Even the selfish people will become fearless and fearless in the face of those strange demons!

I saw that scene with my own eyes,

Mozu Kanghou was so afraid of those things just now!

He was scared,

One day I will become like that,

Driven by the will of heaven and earth,

Become a puppet and die in the endless wave of monsters!

"Is that so? Don't worry, I understand."

Zhang Qingyuan nodded.

When Kang Hou saw this, he was relieved.


At this moment,


A clear sword chant suddenly resounded throughout the world, and a sword light of ten thousand feet was seen soaring into the sky, straight into the nine clouds, like the sun illuminating the sky and the earth,

The next moment,

boom! ! !

The light is reversed,

The bright and boundless sword light burst through the sky, splitting the sky and the earth in half, like a river of heaven pouring down in an instant!

The endless smooth circulation makes the world pale at this moment!

In a flash,

The valley and the land disappeared, and the front end of the straight forward team, together with the giant mountain beasts, disappeared completely, shattering hundreds of feet of land!

Everything was extinguished by this sword!

The ashes are gone,

The creatures are completely dead!

"My lord, you!!!"

Kang Hou's eyes widened, a heart raised his throat, his expression changed drastically.

No matter what he did not expect,

Zhang Qingyuan will suddenly violently shoot!

And at this moment,

The world seemed to be quiet for a moment,

Immediately after,

Roar! ! !

The earth-shattering loud noise resounded, and in the long team of strange monsters, pairs of scarlet eyes suddenly shot in the direction of the two!

Densely packed,

With a frightening breath,

At this moment, Mozu Kanghou only felt cold all over, sweating behind his back, completely wet!

boom! ! !

Without any hesitation,

Numerous monsters and monsters are like going crazy, rushing madly, stepping on broken rocks, and in a flash like a tsunami torrent, flooding out, as if countless, endless, forming a waterfall-like ant tide rushing towards them !

All the tangible and intangible substances on the ground ahead were crushed at this moment!


Enough to swallow any existence in the sky and the ground!

"My lord, the evil disaster is raging, should I wait for a while to avoid the edge?"

Mozu Kanghou took a breath and hurriedly said.

This terrible momentum,

Even if the giant who had stood on the top of Yunzhou for thousands of years was shocked at this moment, he almost wanted to flee without a fight!

Zhang Qingyuan glanced at him.

Did not speak.

He looked up at the sky,

Look at the sky where the endless thunder roars and roars,

Providence and human heart,

Is that so...

I don’t know what he realized,

Closed his eyes,


Suddenly opened his eyes.

In the depths of the pupil, there seemed to be a burst of boundless bright light that penetrated the nine heavens!

"Human law world, Dao law natural..."

In a low groan,

Zhang Qingyuan suddenly appeared in the hand of a long sword that was as bright as a galaxy. During the two air currents of Yin and Yang, it faintly corresponded to the sky. The ten thousand ways of thunder is outside the sky, and it resonates with the sword's power!

"Yin and Yang metaplasia, Vientiane Lei Jun!"

With the voice of Zhang Qingyuan falling,


The resplendent yin and yang two qi, like a powerful and terrifying thunder arc, broke through the sky, tore a hole in the void, and burst out endless lightning and fire, which immediately turned into thunder and lightning!

The laws of heaven and earth echo each other, within a few miles of heaven and earth, with the unsheathing of this sword, it is like a sea of ​​thunder descending on the world!

next moment,

Facing the endless black tsunami ahead, Zhang Qingyuan cut out with a single sword!

Rumble! ! !

Yin and yang transform thunder,

The thunderer, the cardinal of heaven and earth!

Zhang Qingyuan's heart is the body of the sky, the yin and yang transforms the gods of thunder, provokes the power of the roar of the world, and cut out this extremely terrifying sword!

In an instant,

The golden light lightning entangled, and the violent roars continued without hesitation. Within a thousandth of a second, tens of thousands of thunders blasted down from the nine heavens, engulfing the supreme sword power like the shattered world. The dark tide surging forward, bombarded the past!

Boom boom boom! ! !

The whole world is dazzling white!

The earth is shaking, the world trembles!

The violent detonation is like a sign of the coming of the end. Within a radius of a hundred miles, it is swept by an endless sea of ​​thunder. The bright light shattered all tangible and intangible matter.

Those strange monsters that came in endlessly, under the terrifying thunder and swordsmanship, howled in terror and struggled hard, but all of them turned into ashes under the endless white light and quickly dissipated!

Thousands of thunder swords,

The strange demons and beasts all over the sky could not be resisted at all, and they were all wiped out in an instant!

Dissipate completely!


Seeing this scene,

Mozu Kanghou's eyes widened, his mouth grew, he could almost stuff a goose egg, and he couldn't speak for a long time!

The thunder between heaven and earth gradually disappeared,

The light gradually faded,

There is still the resounding sound of Wanjun thunder in my ears,

But right now,

The black tide that hit like a torrent of tsunami has completely disappeared!

Those vitality is extremely strong,

Even the cultivators of the Ten Thousand Transformation Realm had to kill a few times before they were able to wipe out the strange monsters of the Dongzhen series, but they all disappeared completely under this sword!

What a terrible method is this? !

How about a sword to kill countless monsters?

Until the smoke and dust in front of me dissipated, the ground in front was sunken into a huge pit with a radius of more than a hundred miles. At the edge of the pit, there were a series of crystal clear glass plates, emitting colorful crystals of thunder and lightning!

Like melting glass ~www.readwn.com~ is covered with a thick layer!

Exudes all kinds of light,

The arc jumps on the surface of the crystal!

This is under the terrifying thunder, the car full of spirit stones, elixir, ores, and other heavenly materials and earth treasures are instantly vaporized. The huge amount of aura and the unimaginable devastating thunder reaction form a huge amount of thunder like an axe. crystallization!

Such treasures of heaven and earth,

The value is even greater than the same high-grade spirit stone!

Mozu Kanghou looked at Zhang Qingyuan, who was indifferent, and swallowed hard, while watching the thunder crystals in front of him.

For a while,

It was impossible to say a word.


Completely served!


Before that, Demon Zu Kanghou still had a kind of temporary surrender, then waited for an opportunity to escape, and then secretly revenge.

But at this moment,

He is completely convinced!

There is no way not to be convinced!

Under this sword,

Don't say it's him,

I am afraid that even if he once again faced that Zhongzhou Prisoner Tiange personally passed on Lu Feilong, under this sword, it would probably be the end of the dust!

The mighty power that burst out at that moment,

For a moment,

Demon Zu Kanghou only felt that the power of the celestial and human series had come to the world, full of endless divine might of the emperor!

Incomparable horror!

Just when Kang Hou was shocked,

at this time,

Zhang Qingyuan's complexion gradually changed, becoming more and more solemn.


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