Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 342: Doubts and Huiyun Shuizong

The three tokens seemed to be summoned by some illusory power at this moment, shaking up, floating in the air, and the whole token emitting a faint brilliance!

Zhang Qingyuan clearly saw that,

The buildings in the reflection of the other world connected by the pyramids seemed to tremble a bit!

"How is this going?!"

The Five Elements Seal of the Ancient Five Elements School,

Why does it have a reaction with the place that seems to be the Saint Demon Realm? !

With Zhang Qingyuan's knowledge and knowledge, Rao couldn't help feeling stunned at this moment!

These three tokens,

As early as two hundred years ago, I obtained it by various chances and coincidences,

According to the record of the water line passed down by my master, this thing is from the ancient Five Elements Sect. It seems to be a token, and it is related to a great secret!

Only after I had to leave Yuzhou and go to the land of Jiuzhou,

These three tokens have been placed in a certain corner of his space ring, and have never been born again.

If it weren't for the resonance change this time,

He might even forget it behind his head!

But why? !

Will the tokens handed down from the ancient Five Elements Sect resonate with the devilish world that is connected to the altar established by this strange demon? !


Before Zhang Qingyuan thought about and probed carefully,


The keen sixth sense suddenly produced a bad feeling!

It seems that some disaster has happened, and the danger is about to come!

at the same time,

The spatial interface of the pyramid altar was also swayed violently at this moment, and there were waves of water visible to the naked eye, like something inside, and was shocked!

Zhang Qingyuan immediately flipped his palm,

Put three tokens in the storage ring in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, the figure flashed back several tens of feet, suspended in mid-air, with a terrifying aura on his body, making the space distorted, staring at the location of the Unicom interface, vigilantly ready to take action at any time!


Maybe it’s far away, but also in the storage ring, cut off the induction,

The vibration at the Unicom interface,

It also calmed down!

"If the rumors of the Yuzhou Comprehension Realm are not wrong, then the reflection world connected with the altar should be the legendary Holy Demon Realm. But why does the ancient Five Elements Sect's tokens react to it?!"

Zhang Qingyuan frowned,

In this regard,

He couldn't think of a reasonable answer at all!

There was a moment of silence,

Zhang Qingyuan continued to investigate around the altar, focusing on the location of the Unicom interface at the top of the altar.


After an hour,

Zhang Qingyuan finally shook his head and left the altar space.

One hour of investigation can basically be said to have found nothing!

He was tested up and down, and even the strange runes on the altar were recorded for touch, and there were not many things that could be obtained.

That altar,

It seems to be a one-way altar,

It can connect to the place that seems to be the holy demon world, but it can only reflect the reflection, draw a steady stream of magic energy from it, and maintain the existence of this sea monster lair!

But if you want to pass this pyramid altar and enter the Holy Demon Realm, it is simply impossible.

As far as that world is concerned with this altar space,

Like a reflection in the water,

Visible out of reach!

Moreover, the dense black magic envelops it, and it also interferes with the degree that the naked eye can detect!


After finding nothing, Zhang Qingyuan finally ended and continued to investigate.

Boom boom boom! !

On the outer sea, a sword light that penetrates the sky and the earth penetrates the void of the sky and the earth, and the sword is so strong that it seems to have split the entire sky in half!

Along with the violent roar, a huge crack in the abyss appeared in the space!

And under that attack that ruined the world,

The lair of the different demons,

With the pyramid altar space inside,

All are destroyed!

The light produced by the explosion, like a blazing sun, rises from the sea level!

The shock of terror,

Sweeping in all directions,

Set off a terrible tsunami of up to 100 meters!

And at this time,

In the air,

Seeing that the alien lair in front of him was completely destroyed like fireworks, he sighed slightly in his heart.

In this way,

The possible crisis in Yuelian Island has been resolved.

Just come along,

It's even bigger doubts!

Ancient Five Elements School,

Extraterrestrial monsters,

The abnormal movement and resonance from the seal of the five elements,

Wei Shi made Zhang Qingyuan completely confused.

"Well, let's go to Yunshuizong first. As the overlord of the Yuzhou cultivation world, you may know some deeper news!"


There are still six hundred words here, which will be continued after half an hour.

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