Children who pass through the busy city with gold bricks will naturally be coveted by people!

According to the rules of the Yunshui School, Yuelian Islands had already become the permanent residence of that person, and the industry on the island naturally belonged to that person and the family behind that person.

at this point,

The rules of the Yunshui School are naturally clear.

And in the thousands-year history of the Yunshui Sect,

Unless the direct disciple in the sect died and died, there has never been a case of taking back the family business of the disciple under the sect.


There is an exception to everything.

Yuelian Island has developed so well now, and the island is really too rich!

Ni Jin Dou Jin can not describe its prosperity!

Today’s Yuelian Island, with its large scale and prosperous economy, is already one of the few large islands in the entire South China Sea. Can't compare with it!

Interests moving!


The batch of low-level talisman, low-level pill, and low-level magic artifact production technology mastered in Yuelian Island is really tempting!

Especially now, because of the resurrection of the demonic wave, Yuzhou has caused wars throughout the territory and has fallen into a continuous war.

In this context,

Talismans, medicines, magical artifacts and other things that can directly enhance the strength of monks have become particularly important!

During the war,

The arms business is simply huge profits!

These things have not only brought Yuelian Island a huge source of continuous wealth, but also made it even more coveted!

Inside the Yunshui Sect,

The two high-levels such as the Refining Hall and Pill Refining Hall are faintly showing a tendency to annex Yuelian Island.

As long as those technical means are available,

With the strength of Yunshuizong,

Undoubtedly it can be used to its maximum effect,

Not only can it add a bit of strength to resist this raging disaster, but it can also fill the sect's finances that have been raging due to the raging devastation over the past few years, which has led to a huge increase in expenditure!

And this,

Let the high-level sect also have a certain division.

Some people don't support it, because if this opening is opened now, then who knows if there will be any reason for the senior sect to embezzle the property of the disciples in the future?

Moreover, since the sect's law is located, since it is stipulated that the island is the resident of the kid, how can the sect end up shamelessly and take away the disciple's wealth because the other party is capable and developed?

This is shameless!

In this way, how can the sect disciples be convinced and how to maintain the cohesion of the sect disciples?

Some people explicitly support it.

After all, that kid hasn't shown up for nearly two hundred years. The soul lamp left in the sect is already dimmed. Whether he died in the outside world is not known. Now it is only the family behind him and a nameless woman who presides over Yuelian Island. .

Zongmen has not taken back the sovereignty of the island in two hundred years,

The other side relies on the Yunshui Sect as a big tree to grow and develop,

This is the ultimate benevolence.

What's more, if the island can be obtained, the Yunshui Sect can make better use of the opponent's technical means to further grow and face more and more serious disasters!

It was precisely because of the disagreements among the senior management within the Yunshui Sect,

The Beixuanmen just had room for manipulation.

Beixuanmen contacted the Yunshui Sect that tends to annex the part of Yuelian Island, and promised that after entering Yuelian Island, it would hand in the technologies of low-level talisman, magical artifacts, and elixirs that were refined in batches. And every year, it is guaranteed to turn in a part of the income, and everything will be the first and foremost in the future.

After several exchanges, the high-level Yunshuizong's attitude towards this has basically remained silent.

"There are so many fireball talisman, although they are only low-level, but once the number rises, these monsters alone may not be able to break the protective formation, Junior Brother Zhang, should I just stand here and watch? "

The two stood high above the sky, invisible, watching the battle below.

The overwhelming fireball technique talisman is endless, almost forming a torrent of flames that burn mountains and boil the sea, continuous and continuous, it seems that the entire sea will be burnt clean!

Countless monsters burned in the sea of ​​flames and disappeared in smoke!

Occasionally, three or two beasts rushed through the ocean of flames and impacted on the light curtain of the island guarding formation, but they did not have much effect.

Seeing this scene,

Mu Dong couldn't help frowning slightly, and said in an authentic voice.

The technology of mass production of low-level talisman in Yuelian Island is well-known throughout Yuzhou,

I am afraid that the entire wave of monsters will be wiped out, and this island protection formation will not be able to be defeated.

In that way,

They tried their best to attract the many beasts in the beast lair. Didn't they do useless work?

"Of course it's impossible. If they were repelled by the wave of monsters that they attacked so easily, they must have a great reputation. How can I wait for Beixuanmen to receive Yuelian Island with the strength of the other party's failure to guard the island?"

Zhang Laifa with a gloomy look and a faint voice, shook the feather fan in his hand, and looked confident.

"In this world, there will always be some guys who are aware of current affairs."

"Actually, when I was waiting to go to the island, someone secretly passed me a talisman to my brother, so that I could get in touch with those people... Brother, you say, if at this time, suddenly protect the island. Suddenly a gap broke open, what would happen?"

"That must be, the big formation must be broken!"

Mu Dong looked down, and the waves of monsters who were not afraid of death and injury hitting the island guarding formation ~ ~ must have an authentic voice.


boom! ! !

Yang Wanying's figure hovered high in the air, her body of Qing Xuan Qi trembling, a long sword groaned softly in her palm, surrounded by clouds on the blade, and wind and thunder wrapped around her. Past!

Sword energy rushed into the sky, correcting the sun and the moon, sweeping thousands of feet, and the space passed along the way was cracked with a crack visible to the naked eye!


The sword light spanned thousands of feet like lightning, and the sharp and unparalleled energy passed through the light curtain of the formation and slashed on the unsuspecting giant beast.

Almost instantly, a huge sword mark with deep bones was torn apart!

Slash the alien beasts instantly!

And at the same time,

Yang Wanying held a long sword and stopped in the air, scanning the battlefield around her.

at this time,

The surrounding area is fierce,

The fireball technique flying all over the sky, densely packed, and mixed with thunder and lightning, low-level talisman such as wind blade, stirred the whole world into chaos!

Outside the guard island formation,

It was almost turned into a doomsday field of natural disasters, and a large number of beasts died every moment.

And the few remaining monsters that can resist the rushing forcefully were not able to make much waves in the previous one-point kill by Yang Wanying, and did not have much effect on the protection of the island.

The situation is great!


If nothing happens,

Then this demonic wave, it is estimated that most of it can be repelled.


Don't know why,

There was a vague feeling of anxiety in her heart.

The brow furrowed slightly.

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