"Is this the power to trap the old man Kukai!"

Zhang Qingyuan was shocked!

before this,

He still thought in his heart, since the Konghai Daoist has the power comparable to the series of heaven and human, why not directly smash the vacuum to escape, or use the power comparable to the ancestor of the heaven and the human to wipe out the trap that trapped him with time!

But now,

Seeing this scene,

Zhang Qingyuan admitted that his vision was low!

It's not impossible,

But it doesn't work at all!

I don't know what the thick fog that covers this space is. Even if it is torn apart, the vacuum can be restored in a short time.

In the end, it can only be in vain!

From the thick fog,

Zhang Qingyuan even felt a faint feeling, as if it was accompanied by the power of time and years!

The cage of the mists of time,

There is no corresponding strength, just tearing a hole can easily heal.

There is absolutely no way to break through!

No wonder it has been trapped in this space for thousands of years and cannot break through!

"If it is me who is trapped here, I am afraid that unless I am promoted to heaven and forcibly break through with the strength of the ancestors of heaven and earth, even I myself can't do anything..."

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flashed,

thought of something.

But the expression on his face did not change in the slightest.

The ancient well has no waves,

As if nothing happened.

The back has been left behind,

If things are developing towards the worst possibility, it is not without the possibility of counterattack...

His mind returned to the old man Kukai in front of him.

Speaking of,

This man is trapped in a small space for thousands of years without going mad,

Really a ruthless man!

facing each other,

Even Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but feel a deep admiration at this moment!

At least to this extent,

He doesn't think he can do it!

Such a kind hearted person,

A Dao heart has long been honed to an unbelievable level in the past!

Thousands of years of perseverance, thousands of years of practice accumulation,

until today,

It can be said to be terrifying!

"Boy, are you the one who brought this thing to deal with this seat?"

One hit to fight,

destroy the world,

But there is no downside between them,

The old man Kukai looked a little surprised,

This person's face is young, and his strength has reached such a level? !

young people outside,

Has it reached such a level?

Although amazed,

But he stood with his hands behind his back, dressed in clothes without wind and automatically, the power of the profound law of the vast sea floated in the void like a substance, lingering indefinitely, and the whole person naturally exudes a demeanor that makes people impressed.

He looked at Zhang Qingyuan in the sky, his eyes flashed, and he said:

"Boy, I'm afraid that your strength has already touched the limit of the series of heaven and man, why should you be driven by the dead seed? If you and I join forces to break the great formation of time and sand arranged by this time, stay in this seat. Come out of the predicament, you and I join forces, how can there still be an existence that can compete with me in the current Yuhai and Two Continents?"

"What that guy promises to you, the old man can give it!"

The voice of the old man Kukai,

If thunder resounds between heaven and earth,

With an indescribable allure!

at the same time,

It also carries an unstoppable coercion and oppression!

Very tempting promise!


Zhang Qingyuan's expression never wavered.

answer him,

It was a fist that filled the sky and shattered half of the sky in the field of vision!

At this moment, Zhang Qingyuan's whole body was bursting with dazzling golden light, and the whole person seemed to have turned into a golden sun and scorching sun, and the golden light covered the whole world!

Under the dazzling light, the power of chaos condensed between the palms, clenched into a fist, and formed a round of black sun circles, exuding shocking fluctuations!

This punch shattered the 10,000-meter vacuum, and instantly slammed into his head with a destructive momentum!

The world is under this fist,

It seems to be shattered!

"Senior, I'm sorry, everything must be done on a first-come, first-served basis, not to mention...you have to have credibility, and you can't go back on what you promise!"

Youyou's voice spread from the void,

Zhang Qingyuan's attack has come in an instant!

The chaotic power that shatters all things in the world,

Peeran is coming!

Shattered the world!

Facing this terrifying blow,

It actually produced a kind of mountain and river collapse, and everything in the world ushered in a feeling like the end of the sky!

It was a panic,

Natural disasters, volcanic eruptions, surging earthquakes, and the irresistible force of all things coming to an end, the old man Konghai will turn this world into powder!

At that moment, he broke the vacuum and came, and what he ushered in was an undisguised all-out killing move.

Now after a one-trick confrontation,

Should we put down each other, shake hands to make peace, go against the tide together, and dominate Yuzhou after going out?

What a joke!

Let’s not talk about whether the enemy’s words can be trusted or not.

Now Yuzhou,

There is no need for such a strong man!

After all, he can't stay here forever, he is going to Central Continent after all, as his hometown in this world, he doesn't want any accident to happen after he leaves!

not to mention,

This man has been trapped in a radius for thousands of years,

Deep mind,

Who can grasp it!

Under the calm face, no one knows whether the spirit is distorted!

How could Zhang Qingyuan be shaken so easily!

"Hehe, young man, the so-called faith is just a joke, it's just a rope used by the weak to bind the strong. In this world, the winner is king after all!"

"If you have such thoughts, you will end up in trouble!"

The smile on the old man's face did not change at all, and he stepped out.

Boom! ! !

In an instant,

The virtual sky all over the body seems to have set off an impact from the vast ocean. Countless blue waters of sea water are constantly colliding, setting off huge waves that cover the entire world, and the sound of thunder is resounding between the heavens and the earth!

It's just the release of breath, and the boundless qi machine of the vast ocean is already rolling in!

Facing Zhang Qingyuan's punch,

The old man Kong Hai only took out a palm!

Under that palm, the mana rolled in waves, boundless, as if it contained the power of the entire boundless ocean, overwhelmed the entire world, and swept toward Zhang Qingyuan!

