"Family, Zhang family, alas!"

Inside the cave, Zhang Qingyuan sighed slightly as he looked at the jade slip in front of him.

Whether it is the Hu's family in Qingshan Town, or the Four Cultivation Clan Alliance in Hetang Town, or the Luoshuijiang Family.

These are the contact channels that Zhang Qingyuan has crossed over the past six months.

After the inner sect disciple of the sect is promoted to the true origin realm, he can apply to go out to guard one side, stationed around the miniature spirit vein, while guarding the sect’s sphere of influence,

On the one hand, the miniature spirit veins are used to open up various spiritual fields and cultivate crops such as Linggu Lingguo.

At this time, these connections showed their effects.

By recruiting the cultivation children of these small families, the mortals of the family, etc. work together to manage and develop, help planting and managing the fields, etc., mutually beneficial to each other.

While providing part of the rewards to the low-level monks in the small families, it can also free itself from many chores.

Not to mention the others,

If sent by the sect to open up the monster mountain range in the north, or the deserted island in the south, it would be impossible for a monk to do all this.

At this time, whether these small families can be recruited becomes extremely important.

So when these families got together, Zhang Qingyuan did not refuse with a face, rejecting people thousands of miles away, and maintained a certain amount of contact.

Of course, it will not be too warm, just plain normal friendship.


Compared with these family forces, the existence of the Huainan Zhang Family is completely different.

As the family of this body, although Zhang Qingyuan has been deliberately drifting outside the core of the family, after all, he is connected by blood, and this body has also been protected by the family.

If you want to cut off all the involvement in an unfeeling manner, this is inconsistent with Zhang Qingyuan's original intention.

But he didn't want to accept too much favor from the family, so as not to be completely tied to the chariot to the family, so when he was at the outer door, Zhang Qingyuan decided to alienate the Zhang family's group of children at the outer door of the Yunshui Sect.

After showing up at the same time,

Nor did it tell the family to get more funding.

Can only drag a little tangledly,

Take one step at a time.

It's just that Zhang Qingyuan knew that this procrastination strategy could not last long. As he entered the inner door, the Huainan Zhang family would surely be able to get news.

as predicted,

Soon after Zhang Qingyuan entered the inner gate, the old patriarch of the Zhang family personally wrote a sincere letter to Zhang Qingyuan.

"My nephew Qingyuan, the people are very happy to hear that you have become the inner disciple of the Yunshui Sect..."

In fact, this subpoena didn't ask for anything. Instead, the old patriarch expressed guilt for his repeated ignorance of the outstanding children of the clan and asked the other party to forgive him.

At the same time, people in the family were very happy because Zhang Qingyuan was promoted to the inner disciple of the Yunshui Sect.

Moreover, according to the usual practice, Zhang Qingyuan, who was promoted to the inner gate of the Yunshui Sect, could choose three magic arts and martial arts from the family's inheritance without restricting the rank, and choose any three items from the family treasury.

at last,

The old patriarch invited Zhang Qingyuan to take a seat in the family at some time. The Lingtian he sold last time, the family has bought him back with Lingshi, and asked what should be done.

Did not say what requirements.

It's just that the family is proud of the appearance of such a genius, and at the same time faintly said that the family can strongly support him.

This is exactly what makes Zhang Qingyuan embarrassed.

If you accept the Zhang family's kindness, then the complex relationship will be involved, will the family become a drag on yourself in the future?

But the centuries-old collection of the Zhang Family in Huainan also made Zhang Qingyuan greedy.

"Forget it, once you have inherited this body, some cause and effect will naturally be taken care of for you, and some things will have to be dealt with by returning to Zhang's house one day."

"Furthermore, if the elixir materials for the Condensing True Pill are not available in the future, this home may also become a part of my retreat."


Zhang Qingyuan already has a general idea to deal with this matter.

Going back is going back once. It is said that there is a fragment of a mysterious technique in the family heritage of the Zhang family. Zhang Qingyuan is also extremely curious about this.


All this also has a certain relationship with this parent.

Eight years ago, the Zhang Family in Huainan suffered a serious injury. Not only the older generations have passed away, but even the younger generations have lost their talents. The parents of this body also passed away during that accident.

Although he has never met his parents, they occupy someone else's body anyway, and that certain cause and effect should have ended before he feels at ease.

However, this is all for the future.

Zhang Qingyuan does not intend to do it now.

His idea is to procrastinate,

When he has a certain strength, or when he needs it, he will return to the family again.


Zhang Qingyuan wrote a letter overnight, and then the next day he contacted Zhang Changyang, the thirteen elder of the family who was still at the outer door, and asked him to take the letter back to the old patriarch.

Zhang Changyang didn't say anything else, just encouraged Zhang Qingyuan to practice as a good student in the inner sect, and don't be afraid to ask for help from the family if he has any needs in the future.

Watching Zhang Changyang leave, Zhang Qingyuan secretly said in his heart:

"Family matters, let's just come to an end for the time being, now the most important thing is to improve one's own strength!"

Three years is not short, nor long.

Taking advantage of this time,

Try to improve your own strength as much as possible.

Zhang Qingyuan turned and returned to the Inner Gate Xuanshui Peak.

However, he didn't go straight to his cave mansion, but walked in the direction of Xuanshuifeng Tibetan Gong Building.

Every outer disciple promoted to an inner disciple~www.readwn.com~ has the opportunity to choose a true channel practice for free, and convert the previous practice into that channel's practice practice.

During these few days of getting started, Zhang Qingyuan was dealing with his own affairs, and he did not go to the Tibetan Gong Building to select the exercises in the first time.

Now that the basic situation of the inner door is also understood, all the cumbersome things have been solved, Zhang Qingyuan will naturally start to prepare to change the practice.

It took more than twenty minutes for Zhang Qingyuan to find the Tibetan Gong Building in the inner gate.

The location of this Tibetan house is a bit remote.

The surrounding trees are shaded, but it seems that the guards are not very tight, and there is no radiant formation on the forest floor.

Looks sloppy defensively.

But the more so, the more solemn Zhang Qingyuan's heart is.

I am afraid that only a fool would think that there would be no guarding power in such an important place.

In front of the gate of Canggong Building,

An old man in sloppy gray clothes was sitting in front of the counter, leaning on the table, holding an unknown book in his hand and reading with gusto.

It's just... that smile seems a little wretched?

Zhang Qingyuan quickly glanced around.

In such an important place, there is no defense, no formation, only such a bad old man!

is it possible?

The only explanation,

I'm afraid it's not that the ordinary old man in front of me is a great master who can't leak!

Zhang Qingyuan respectfully stepped forward and bowed his hands in salute.

Don't dare to make any trouble.

"Junior Xuanshuifeng's new entry disciple Zhang Qingyuan, pay respects to senior."

Amidst the light, Zhang Qingyuan glanced at the possible masterpiece secrets in the hands of the old man.

But the next moment,

Seeing the title page of the booklet, Zhang Qingyuan's eyes almost fell off!

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