
The sky has dimmed at this moment, and the shadows of the large tracts spread out, covering the sky!

Dark as ink, thick and heavy black clouds covered the entire sky, rolling across, obscuring the sky, making the Wuxingshan area a hundred miles around suddenly dark and deep, as if being excluded from the world!

Countless people looked up,

I was surprised to find that

Above the dark sky, a series of dazzling lightning flashes, and the dazzling light shines between the heaven and the earth!

Amidst the violent thunderstorm, a figure stood in the thunder, and the whole body flickered with arc fire, causing the space to vibrate like a mirror. In the dark eyes, the scarlet light looked down on the earth below, giving the world endless pressure!

At this moment,

The monks within the Wuxing Mountains all felt as if there was a high mountain pressing in their hearts!

"Someone is coming!"

"This coercion is the legendary giant in the realm of Wanhua!"

Someone screamed, trembling all over, and sweating on their backs!

Some people swallowed their saliva with difficulty and threw down their belongings directly, turning into a stream of light from low altitude, and fleeing in the direction opposite to the Five Elements Mountain!

For a while, it looked like a flies that had blown up the pot, and there were flashes of escape everywhere!

At this time, the figure on the sky didn't care at all about it.

That dark figure exudes a powerful aura, and set off a substantive aura in the void!

Breath collides with the laws of heaven and earth,

There was a thunderous lightning that tears through the space!


I saw one of his palms slowly pressed down, the power of Taoism connected the heavens and the earth, merged the laws of horror, burst into folds of brilliance, and instantly expanded rapidly, turning into a terrifying giant hand that overwhelmed the sky, towards The Five Elements Mountain is slowly pressing down!

The entire sky seems to be suppressed at this moment!

Unai four poles,

All are included in this palm!

At this moment, the monk inside the five-element Saint Sect's Gate, which was encased under this palm, looked at the huge hand covering the sky with a black hole on top, and had a feeling of despair as if the earth collapsed in the sky and the end of the world had come!

"Get up!"

A voice screamed as hard as it could and spread throughout the gate.


As his words fell, the vast five-element Qi machine of gold, wood, water, fire, earth and five elements instantly suppressed the eruption of a volcano that had been suppressed for thousands of years, rising from the main peaks of their respective attributes in the Five Elements Mountain Range!

A beam of light that reached the sky shot into the sky, piercing through the thick and dark clouds!

Immediately afterwards, in the depths of the earth, like dragons and snakes tumbling, the whole earth shook violently at this moment, undulating like ocean waves.

The vast expanse of Qi produced between the mountains meet,

Beneath the complex formation patterns between the voids, a huge five-element array was formed, which turned into a five-color disc rotating, tearing the vacuum, and leaking a dark light from the edge, resisting the sky!

The aura of the whole world was aroused at this moment, setting off an immense tide!


Under the concentration of countless lights,

The sky and the earth seem to collide together at this moment!

Boom boom boom! ! !

Boundless rays of light erupted, and the energy that destroyed the heavens and the earth instantly tore the vacuum, and the power of Taoism oscillated and dissipated between the virtual heavens!

Under the horrible collision,

However, the blazing dazzling light was torn apart in a vacuum like a long snake. Under the boundless power, the guardian formation supported by the power of the Five Elements Mountain Range was actually shot aside!

In an instant,

Mountains and rivers collapsed, and the sky seemed to be overturned too!

That figure,

Suddenly it is the demon **** who has descended from nine days,

The whole body exudes a terrifying aura, tumbling like a tsunami, the fragments of the surrounding formation, and the energy dissipated by the impact, when it reaches the whole body, all of them are automatically bypassed.

It seems that the energy exploding between the day and the earth is afraid of this person!

"Who is your excellency, why did you break into the Five Elements Mountain?!"

The head of the Five Elements Sect forcefully endured the horror in his heart, flew up into the air, and dignified loudly toward the figure in the sky.

No number of lights converge,

Waiting for this villain to speak out,

Some high-ranking monks of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements only feel that a heart has fallen into the dark abyss of despair.

Because they feel it,

This catastrophe,

I'm afraid they won't be able to get through this time!

"The Five Elements Sect, when it is destroyed, leave as many as possible, otherwise, you will be at your own risk!"

The black-clad figure came out with a hoarse voice,

Like a broken bellows, filled with a texture of gravel,


Without any feelings.

