

   "Those things are called strange monsters... If they are really they, then trouble..."

  As they spoke, the two had already crossed the fragmented gate, over the deserted ruins, and walked to the inner hall.

   is still empty,

   dead ruins, collapsed masonry, broken giant wood,

   On the surrounding land, the vegetation is withered and its vitality is cut off.

   In the shattered hall, the air of death enveloped, as if even the debris on the ground was dead!

   and the very strange thing is,

   Not only was there no corpse on the ground, there was not even a trace of blood!

   Zhang Qingyuan's eyes changed slightly,

   Above the ruins of the earth, Zhang Qingyuan clearly felt that there seemed to be a kind of black mist that was full of unknown, lingering!

   The threads are endless!

   And this kind of power seems a bit familiar!

   It seems that when I was in Yuzhou, I seemed to have encountered this kind of power!

   "That's right, it should be them, otherwise it would be impossible to "eat" so clean!"

  Mazu Kanghou's voice sounded with difficulty.

   The Demon Sect Headquarters is more than just a symbol.

   Due to the relationship of the Heavenly Demon Palace, the elite disciples of the Seven Sects of the Outer Demon Path are basically gathered here!

   Those are the arrogant talents who have the hope of being promoted to the realm of caves!

   is waiting for the opportunity to advance to the real world of caves!

   Now all the groups are destroyed here!

   It can be said that the hope of the new generation of the Seven Sects of the Outside Demon Path is completely cut off at this moment!

   In addition, there are two demon lords in the realm of Wanhua in the Guardian Demon Sect headquarters.

   is now all gone!

   From then on, the magic way outside the domain will enter a terrible fault!

   "No, yes, since it was decided to besiege Qianyun Mountain and provoke the one next to him, the demon sect has already meant decline!"

   At this time, Mozu Kanghou just remembered the demons of the Ten Thousand Transformation Realm who were still imprisoned by Zhang Qingyuan in Qianyun Mountain.

   These high-levels of them were all overwhelmed by a single Even if the remaining disciples were not attacked by strange demons, they were afraid that they would not be able to support the banner of the magic way at all!

   is really a fleeting disadvantage!

   Suddenly, a complex color rose in the heart of the Demon Clan Kanghou.

   "Alien demon? What is that?"

   Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flickered slightly, as if thinking of something.

   He had heard of this name before when he was in Yuzhou.


   met again!

   "The alien demon... is actually an extraterritorial demon, it is an extraterritorial invader, devouring creatures, plundering the vitality of the heavens and the earth, but wherever they pass, the creatures are cut off, and they are the enemies of the heavens and the earth!"

   Kanghou’s voice is bitter,

   seemed to have thought of something, with horror in his eyes.

   "These things have been active in the black fog outside the world, and every time they erupt, it is an irresistible disaster for the outside world..."


   There are five hundred words here.

   I crashed in the field, and I will fill it up tomorrow when I finish writing it before I get home.


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