[Stop coming, this is the forbidden area of ​​Taiyizong! 】

When Zhang Qingyuan stepped into the cave on Kunwu Mountain that was sealed by the Yunshui Sect, he came to a pale world, and as far as his eyes could see, there was a vast white light.

The majestic voice, resounding like thunder, followed.

at the same time,

A force of resistance came,

As if to exclude Zhang Qingyuan from this world!

At the same time in the rear,

There is also a terrifying atmosphere!

This is where!

Zhang Qingyuan looked up, and his qi appeared, resisting the force of resistance.

I can only see the world ahead,

There was a shadow of a human figure, vague and vague, if there was nothing, suspended in the air, with a mysterious and unpredictable meaning.

"See senior, junior Yun Shui Sect junior Zhang Qingyuan..."

Zhang Qingyuan handed over,

The voice spread out with divine thoughts,

Was about to explain something.


Also at this moment,

The phantom in the vacuum in front seemed to sense something, and the illusory face suddenly changed!

[Taiyi refining magic? ! 】

The phantom's gaze suddenly came straight to it,

His line of sight seemed to run through the void, and when he reached the front of him, Zhang Qingyuan felt as if something was scanning him up and down.

All the secrets inside and outside the body seem to be seen through at this moment!

"What is this light and shadow?!"

Zhang Qingyuan was shocked in his heart,

I took a breath of cold air in my heart!

But fortunately,

This feeling of being seen through is actually just an illusion.

What the other party can see, at most, is only superficial things, such as the spiritual sense that has already appeared, or the good body training that has been shown.

As for the Yin-Yang Five Elements Dao that he masters, and the power of chaos formed by the fusion of the seven forces, when they are not revealed, these cards will only be deeply hidden in the bottom of my heart.

Just as Zhang Qingyuan's thoughts were surging in his mind,

Then I heard the thunderous voice resounding:

[Well, to be able to cultivate the incomplete Taiyi Divine Art to such a level, it is barely considered a descendant of my Taiyi School. 】

[Boy, in this way, you are qualified to enter the test. 】

[There are three series of tests of heaven, earth, and people. You can choose one of them. After clearing the customs, you will obtain one aspect of the inheritance left by the Taiyi Sect. 】

[Whether you pass the test or not, you only have one chance, so be careful. 】

That phantom had some surprises at the realm of Zhang Qingyuan's Taiyi Refining Divine Art Remnant.

but soon disappeared again,

Return to the previous expressionless scene.

The majestic voice of the machine resounded in the void.

But he didn't want to talk to Zhang Qingyuan, and went straight to the topic.

"The test of three series?"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flickered slightly,

In this regard,

He wasn't too surprised.

Because according to the records of the jade slips left by the ancestors of the Yunshui Sect who had given up high offerings provided by the ancestors of Danyang, the situation encountered by the ancestors of the Yunshui Sect who strayed into this place was no different from the situation before them.

Level 3 test,

After passing, you can get inheritance.

The inheritance of the main vein of Yunshui Sect also came from this.

It's just that the ancestors of the Yunshui Sect were able to enter this secret site, but they relied on a one-time token from the ancient times. After the token is used up, there is no chance to enter here again.

Whether it is a few ancestors or other junior monks, as soon as they step into the vortex of space, they are directly thrown out of the outside world.

No matter how high or low the cultivation base is,

Even in the Wanhua realm, it can only contend for a while.

In the end, facing the phantom inside, they all had to be rejected.

There is simply no way to go back and find out.

On the contrary, Qi Yiming, the water sword immortal back then, was recognized by the phantom here for some reason and qualified to participate in the trial, and gained a lot of gains in that year.

And he Zhang Qingyuan,

But it was because of Taiyi's divine art that he became a legend of Taiyi Sect and got the qualification to participate in the trial?

"The remnant of Taiyi's magic art... Could it be that it was once the secret art of Taiyi Sect? The karma mentioned by the old man Shenmu, I'm afraid it should be on this... It's a pity back then The ancestors of the Yunshui Sect did not receive the inheritance of the Taiyi Refinement Technique~www.readwn.com~ I just collected the fragments of three articles by chance..."

"What is the identity of this phantom in front of me? Item spirit, array spirit, or the remnant soul of the ancient Taiyizong powerhouse?"

for a moment,

Many thoughts flashed through Zhang Qingyuan's mind.

But as soon as he knew it, now was not the time to think about it.

Looking at the phantom in the void ahead:

"Senior, may I ask what is the inheritance of these three series?"

[Pass the test of the heaven level, and obtain the inheritance of heaven-level exercises, techniques, martial arts, etc., one-to-one correspondence between earth-level and human-level. 】

The ghost explained lightly,

Zhang Qingyuan frowned slightly.

He bowed his head and pondered.

"Then may I ask the seniors, how to obtain the immortal scriptures or immortal methods of Taiyizong?"

When Zhang Qingyuan's voice fell,

There seemed to be a moment of silence in the air.

Immediately after,

There seemed to be a hint of disdain and mockery on the phantom face in the void ahead.

[Hehe, young man, don't look too far. 】

[The three-level test of heaven, earth and human also has the effect of detecting and screening the talents of participants. They correspond to the three tests of being able to reach the realm of the ancestors of heaven and earth, the realm of myriad transformations, and the realm of caves. 】

[Little devil, it is good that your cultivation base has reached the realm of Wanhua, but the opponents in the test will also make corresponding adjustments according to your own realm,]

[With your cultivation base, being able to pass the test of heaven is already a near-death experience, so don’t go looking for death. 】

Void ahead,


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