"I wait for the Five Elements Sect to have no grievances and no enmity against your Excellency..."

The appearance of the head of the Five Elements Sect changed,

About to explain,

Say something.

The black-clad figure did not intend to say anything,

The horrible energy swept across the body, vast and unpredictable, like a sea of ​​stars falling into the world!

next moment,

The figure suddenly disappeared!

The appearance of the head of the Five Elements Sacred Sect changed drastically, and his whole body was standing upright!

boom! ! !

Blazing and dazzling light burst out, and suddenly, in the void, the space opened like a glass plate, dense cracks, visible to the naked eye, light up!

The black-clad figure froze in mid-air,


A series of spatial cracks criss-crossed, cracking the sky like jelly!

Black silhouette,

It’s like a bullet hitting a glass jelly,

Can't move!


Outside the sky,

Zhang Qingyuan, who was manipulating the black-armored puppet, saw this scene with a look of surprise on his face.

Among the pupils,

Immediately bursts of light, penetrating through the void, and seeing everything that happened on the battlefield in your eyes, almost in a breath, you can see the details of the jelly-like space!

"Good and ingenious formation!"

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help blurting out.

This is actually a battle in battle!

The previous guardian formation was just a cover up,

The real ultimate move,

It is already shrouded in the sky!

After breaking through the guardian formation, once an attacker breaks into it along the gap of the guardian formation, then what awaits him will be a terrible trap under this delicate arrangement!

Under this trap, even the corpse-refining puppets of the realm of Wanhua were unable to move!

Zhang Qingyuan did not observe for a while,

I was thinking of breaking through the big formation, going straight into the mountain gate, and forcing the Five Elements Sect, but I didn't expect to fall directly into this already laid trap!

"Is this for me..."

The sky is empty,

Zhang Qingyuan, who was sitting in the chaos and manipulating the corpse-refining puppet to test his strength, flickered in his pupils.

Given his grievances with the Holy Sect of the Five Elements, thinking that the Holy Sect of the Five Elements would not fail to prepare for him to hit the gate of the mountain.

In front of this,

I'm afraid it's the preparation for him!

Can actually control the existence of Wanhua Realm!

Zhang Qingyuan estimated that

Even if you fall into it,

I am afraid it will take some effort!

This kind of formation,

No matter how you look at it, it is not a native product of Yunzhou!


Zhang Qingyuan seems to see,

In that formation, there seems to be a faint light of Buddha appearing?

Who is behind it?

In my mind,

A doubtful thought passed away in a flash.

And at this time,


Wuxing Mountain is high in the sky,

"Head, this formation was triggered by this person, what should I do next?!"

Behind Yang Tianlan, the head of the Five Elements Sect, several figures quickly flew behind him, anxiously authentic.

This formation,

It was originally one of the preparations for that person.

The seniors of the Five Elements Saint Sect are not fools.

People who can live for thousands of years, no matter how stupid they see, are enough to become smart.

With that person's character, he will definitely hit the gate in the near future, and it is absolutely impossible to resist that person just by relying on the current strength of the Five Elements Saint Sect.

Although the sect's mountain guard is strong, it can resist the attacks of the giants in the realm of Wanhua for a period of time.

But that person is obviously not an ordinary world of Wanhua!

Everyone had expected that in the first time of the battle, the five-element holy sect's mountain gate formation would be easily broken by the opponent.

Therefore, within the guardian formation, such a trap was set up to block the opponent's actions, and to cooperate with the next means to completely kill that person on the spot!

However, what they didn't expect was,

This trap hadn't waited for that person to arrive, but it was first used on the great power of the Ten Thousand Transformation Realm that came from nowhere!

"Damn it!"

When Yang Tianlan saw this scene before him, he also looked ugly and cursed harshly.

Only the hidden hole cards have the deterrent effect, and the traps that are not triggered are the most powerful!

It’s just that now that it’s triggered,

Then there is no way.

"Please go out of the Zongmen's prison **** lock, first seal this person and imprison him, and wait until the ancestors return before making a decision. As for this formation, there are backup materials in the Zongmen Mansion Treasury. The protector of the sect has been repaired, and try to remedy it as much as possible!"

Yang Tianlan thought for a while, and quickly issued a task to everyone.

After adjustment, his head has become much clearer.

"This is not entirely a bad thing. Imprisoning this person proves that the sect still has the means to deal with the giants in the realm of ten thousand transformations. At least it can add a bit of morale to the cultivator of the sect against that person!"

