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the other side,

Zhang Qingyuan escaped from the vacuum, and was rushing towards the base point of the human-level formation.

On the road,

There are many strongholds that have encountered a lot of the remnants of the huangtianjiao,

But Zhang Qingyuan ignored it.

In fact, this trip was not too difficult for him.

With strength,

Zhang Qingyuan is confident enough to sweep the entire Yuzhou.

After returning to Yuzhou, he has improved several times, and his strength has also been continuously improved.

How strong he is now, even he himself doesn't know!

I am afraid,

Even if it is the existence of the heavenly ancestor level in the legend, if you want to suppress him, it may not be able to do it!

No matter what plan Jin Sheng Dao Zun has,

In the face of absolute strength, it is not important at all.

The reason why he didn't make a move,

But it was because the Holy Demon Realm was also extremely interested in the Five Elements Realm that the opponent said.

The existence of the other party,

Maybe I can help myself reach that place!

Ancient Five Elements School,

But the original orthodoxy inherited to the upper realm!

Perhaps the apprentices collected in the blue realm are native indigenous people, but the former high-level ones are definitely the powerful reincarnations of the upper realm!

Such characters,

They are also personally transmitted existences that the upper world focuses on training,


Perhaps there is the Five Elements Celestial Sutra of the Upper Realm!

"In the hands of Golden Sage Dao Zun, he should have Jin Xing's token. When the time comes, he can go to the other party to get it, but the real trouble lies in the fact that where the token of the fire line is going? The pulse, but it has already been dead for an unknown amount of time..."

Zhang Qingyuan sighed authentically in his heart.

Feeling told him,

If you gather the tokens of the five elements, there will be unexpected gains!

But unfortunately,

Some difficulty.


After this incident, I should take a trip to Yuzhou.

Moreover, as one of the three giants of the Yunshui Sect, the power that can be mobilized is far from comparable to that of a single person, and perhaps the token of the fire can be found from the traces of the destruction of the Fenyan Valley that year.

As Zhang Qingyuan moved forward, he thought to himself in his heart.


His figure gave a pause,

Suddenly stopped in the void.


In the space in front of him, a figure appeared!

A figure with a black background with gold patterns embroidered with golden dragon costumes, the gilt color surging, makes the golden dragon on the black cloth look like a living thing, as if leaping out, roaring at Zhang Qingyuan!

That figure stands with his hands behind,

Standing in the sky,

The back figure seems to be carrying the whole world!

The other party did not exude any breath,

But the entire sky curtain, under the invisible pressure of the other party, seemed to collapse!


Like a giant mountain, suppressing every inch of space.

"You are... the leader of Huangtian Sect, would you rather not?"

Zhang Qingyuan stopped, looked at the other side, and said to test the tunnel.

According to the guess of the ancestor of Danyang,

This time,

That Jin Sheng Dao Zun will never be honest, this Black Abyss forbidden land is the news of the source of Jade Island's alien demon, 90% is true, but there must be other plans behind it!

One of the most likely assassin's features is that the leader of the Huangtian Sect, who was severely injured a thousand years ago and has not dared to show up since then, would rather never return! Valley

Because of the deep impression that the other party left on the two ancestors of Danyang,

Before leaving, the ancestors of Danyang told Zhang Qingyuan that once they met the opponent, he must immediately send a signal, use the means given to him by the sect to delay, and summon them to besiege and kill the man, absolutely not Mou Ran Face the dangerous man!

Although the other party hasn't appeared in thousands of years,

It is very likely that it has suffered a serious injury that is difficult to recover.

But the horror of the opponent’s strength back then,

Almost one person swept Yuzhou's top existence!

This is fundamentally different from other monks in the realm of Wanhua!

But obviously,

Zhang Qingyuan has his own ideas.

"Oh? Unexpectedly, you kid can recognize this seat, so in return, this seat will make you die less painful."

The leader of Huangtian Sect would rather not turn around, with a hint of surprise on his face.

at the same time,

With a smile on his face, he looked at Zhang Qingyuan's line of sight, condescending, with the confidence that everything is in his own hands.

He really should have this confidence,

As the only Tian-level Wanhua in the Yuzhou cultivation world for thousands of years, with the help of the treasures of the ancestors, even if he lived in Yuzhou for six thousand years, his strength was not weak at all.

not to mention,

After closing a deal with that one year,

Although he was hit hard in the First World War a thousand years ago, he has completely recovered since then.

And the strength has been improved.

Mo said that no one in the entire Yuzhou can stop him, even if he returns to the Central Continent boundary, his strength can be regarded as first-class.

It's just those enemies.....

The leader of Huang Tianjiao would rather not shake his head and put all the thoughts in his mind aside.

"Boy, I actually noticed you a long time ago."

"In just two to three hundred years, you have risen to the level of the realm of ten thousand transformations. Although I don’t know what great opportunities you have gained in the land of Jiuzhou, and whether your foundation is solid or not, you can reach this level. At such a level, even in the Middle Continent Boundary, you can be regarded as the pride of heaven!"

The leader of Huangtianjiao would rather not stand with his staring at the sky far away,

Not afraid of Zhang Qingyuan’s sudden attack,

When talking about the land of Jiuzhou, a trace of nostalgia flashed in his eyes.

"Oh, is it."

Zhang Qingyuan's face was plain and noncommittal.

Between the eyebrows,



What's wrong...

It's better than that,

Isn't it a local monk in Yuzhou?

Zhang Qingyuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

When talking to the ancestors of Danyang and Taoist Xuan Su not long ago about their experiences over the years, both of them expressed their sigh for Zhang Qingyuan’s mysterious experience, and also showed their yearning for the broader Jiuzhou land. !

When talking, it’s obvious to see,

Those two obviously didn't know anything about the outside world of Jiuzhou!

And the leader of the sacred sect in front of him would rather not return, he even knew the land of Jiuzhou, and even the legendary Middle Continent cultivation world!

Zhang Qingyuan suddenly remembered,

My cheap master Mingshui Dao person, a monk from Yunzhou, accidentally ended up in Yuzhou, and was eventually taken up and trained by Hongyuan Dao Zun of the Divine Water Sect, and took over the important task of the water line!

Could it be..... This person is also a monk from the outside world?


Could it also come from the legendary Middle Continent cultivation world?

Zhang Qingyuan's heart was shaken!

This Huangtianjiao leader would rather never leave Yuzhou even if he is not a monk from a foreign continent, otherwise he would never say that!

For a moment,

Many thoughts flashed through Zhang Qingyuan's mind.

And many of his thoughts and doubts seemed to be seen through by the leader of the opposite Huangtian Sect.

I saw him smile slightly,

Leisurely and authentic:

"You guessed it right, this seat is indeed from the border of Central Continent."

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