Rumble! !

The earth-shaking loud noise resounded through the sky, and the dazzling rays of the sun burst out from above the nine heavens, and the cracks in the space spread at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The ground below collapsed at that moment!

A huge hole with a radius of several thousand feet is formed!

A terrifying and devastating storm, sweeping in all directions!

In the violent collision,

The fanatic Yan's figure retreated violently in a vacuum, and in the blink of an eye he retreated hundreds of feet, his arms trembled, and a trace of gilt blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

Looking at the sky ahead with jealousy.


at this time,

On the other side of the sky, a round of black sun suddenly swallowed the rays of light from the sky and the ground, fiercely surging, and the horror and unknown aura seemed to swallow up that piece of heaven and earth with the Yan lunatic!

The terrifying momentum is vast and boundless!

The Yan Kuang's complexion changed.

"court death!"

The fanatic Yan roared and slammed his fist towards the void. The fist suppressed the world, and instantly shattered the space like glass!

boom! !

The earth-shaking collision broke out again,

The large vacuum was shattered, and the entire sky seemed to collapse at this moment!

The sky was boiling violently, and the chaotic air current appeared in the torn black hole abyss!

The fanatic Yan finally resisted this blow.


The figure was once again knocked into the air by the backlash, and it moved back thousands of feet!

His complexion was pale for a while!


Suddenly, the roar of shaking heaven and earth came from the right side again!

The horrible energy suddenly exploded, and the power of pitch black like ink exploded the vacuum like a big star, and it arrived in an instant!

Yan fanatic only had time to reluctantly emphasize the use of mana protection,

Space distortion,

The chain of law seems to be intertwined into a cage, tearing the vacuum, with divine light reflecting on it, covering itself, showing an indestructible meaning!

boom! !

Horrible collision,

Half of the sky collapsed!

The law cage was shattered and opened, and the energy produced by annihilation was as dazzling as the sun,

Yan madman bleeds the sky,

Every drop of gilt-like blood spilled, causing the mountains to collapse and staining half of the sky with blood!


The figure flew upside down like a cannonball,

The embarrassed Yan lunatic reluctantly stabilized his figure, turned his head and looked at the opposite sky, three vast dark auras swept wildly, and the dark clouds replaced the sky and the earth, like the entire dark world united and killed him!

All the spiritual energy in the world seems to be obliterated at this moment!

Facing this terrifying murderous intent,

The fanatic Yan has noticed an unprecedented crisis!

Three different demons and generals,

The strength is equal to the late stage of the cave realm,

But even the strange demons above the monks in the late stage of the Ordinary Cave Realm joined forces to attack,

At this moment, he rushed from left to right,

Almost already supported to the limit!

"Friend Yan, hold on, I'm here!"


Seeing this tragic sight,

The other Yunshuizongdong real-world monk who was barely stabilizing his injury roared out, wrapped in a powerful mana, and his momentum soared into the sky!

"Go back!"

Yan Kuang's expression changed.

Roared loudly.


The voice just fell,

The huge black beam of light suddenly pierced through the vacuum, like a scourge, blasting down from the pitch-black sky, as if it penetrated the world at this moment!


The whole body mana of the other real-world monk who was ready to come to aid was directly torn apart by the hole,

The whole person was blown away,

Smashed the ground,

There was an earth-shattering loud noise,

The whole world is shaking,

Under the impact of energy,

Sweeping nine days and ten places!

That same door of the cave realm, already knows the life and death!


Yan Kuang's eyes are red,

Anger hits his chest.


The sky burst into pieces, and he burst out of the strongest power in the late stage of the cave realm, and the condensed power tore the sky, and the whole person was like a big sun comet, killing the three strange monsters on the opposite side!

The terrifying fighting momentum covers the sky and the sun!

Countless people below looked up,

Looked at the sky in amazement,

The shock in my heart is simply hard to tell!

"It's worthy of being the proud son of this era, he is so strong!"

"Yeah, in just over three hundred years, he has already reached the late stage of the cave realm, and is about to approach the realm of Yuzhou's absolute top!"

Countless people sighed.

My heart was filled with wonder.

For many people, the rise of Yan Fanatic is like a myth!


Some people quickly recalled something, their complexion changed slightly, and they whispered:

"For such a person, the rumors are still under that person and suppressed by him, I don't know how terrifying that person is!"

As soon as this statement came out,

The complexion of everyone around changed.

There was a dead silence.

Although they had only seen that existence during the sect greet that time, such a figure undoubtedly left a deep impression on each of them!

Boom boom boom! !

The earth-shattering explosion swept across the sky,

The dazzling light swept the world!

However, UU reading

After all, the battle in the sky is only the Yan lunatic,

And what he faced,

They are three different demons of the same rank!

Under the siege of the vast power of the three different demons, the Yan lunatic who struggled was soon suppressed, and was defeated by the terrifying explosion!

Void Bleeding,

The figure of the fanatic Yan was bombarded and flew out!

The figure smashed into the sky for several miles,

The escaping breath caused the earth and rocks to collapse!

"Damn it, everyone, retreat now!"

Yan Kuangzu clenched his teeth, red blood was left on his teeth, his face was covered with blood, his breath was unstable, his injuries were not light, but his eyes were staring straight ahead.

Anger is burning in the eyes, the flames are beating!

He yelled at the monk Yunshuizong who was holding on to Kunwu Mountain below, and gave orders.

In my heart, I have already prepared desperately!

Once he lost his resistance,

Under the attack of the alien demon in the late stage of the Three Sovereign Cave Realm, this Kunwu Mountain is no longer necessary to guard it, it is better to let them retreat directly and retain a glimmer of vitality.


After all, I am still unwilling!

Although that person has reached the peak of his unimaginable state,

The current state of the other party,

It may be a level that I can't reach for my whole life!

But deep in the heart of Yan lunatic,

Still have an unyielding heart!

This is what that person taught him after the first battle in the Inner Gate Competition!

He thought,

One day I will stand in such a realm!

But unfortunately,

No chance!

Going desperately!

At this moment,

There was a wave of determination in Yan Kuang’s eyes,

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