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ps: See this line of words, don't subscribe first, the second one is not finished yet.

During this period of time, there have been too many household chores, and the state is extremely poor. It is estimated that this chapter will have to stay up for two or three hours to finish writing and making up.


"Jinsheng, the old man doesn't believe you!"

"Although this matter is related to the survival of the Yuzhou Comprehension Realm, who knows, have you concealed this matter, or if you are paying attention to solving the source of this alien demon, and jointly siege and kill my descendant Tianjiao?! "

Danyang ancestor said aloud, and while speaking, he glanced at Zhang Qingyuan.

During this time,

They also learned some basic conditions from the remnants of the Huangtianjiao found through the soul search torture.

The entire large formation covering the forbidden area of ​​the Black Abyss is divided into three bases of heaven, earth and people. Along the expansion of the formation, it supports a huge sky-covering formation!

It was this great formation that cracked a corner of the legendary Five Elements Realm, causing the demonic energy inside to burst out, and the strange demons living in it also took this opportunity to escape, triggering the source of this great change.

But if you want to destroy the big formation, you must destroy all three base points of the formation in a short time.

But the problem is,

Split up like this,

Who knows whether this Jin Sheng and Bei Ming have reached a cooperation secretly, taking advantage of the opportunity to divide their forces, gather the strength of the two of them, and besieged Zhang Qingyuan who was alone?

Unexpectedly, the ancestors of Danyang did not have such a guard.

Because before Zhang Qingyuan's return, there were only four Wanhua realms in the Yuzhou Comprehension Realm.

The tripartite confrontation,

The relatively weak two parties form an alliance with each other and restrict each other with Yunshuizong.

But all this,

It changed after Zhang Qingyuan returned!

The three Wanhuas of the Yunshui Sect already possess the power to crush the union of the Jinjizong and the Beihan Palace!

After years of grievances,

Whether it is the ancestor of Danyang or Taoist Xuansu, when he learned that Zhang Qingyuan was promoted to Wanhua and returned, it was not that he did not have the power of thunder to suppress the Jinjizong and Beihan Palace, and unify the entire Yuzhou cultivation world. The idea of ​​becoming a real sacred place in the real world of Yuzhou!

This is undoubtedly a golden opportunity!

In history,

There has never been such a good opportunity!

It's just that it was too late to discuss, Jin Sheng Dao Zun had already sent someone to discuss this important matter related to the survival of the Yuzhou cultivation world.

Although it is important to unify Yuzhou,

But if Yuzhou itself was occupied by a foreign demons, and the warcraft raged, it would be meaningless to become the overlord of a ruin.

Therefore, the ancestors of Danyang and Taoist Xuansu can only suppress the thoughts in their hearts.

First pass the moment,

Let's talk about the source of the alien demon.

Under the tremendous pressure of the alien demon, he could only suppress the many thoughts in his heart, and face the possible danger first.


As an old opponent for many years, Danyang's ancestor did not believe in Jin Sheng and would not guess what he thought of the two.

Years of contending,

Let the ancestor Danyang understand that the old fellow Jin Sheng is definitely not a person waiting to die!

Even this time in the Black Abyss Forbidden Land, the action to solve the source of the alien demon must have its calculations!

In this case,

How could the ancestor of Danyang agree to the division of troops like this? !

If the three of them in the Yunshui Sect separate like this, then the old ghost Jin Sheng and the fellow Bei Ming will unite and go together to deal with the single direction. When the time comes, they in the other direction will not be able to come to help in time. One side is in danger!

"Oh, how are you doing?"

Jin Sheng Dao Zun's eyes flashed, and his voice was authentic.

"I formed a team with you and went to the base point of the heavenly rank, Xuan Su and the Daoist Fellow of Beiming went to the base point of the earth-level formation, and Qingyuan went to the base point of the human-level formation."

"Keep in touch with each other at all times. If you encounter an overwhelming remnant of the godless religion on the way, immediately contact each other to support each other, gather the strength of the five people, and kill the enemy first!"

The ancestor Danyang's complexion remained unchanged, and his voice was authentic. Valley

As long as they are not united by the two of Jin Sheng and attacked by the three of them, then safety can be guaranteed to the greatest extent!

As for the leader of the Desolate Sect, he would rather never return,

In the past few days,

They also thought of a problem,

If I would rather not have the peak power of the battle a thousand years ago, I am afraid that it has already swept across the entire Yuzhou continent. How can it be possible to withstand the other side's rampage again with the only four remaining ten thousand realms in the past thousand years?

I'm afraid this is not inaction, but inaction!

How tragic the battle thousands of years ago was,

Although the opponent survived unexpectedly, he was inevitably suffered a heavy wound that was difficult to heal, and his strength had not yet recovered to its peak!

Otherwise, you won't hide your figure all the time, plan everything secretly, but you won't be known to outsiders!

In this way,

It made the ancestor Danyang and Taoist Xuan Su breathe a sigh of relief.

But even so,

After some discussion,

The ancestor of Danyang still decided,

Strengthen the connection between each other, this time once they find the other side's figure, they will immediately gather the power of everyone to kill them!

"It seems that Daoist Danyang doesn't trust Jin, but it doesn't matter. What Jin does and thinks is for the survival of Yuzhou Comprehension Realm, so I will implement it according to this plan!"

Jin Sheng Dao Zun's eyes flashed, and he said clearly.

The gazes of everyone then turned to the Bei Ming Dao Zun, who was surrounded by a chilling air.

Dao Zun Bei Ming nodded,

There is no objection to this.

"Well, the plan is decided on this, and this battle is bound to resolve the Yuzhou turmoil!"

"It's not too late, let's go now!"

With a firm voice crashing down everyone has different thoughts from each other,

But still quickly formed a good team, each flying in the direction of the base point of the formation.

And just when Zhang Qingyuan was about to leave,

An inaudible sound of divine consciousness spread into his ears.

"Qingyuan, although the old man and Xuan Su are keeping an eye on the two of them, they might as well hide the remnants of the Huangtian Sect in the dark. Among them, the leader of the Huangtian Sect may show up if he is no longer."

"If you see that guy show up, immediately use something like the one I gave you, and then flee in the direction of the old man!"

"Remember, you must escape!"

"According to the predictions of the old man and Xuan Su, although the old guy may be seriously injured and not healed, his strength will be greatly damaged. Although your strength is also better than the old man and Xuan Su, that person is not something you can handle alone!"

Faced with Danyang's ancestor's admonition, Zhang Qingyuan nodded while others did not notice, which was regarded as a response.

Then the figure turned into a escape light,

Disappeared in the direction of the base point of the human-level array.


Seeing this scene, the ancestor Danyang also secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Among the three of them, he was most worried about Zhang Qingyuan.

Although the preaching exchanges some time ago, let him know that the strength of that kid is incredibly powerful, and his understanding of Taoism is far beyond his own and others, and it is simply unfathomable.

But after all, it’s a newcomer to Wanhua,

And two hundred years ago, the opponent hadn't been promoted to the real world.

In such a short time, the cultivation base is soaring, the foundation is definitely not strong!

The other party's understanding of Dao Fa is probably due to the tyrannical and perfect inheritance of the cultivation path on the nine continents, rather than his true strength.

Compared to his realm,

How much combat power can one have,

It's really hard to say!

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