ps: Do not subscribe when you see this line of words, this is a duplicate of the previous chapter.

The state is very poor these days, and the leave form is gone. Up to now, only one chapter has been changed. First, I sent a repeating chapter against full attendance. I stayed up late to write out the second chapter and upload it.


Hu Junshan's cultivation now barely reaches the Eightfold True Yuan,

However, after more than two hundred years, the life span has almost reached the twilight years.

From year to twilight, the potential is exhausted, and there is no chance to advance to the real world.

Except for a handful of Dao-hearted and resolute, lonely generations, most of these monks will spend the remaining time on their descendants and families, paving the way for their blood.

The same is true for Hu Junshan,

Over the years, he has basically known the destiny, and he has no expectations for the future path. The remaining time and energy are basically in the continuation of his family.

After all, in recent years, due to the ravages of the demonic disaster, many clan forces have been revolving and annihilated, and they have to spend more energy.

In this way,

The sect naturally wouldn't put resources on these monks for training.

And because of this,

Hu Junshan is not a direct disciple of the Yunshui Sect, and does not enjoy the benefits of the direct disciple, but is similar to the identity of the inner disciple. At the same time, his family is a monk under the rule of the Yunshui Sect. Once a large-scale war breaks out, it may also be His family was called to guard somewhere.

Compared with my mediocre life,

Master Xianshi is undoubtedly the protagonist in the real mundane fairy cultivating novels,

Will surely illuminate the eternal era in the future!

Hu Junshan thinks so deeply.

When Hu Junshan felt infinitely emotional, time passed away quietly.

at this time,

Among the hundreds of thousands of dense crowds of Yunshui Sect, some were curious, some were surprised, some were puzzled, and some were complicated.

Hu Junshan is not the only one who is full of emotion.

It is only more than two hundred years of work before Zhang Qingyuan became a Taoist man.

Among them, his last battle shocked the entire Yuzhou cultivation world. After he left Yuzhou, he has returned now, only about one hundred and seventy-eight years.

In such a period of time, those of the same age who have not yet been promoted to the True Element Realm are old and dead.

Even if they are promoted to the True Origin Realm, they are all old, old, dead, and the remaining people who have seen him in the same era as him are basically very few for the tens of thousands of sect monks. .

As for those who walked out in the same session of the outer door with him, and can live to the present, it is even rarer!

That year, the outer door of tens of thousands of people,

Till now,

I'm afraid that the rest is not only the number of the palms left.

It can be seen that

The difficulty of monasticism,

One can imagine.

And those monks of the same age,

There is no doubt that Zhang Qingyuan's senses are even more lamented.

Can survive to the present,

Basically, they are all monks in the late True Element Realm.

Such existence,

If one hundred years is a generation,

It is definitely a kind of genius!


Born in the same era as Zhang Qingyuan, that was their luck, but it was also their misfortune.

Just when the many monks gathered in the mountain gate lined up in a neat square formation, there was silence, and everyone had different moods.


A clear voice resounded between the heaven and the earth, echoing in everyone's ears.

"Haha, my Zong Zhenlong has returned, all the disciples quickly greet me!"

With the sound falling,

In an instant,

There are hundreds of thousands of monks in the entire Yunshui Sect, half kneeling down one after another: Gu

"Congratulations on the return of the Supreme Dao Ancestor!"


Like a real tsunami,

The sound swept through,

Shock the world!

at the same time,

Within the scope of the entire Yunshui Sect sect, the guardian array raised a colorful light curtain, accompanied by grand music, resounded through the world!

Looking down from the sky, the tens of thousands of people knelt down to greet them, cheering loudly, shocking, enough to make any monk's heart rise with endless pride!

"You guys don't need to be polite, get up!"

At this moment, the air seemed to be silent for a while, and then there was a clear sound like flowing water in the mountains. At the same time, accompanied by the sound, there was an irresistible force that helped all the monks on the mountain gate. stand up.

That is an irresistible force!

But at the same time,

It is also full of an intangible and intangible mystery and heavenly secrets, permeating the sky, covering every corner between the heaven and the earth, strands of thread, as if the heaven has come to the world!

The minds of countless people suddenly become clear at this moment,

Immediately several younger generations Tianjiao could see that ray of Dao Qi machine, and their breath was shocked, obviously they had gained insights from it and were able to make a breakthrough on the spot.

And most of the rest of the monks have also gained something.

It's just that the accumulation is not enough, or the talent is not enough to make a breakthrough on the spot.

And this scene,

It also caused the tens of thousands of Yunshuizong cultivators who came back to their senses, almost to set off a stormy sea in their hearts!

The realm above Dongzhen,

It's so terrifying? !

Rumors from the outside world,

I'm afraid it is true!

In a word, it contains the true meaning of the great Dao that contains thousands, which has made tens of thousands of monks have a sense of improvement.

This level of strength,

How terrible is it? !

This scene,

Naturally, I was seen by the great Taoist ancestors of the two great Yunshuizong Wanhua realms above the sky, and the shock in my heart is not necessarily lower than the people below!

Because it is in the realm of Wanhua Dao Zun that can truly see the sound that makes all the monks of the whole sect produce comprehension and How terrible it is!

Every monk takes a different path,

The tendencies are also different,

For example, some people tend to practice martial arts with both palms, some people tend to practice magic techniques, and some others tend to practice the body technique of the feet. The personal character and cultivation technique are even more different.

In one word, almost everyone can feel and gain, which is simply unbelievable!

If they are asked to speak to a real-primary-level monk, it will produce an effect similar to that of a drunk, and let them have an understanding of their own practice, this is not difficult to do.

But if all Yunshui sects are allowed to go up and down, hundreds of thousands of monks will have different perceptions,

Then it is simply shocking!

This son,

Can you achieve this point? !

The two Wanhua Taishang Dao Venerables of the Yun Shui Sect looked at each other, and they both saw the shock of each other.

These methods,

Even they are hard to understand!

And at this moment,

In the void ahead, there was a wave of ripples visible to the naked eye, and a figure walked out of it, and the breath of the whole body seemed to be ordinary, like an ordinary person, but if you look carefully, you will find that the whole person's aura seems to merge with the heaven and the earth. Together, they have reached the realm of returning to the basics!

"Children of the next generation, pay homage to the two ancestors!"

Between the void,

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes were shining, and he bowed his hands to the two ancestors of the Yunshui Sect in front of him.

"Qingyuan doesn't need to be polite, now you have reached such a realm, according to the rules of the sect, we can be treated as fellow monks of the same generation, if you don't mind, just call me to wait, brother..."

The two ancestors of the Yunshui Sect hurriedly stepped forward and helped Zhang Qingyuan up.

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