Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 367: Horror confrontation

An unparalleled explosion broke out, and the whole world seemed to be shattered at that moment!

The sky and the earth,

Rocky soil,

Everything was shattered into nothingness at that moment, turned into a bottomless abyss of darkness!

Sound, light, everything is instantly destroyed!

Even the tens of millions of different demons and beasts that gathered around them all turned into fly ash without the slightest feeling in an instant!

In the face of such immense power,

Existence below the realm of Wanhua,

Not even qualified to watch the battle!

And even a monk in the realm of Wanhua,

For example, if the ancestors of Danyang and Taoist Xuansu did not leave, I am afraid that they would be severely injured in the aftermath of this blow!

The collision of the power of celestial and human series,

It is not what ordinary people can imagine!

The law between heaven and earth,

They were all torn and shattered by this terrifying force at this moment, leaving only the void of chaos, and the energy storm was swept by the impact, setting off a terrifying storm of extinction.


In the chaotic emptiness, Zhang Qingyuan snorted, and the whole figure flew out like a cannonball!

It barely stabilized until the void of thousands of feet.

At this moment,

His face is pale,

There was also a trace of blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth,

The long sword in his hand trembled slightly,

With the strength of the immeasurable Moko golden body and the colored glaze golden body, under the force of the collision and backlash of that blow, they almost couldn't grasp it.

"The danger between heaven and man is actually terrifying!"

this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but let out a sigh.

too strong!

When the sword and the front are facing each other,

He clearly felt it,

My own power seemed to hit the copper wall and iron wall directly, like a big wave washed up on the reef!

Even if the spirit and energy are condensed to the peak, even if the power of Taoism is far more powerful than that of the monks in the ordinary ten thousand transformation realm, even if it uses the power of supernatural powers that shatter the world,

In the face of the power of heaven and man, he was almost completely defeated!

This power,

It was not at all comparable to the illusory power of heaven and human that I had mastered in the world of Three Life Stones when I was in Yunzhou!

That huge momentum,

It's just the emission of breath,

It is the dark abyss that can make the land of thousands of miles fall into despair!

The power of heaven and man,

It's worthy of being the pinnacle power in this world!

Even with Zhang Qingyuan's current strength, he can barely support it!

To know,

After this period of improvement,

His strength,

It has already been greatly improved,

Even if the ancestors of the five-element holy ancestors and demon ancestors have lived for five to six thousand years, they are probably just one or two moves in front of him!

But even so,

But there is still no power to confront it head-on!

The triple realm of Dongzhen,

The level of power between the legal domain and Wanhua is vastly different,

The realm of Wanhua and the realm of heaven and human are even more like a moat!

If Zhang Qingyuan is not facing the alien demon at this time, looking at any of the world's cultivators who have not yet been promoted to the celestial realm, I am afraid that he has already lost his life under that blow!


so what? !

I was knocked into the air in a clash,

Hematemesis and injury are nothing,

From the time he traveled to this world, he has been practicing until now. He also encountered an enemy he could not contend with in his weak period, but he has never lost the courage to throw his fist at him!

The existence of the Heaven and Human Dao ancestor series is very strong!

But one day,

He will eventually reach that state!

"If you want the sword in my hand, then come and go by yourself!"

The clear voice spread within the emptiness and chaos.

The mana in the body ran into the sky, and the injuries in the body were quickly recovered, and Zhang Qingyuan moved too!


A terrifying aura spreads, and the chaos seems to split at this moment,

The long chain of five laws, like thousands of dragons, born out of endless nothingness, dividing the world!

Five Elements Taoism!

Zhang Qingyuan uses the supreme power of law,

This long chain of powerful and terrifying laws has emerged between the sky and the sky!

I saw him holding a sword in one hand,

Spread out the other hand,

Clenched into a fist,

The **** chain under the feet exudes a bright light, covering the world, and in a flash, it spread for dozens of miles, and the chaos is broken!

Supernatural powers

Great Week and Five Elements Reincarnation!

Zhang Qingyuan clenched a fist in one hand, and the Five Elements Avenue gathered in the palm of his palm at that moment, encompassing the world, in the endless darkness, like a big sun and stars descending on the world,

Exudes a terrifying aura!

boom! ! !

Inspired by a punch, he blasted in the direction of the existence in the endless darkness and foreboding!

Supernatural power,

Is already tough,

And as a natal supernatural power,

Under Zhang Qingyuan's full burst, this punch even possessed the supreme power of breaking the world!

The entire chaotic and emptiness world,

Under this punch, all seemed to be shattered!

Power bombardment and shock,

Sweeping the land of thousands of miles!

That terrifying and boundless power even passed through the cracks in the boundary, like an invisible shock wave of terror, rushing towards the world of Yuzhou in all directions!

Boom boom boom! ! !

I am afraid that the momentum delivered by that punch is less than one percent.

But only a ray of energy that escapes still penetrates the sky, the invisible divine power sweeps the sky and the earth, so that the creatures in the 100,000-mile radius of the earth all feel some terrifying power soaring into the sky. Rise, carry through the sky, shake the whole world!

[Ant, you are looking for death! 】

In the endless darkness on the horizon, a thunderous voice came with a trace of anger.

boom! ! !

The endless darkness at this moment condenses like a substantial liquid flow, flowing with an extremely uncertain air, if it is a curse, any vitality between heaven and earth is cut off!

No one has seen how the existence in the endless darkness makes a move,

But when Zhang Qingyuan smashed the heavens with that punch,

Seeing the moment that will burst into the endless darkness of the sky,

The power of terror,

It's here!

That is the power that severed the heavens, and shattered the world!

Chaos also trembled at this moment!

Endless pressure,

If there are still living creatures around at this time, I am afraid that just relying on the horrible aura that escapes, it will be enough to crush all the living creatures to death!

Whether human or alien!

Rumble! ! !

The earth-shattering explosion exploded again!

At that moment, the entire chaos lost its color, as if it turned into a black and white photo!


The sun shines like a blazing sun,

It was like a moment when the stars descended on the world, exuding the strongest force that made the vacuum and twisted for it, illuminating the entire chaos!

That is the splendid scene produced by the breaking of the law of supreme horror,

Just a ray of light in it,

It is enough to tear the space of Yuzhou cultivation world!

This is probably an unprecedented terrorist confrontation in the Yuzhou cultivation world for tens of thousands of years!

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