Yang Tianlan said aloud.

The few elders behind him were taken aback.

Then I saw,

The earth below,

Cheers came one after another.

But the monks of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements are celebrating the capture of the giants of the Ten Thousand Transformation Realm who dared to hit the mountain gate!

Morale is booming for a while!

"Yes, it should be so!"

"On this day, apart from the ancestors in the sect, the other Wanhua ancestors have all died in the hands of that person, and the sect has fallen into an unprecedented weakening stage."

"Able to capture a giant in the realm of ten thousand transformations can at least add a bit of courage to the sect monk!"

"Well, do it quickly, but don't let this person break free!"

Seeing that the black armor figure solidified in the space jelly moved his fingers, even the jelly space outside, also cracked more cracks.

Everyone present and even Yang Tianlan's complexion changed slightly.

Soon someone from the Patriarch Hall,

Take out a white silver chain!

On this chain, faintly shining light, like a law condensed, has the mighty power like a confinement space!

The surrounding space,

At this moment, it seems to be stabilized!

Prison lock,

It is also the ultimate spiritual weapon that can seal the power of the enemy's Dao law of the Wanhua series!

Yang Tianlan had taken the prisoner's lock,

Finally chanted the spell,

The prisoner god's lock emits a bright golden light,

At the same time, within that light, the brilliance of the law's power is intertwined, and a force of imprisonment that can seal even space, diffuses at this moment!

The space that was originally torn and pierced due to the violent fluctuations caused by the battle collision has stabilized at this moment!

boom! ! !

The chain turns into a long dragon, piercing through the vacuum, as if swept across with thousands of laws!

But at this moment,



Amid a violent vibration and a crisp sound of cracking, the space resembled a glass mirror moving and shattering, setting off a huge space storm, sweeping every corner of the world!

The space jelly that originally solidified the black-clad figure was instantly torn apart and turned into fragments of the sky full of light!

The power of the prisoner's lock,

Stop suddenly at this moment!

Yang Tianlan also opened his mouth wide, staring at everything in front of him, unable to speak.


Vacuum in front,

Three identical black figures appeared again.

All over,

Dressed in black armor,

The aura is like the sea of ​​abyss, exuding a terrifying aura!

The realm of Wanhua!

The same realm of Wanhua!

Four black armored figures,

The terrifying existence of the four deities in the realm of omnipotence!

At this moment stands the sky,

Just the shock of the breath is enough to tear the sky, revealing the chaos that can't see the five fingers.


Four figures,

Like high mountains,

Pressed in the hearts of all the monks of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements at this moment,

Let everyone fall into the abyss of despair,

Exterminate all hope!


The head of the Five Elements Sect, Yang Tianlan opened his mouth, but found that the dry corners of his mouth could not make any sound.

boom! ! !

The four black Jiawan incarnations have descended since nine days,

Like the sun,

Smashed directly into the Five Elements Mountain,

In an instant,

Destruction is coming!


Three days later The Five Elements Mountain, which was originally tall and majestic, has now collapsed.

And with the collapse of the mountains, it was the five-element holy sect, which has been passed down for thousands of years and has never fallen from the only holy land, completely collapsed today!

Holy Sect of the Five Elements,


There are monks flying up,

What comes into view,

It is a scene of broken walls.

The rocks collapsed,

The earth cracks,


Hot magma surged from the depths of the cracks and burned the earth, raising waves of wolf smoke.

The towering Five Elements Mountain collapsed,

Only the cracked ones are left,

Sandstone trees,

Rustling down from the crack,

The original floating five islands,

They all fell to the ground at this moment, mixed with palace buildings, scattered all over the ground!

Countless monks gathered in the periphery,

Standing on a high place, quietly looking at the fragmented earth in front of me,

In the eyes,

It's complicated!

Unexpectedly, the sacred sect, which has dominated the entire Yunzhou land for thousands of years, collapsed and disappeared in one day.

The disciple of the disciple died dead,

Scattered scattered,

The wealth accumulated by the sect over the years,

Are all being transported,

Only the fragmented ruins of the battlefield remain from the war!

"Starting from today, the Yunzhou cultivation world is about to enter a new era!"

Someone looked at the earth in front of gunpowder and lava,

Whispered and authentic.

------Off-topic ------

Because the computer got stuck, uploading was slow for a second, and the full attendance was gone this month. Suddenly it felt very boring...


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