Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 320: Crisis in the Moon Link Islands


South China Sea area.

Moon Link Islands.

Since Zhang Qingyuan left more than a hundred years ago, the Yuelian Islands at this time had already developed to a great extent.

Is for the South China Sea Territory,

One of the few large-scale cultivation cities.

And with the efforts of many monks over the years, they have moved mountains to fill the sea and moved mountains and mountains, which has expanded the land area by hundreds of thousands of times!

Has grown into a large island!

A huge amount of human traffic comes and goes,

Brought great prosperity to Yuelian Islands.

And because of the great changes that took place in the local area of ​​Yuzhou a hundred years ago, the warcraft raged more and more. Many people moved overseas to avoid disasters, making the monks on the island more prosperous!

This day,


Cold wind,

Master Lu stood on the top of the main island,

Looking up at the sky, looking at the black sky shrouded in clouds,


It is a bright and prosperous player's lights, dots spread all over the island, day and night.


for a long time,

He sighed.

The slightly grey hair was floating on the temples.


at this time,

A gentle voice came from behind,

A figure in a palace costume,


In the cold sea breeze,

Stand silently behind him.

"Yun Xi, one month later, Grandpa is about to leave here, and the sect is in a hurry. I really can't push the old man out anymore."

After a long silence, Master Lu suddenly said in a real voice.

In the air,

With a kind of depression.

He knew what would happen here after he left.

But there is no way,

Ten years,

He stayed here for ten years.

He is a member of the sect after all, and must contribute to the sect.

In today’s emergency situation and continuous warfare,

The time that the sect allowed him to rest here for ten years is already based on the fact that he is the great master of the formation, and it has given him preferential treatment!

I really tried my best!

"Grandpa, is there really no way? What about Sister Wanying and others..."

Lu Yunxi lowered her head, her voice a little low.

The current plight of Yuelian Islands,

She is not clear,

But she just didn't want to,

One day after that person came back, he returned home and found that his home was occupied!

"Yun Xi, this matter is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Grandpa and my old friends in the sect have revealed something. Some people in the sect are not willing to settle in such a big city of cultivation. Under personal control, not to mention that the person has not shown up for nearly two hundred years...Some old guys reminded me that there are high-level sects, and they seem to have reached some agreements with them. Grandpa, I was transferred this time. , Among them, the people in the sect are using their strength..."

Master Lu didn't look back, looking at the face in the sky ahead, a bit bitter.

"Yuelian Islands has developed to this day, and the prosperity of its market is one of the few in the entire South China Sea. The benefits generated are not only coveted by outsiders, but even the people of their own sects have produced intentions."

"Unless, that kid can rush, even if he can come back, nothing can be changed."

"Although the gate of the North Xuan Gate was broken through by an army of monsters led by a different demon, it also escaped from the four cave realm powers and evacuated a group of elite children in time. Among the four cave realm monks, one of them was even more powerful. It is the existence of the pinnacle level of the legal domain!"

"Such a force, in the eyes of the senior members of the sect, is also a great help, and it can bring a lot of help to the Yunshui Sect if it is drawn over."

"For the homeless, a place where they can recuperate is the best gift to win them over!"

"Now Yuzhou has been ravaged by a devastating disaster, and the sect is uncomfortable. The major cultivation cities under his command either have a master or are in a strategic location. They are the main source of income for the sect, and they are not to be given lightly."

"Although the Yuelian Islands are islands under that kid's name, the kid has never seen his face for more than a hundred years, and the soul fire in the sect has been bleak for nearly two hundred years... Some people say that the kid has suffered. After the severe damage that was difficult to heal, it is possible that during the battle with Lu Tianxu, the dantian was broken and the meridians were destroyed, and it was already a waste, otherwise the soul lamp in the sect would not be so dim."

"Therefore, some people at the top of the sect think that instead of letting a waste person grasp such a huge wealth, it is better to exchange it so as to make a large enough contribution to the sect. As for the return of the sect in the future, as a price, The sect raised him for the rest of his life."

"It is inevitable to hand over this island."

"Even if Grandpa I continue to stay here, I will be able to help you carry it for two or three years at better prepare in advance."

Master Lu’s old voice said a lot,

But in the end,

All that was left was a long sigh, some muddy eyes, staring at the dazzling lights below.

no solution anymore,

Interests moving,

Although he is the great master of the formation technique, his position in the Yunshui Sect is very important.

But the sect is not his word,

Yun Shui Sect was able to remain silent, and it was already the limit not to force Zhang Family to surrender the island.

But Bei Xuanzong,

The four caves are so powerful,

One of them is the pinnacle of the legal realm,

Such strength,

It's not that kid's small body can resist.

Thinking of that figure,

Master Lu couldn't help but sigh.

The talent of that kid,

In his opinion,

It can be said to be the most in Yunshuizong in thousands of years!

Using the True Primal Realm to defeat the Cave Realm, this is a rare existence since the ages!

Even the Water Sword Immortal Qi Yiming back then could only achieve such an achievement after fighting his life!

If that kid grows up normally,

I'm afraid it's already the mid-term of the legal realm, right now!


Into the door of his old friend,

Falling into the high-level system struggle of the sect, he failed to get the key training of the sect.

And finally got caught up in the Jinjizong's Dongzheng realm,

In the end, there was no Among the high-ranking monks in Yuzhou, there were rumors that if the kid did not die, he might be a giant seed in the world of ten thousand transformations in the future!

Although this is only possible,

But this is already unprecedented praise!

To know,

It is possible to evaluate this,

Looking at the entire Yuzhou Comprehension Realm, it has only been in the palm of two hands for three thousand years!

And among the enchanting Tianjiao of the number of palms, only four supreme masters finally achieved the legendary realm of Wanhua!

For nearly two hundred years,

He also saw a lot of Tianjiao afterwards,

But far from that kid's genius level of one or two tenths!


Or maybe it’s a jealous talent,

Whether it was the famous Narcissus in the past, or the kid behind, the enchanting genius who waits for unlimited achievements in the future, the road to growth is full of ups and downs!

Now that kid’s soul lamp is so dim,

I’m afraid I also encountered a lot of troubles.

The realm of cave truth,

It's mostly out of play.

But then again,

Even if Dongzhen is achieved, what's the use?

In less than two hundred years,

No matter how talented the kid is, he can stabilize his realm within a hundred years, and it is already the limit to reach the middle stage of the cave realm.

Such strength,

In front of Beixuanmen, most of them couldn't keep Yueliandao.


Nothing more,

I can be regarded as helping that old friend one last time.

Even if the result is already doomed,

Can help,

Then please help!

Thinking in my heart,

Master Lu sighed,

The figure flashed,


Lu Yunxi stood silently behind her, silent.

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