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Not only Xuan Su Dao Zun, but also Danyang ancestor's face has changed drastically!

I can't help them react like this,

The terrible changes that have taken place in the Forbidden Area of ​​the Black Abyss now have obviously turned this place into a horrible cave.

Stuck here,

Even they may not say that they will be able to go back alive,

What's more, Zhang Qingyuan, who has just joined Wanhua? !

Facing the alien demon general in the realm of Wanhua, one more newly promoted Wanhua, whether it is the ancestor of Danyang or Taoist Xuansu, feels that this has no effect at all except for the death of one more person!

Although this rising star of the sect is a talented evildoer, he has a deep understanding of Taoism and possesses extremely powerful magical powers.

The ancestors of Danyang and Taoist Xuansu also just felt that the other party must have had some great opportunity to come from Outer Continent, and their true strength would not be much stronger.

Facing the monk in the cave realm,

With the combat power of the Wanhua realm level, it may be able to sweep the invincible.

But in front of the real level of Wanhua,

Over thousands of years of accumulation,

The strength gap between each other can be said to be difficult to overcome!

What's more, this tens of thousands of levels of different demons and generals in front of them, but even the law runes and swords from the ancient caves left by the ancestors of the sect can not be severely damaged!

"Go! This thing is not something you can handle!"

Seeing that the figure of Qingyuan in the distance did not slow down at all, instead, a dazzling long sword appeared in his palm.

At this moment, not only Xuan Su Dao Zun,

Even Danyang Taoist ancestor,

It’s all a big change in complexion,

A heart fell to the bottom!

That's it!

The ancestors of Danyang and Taoist Xuansu gave a thump in their hearts, and they fell into the dark abyss of despair!

The three million transformations of the Yunshui Sect, I am afraid that the entire army will be wiped out today!

Lost their support,

Where should the sect go?

The first is the Golden Sage Dao Zun and Bei Ming Dao Zun that I saw this time.

If the opponent died here and died together in this accident, they would not be afraid of their revenge, but the entire Yuzhou cultivation world has lost the suppression of the combat power of the Wanhua realm, how should the next monsters and evil disasters be dealt with?

What's more, there is still a vast sea sect in Haizhou watching.

In the next big change,

Zongmen will bear the brunt!

Long before this,

Both the ancestor of Danyang or the Taoist Xuansu are ready to fall here.

The alien demon in the realm of ten thousand transformations,

It is simply not something ordinary people can handle!

The only thing they worry about at this time,

I am afraid that they have raised them since the next generation, and have worked hard for them all their lives.

But then,

There is still a trace of luck in their hearts.

Luckily Zhang Qingyuan is not here,

Have a chance to escape,

If something happens to the Yuzhou cultivation world,

At least it can keep a trace of fire for the sect.

but now,

The only hope left was completely disappeared, and fell into the abyss in an instant!

And at the same time,

At this moment, when the ancestors of Danyang and Taoist Xuansu were desperate,

In the sky,

Zhang Qingyuan is holding a long sword that emits bright sword light and faintly tears the vacuum. He stands in front of him, and is gathering endless magic power against the distant sky, preparing to burst out a terrifying and earth-shattering blow.



It splits like glass in an instant,

No one saw how the sword was swung out,

Just at that moment,

The entire sky seemed to darken, and all the light disappeared at this moment.

Subsequently, the valley

A ray of light tore through the endless darkness, like the first ray of light from the chaos of the world, instantly like the sun descending on the world, tearing and illuminating the entire dark world!

The dark glass in the sky shattered and disappeared,

Nine days have been smashed by a sword!

At this moment,

The ancestor Danyang and Taoist Xuansu, whose auras became chaotic in the previous confrontation, were falling on the pit of the earth, the despair on their faces seemed to be frozen on their faces.

The pupils of the eyes seemed to be blinded by the sword that shattered the dark world,

Sharp and boundless sword power,

Just through the light, it penetrates the bottom of my heart,

Cut on the minds of the two people as if it were true!

It seems that he has been cut to pieces with the entire world!

"What kind of swordsmanship is this!!!"

Among the dull eyes of the two,

The two-headed and four-armed strange monster that easily hit them hard before, as if it were a glass photo screen, was easily cut in the middle by an incomprehensible force.

Even the black ball of energy that ruined the world and gathered an unknown amount of energy was cut off all at once!

Between heaven and earth,

The sound, light, and even the space are all cut off by a sword,

The figure of the strange demon,

Under this sword, they seemed to have gone through thousands of years of weathering, turning into fly ash and dissipating between heaven and earth!

at the same time,

Ten miles ahead,

Then there appeared an endless gap in the abyss!

Across the sky,

Very dark,

As if swallowing all the light, the sky cracked in that area, and a bottomless wound appeared!

That is chaos!

The chaotic crack after the space burst!

Under the aftermath of the sword,

Not only did a sword slay that tens of thousands of different demons, but also tore through the sky for ten miles, leaving such a terrifying sword wound in the void!

"Finally, I felt it in time!"

Zhang Qingyuan breathed a sigh of relief It was obvious that he could perceive that the energy of the previous condensed attack of the alien demon had accumulated to the limit, and even the surrounding space could not bear to collapse.

A blow of this magnitude was a force that Danyang ancestor and Taoist Xuansu couldn't resist.

If you are late,

In other words, he didn’t use his supernatural power in time to destroy the supernatural power heaven sword,

I am afraid that they will not be able to rescue them both in time!

It can be said to be a critical matter!


Just when Zhang Qingyuan's figure was about to fly down to the two Danyang ancestors, he suddenly felt a difference in the ten miles of sword marks in the sky ahead.

The hand moved in the direction of the space crack,

I can see it in the dark abyss where I can't see my fingers,

A cloud of blue-rayed liquid flew out.

The size of a baby's fist,

Seeing it was about to escape into the world, escape and volatilize, but Zhang Qingyuan used mana to form a cage, making it trapped in a space.

"As long as it is a strange monster in the realm of Wanhua, will such a thing be left behind?"

Zhang Qingyuan frowned slightly, thinking secretly in his heart.

This thing,

I have seen it more than once.

"Strange, this thing looks like the source of heaven and earth in the sea of ​​ten thousand sources of origin...Why would there be such a thing when slaying the alien demon in the realm of ten thousand transformations?"

After thinking hard for a few breaths,

Can't find the answer,

Zhang Qingyuan gave up thinking, sealed it into the jade bottle, and laid a few shackles.

These blue liquids are good things.

The group that was in Yunzhou at the beginning directly increased his mana by 50%.

Unfortunately, now is not a good time to devour refining,

Let's finish solving the immediate matter first.

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