Boom! ! !

The terrifying collision caused a devastating explosion in time!

Heaven and earth seem to overlap,

The color of sound and light in the world,

Everything is annihilated under this boundless terrifying power!

Under this blow,

Zhang Qingyuan's figure was shocked,

Three steps back in a vacuum!

the other side,

The old man Konghai stood on the spot, the air around his body set off the rolling tides of the vast sea in the surrounding vacuum, but his figure did not move.

But at its feet,

That piece of earth vacuum is already completely shattered!

Like being wiped away by an invisible big hand,

There is only a black hole abyss where you can't see your fingers!

The fight between the two,

amazing sound,

created a terrifying sight,

The power that burst out at that moment is not inferior to the power emitted by the real Taoist realm!

Even the traps laid out by the sands of time,

The billowing mist,

It's all torn apart at this moment!

Large tracts of space cracks criss-cross,


Even if the trap was recovering quickly, the power of that moment made the afterimage of the spirits prying from a distance startled!

"So strong!"

"These two people are definitely the strongest people in the world!"

The phantom of the spirits is shocked!

at the same time,

At this moment, my heart couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness.

It's not bad,

He decisively led the kid there, causing the two to conflict.

Best of all,

The strength of the two is now comparable!

two tigers fighting,

Both will be lost!

After that, it was his chance!

"I've had enough of this place!"

Perceiving the battle in the trap, the phantom of the spirit array looked at the dull world on this side, his eyes were deep, and he murmured in a low voice.


between the void,

The energy impact of destroying the sky and destroying the earth turned into a world-destroying storm, and the energy roaring that was enough to easily shatter the cultivator of the Wanhua Realm swept through every corner of the chaos.

But this kind of terrifying power, when it hit the figure in the sky, was automatically bypassed.

The air of that figure,

It seems that the energy storm is also afraid of it!


above the sky,

Zhang Qingyuan narrowed his eyes and took a breath of cold air in his heart.

The arm trembled, a numbness,

That was the result of being shaken back by a powerful force during the fight!

He is a cultivator with dual cultivation of the body and the body, and the level of body cultivation has reached the realm of the glazed golden body. If it is supplemented by the dharma body of the immeasurable Moke golden body, the defense is strong enough to be invincible to all methods in the same realm.

Even an ordinary cultivator in the Wanhua realm can't shake his golden light defense even with strenuous means!

But now,

Just a one-hit collision,

But the shock made his arm go numb!

The opponent's means are formidable,

As you can imagine!

"This person's Great Ocean Avenue, I'm afraid it's not about to reach its limit!"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes,

Very dignified at this moment.

The strength of the other party is not only a Taoist heart that has been honed to be as bright as a diamond, but also the mana that has been honed to far surpass the condensed mana of ordinary monks in the realm of Wanhua.

In addition, his in-depth understanding of his own Great Ocean Avenue has almost reached the pinnacle of the world!

single road,

It's almost over at the moment!

It brought unimaginable strength to the opponent!

This is not because he is close to being promoted to heaven,

From Wanhua to Heaven and Man, in fact, it is not necessary to complete the Dao, but only need to understand the Dao to a certain level, and then you can complete the transformation and promotion.

Even if the strength does not reach the level of heaven and ten thousand transformations, after the mana is full of Dantian, there is still a first line of vitality to break into the realm of heaven and man.

Those who can practice a great road almost to the end,

You must have great perseverance and great wisdom!

But think about it,

It is not surprising that the other party can hone such achievements after being trapped here for thousands of years!

At the same time,

Just when Zhang Qingyuan was amazed at the strength of the old man's Taoist method,

The old man Kong Hai was also shocked by Zhang Qingyuan from the bottom of his heart!

You must know that the reason why he was able to hone his Great Ocean Avenue almost to the end is not unrelated to the fact that he has been trapped in this small world for five or six thousand years!

In this white mist-shrouded space,


no creatures,

Some are just alone,

trapped in this world,

no one communicates with you,

You see no hope of escape either,

In order to fight against the endless feeling of loneliness,

He could only ponder the power of his own Great Ocean Avenue day and night. Day by day, year after year, he was almost unable to remember the scratch records engraved on the stone pier.

In the endless loneliness, the hypocrisy of Taoism has also reached an unimaginable level.

However, even so,

Four thousand years have passed, and the old man Kukai is still about to reach his limit!

For this reason, later,

He created a secret technique,

Let yourself have the object of communication, which is barely able to support it.

And because of that secret technique,

The speed of his deduction of cultivation has been increased by more than three times, and his understanding of the cultivation of the Vast Ocean Avenue has been greatly accelerated. In the end, it took almost two thousand years to reach the end of the Vast Ocean Avenue!

And what about this kid in front of him? !

Looking at his blood, that vast and majestic vitality, I am afraid that he is not even a thousand years old!

Why is there such a powerful force!

That terrifying power,

Close to the primordial power of chaos!

If he hadn't raised his entire body of the Great Ocean Avenue to the extreme in these thousands of years, he would have won by the amount of mana that was ten times more powerful than the opponent's.

I am afraid that in the previous confrontation, it will still fall behind!


How can a mere late generation have such a powerful force? !

In the heart of the old man Kong Hai,

Set off a stormy sea!

At the same time, there was a feeling of jealousy that made him want to kill, like a little snake that got into the blood vessels of the heart!

Thinking about the price he paid for thousands of years, the power he just got was easily obtained by the kid in front of him.

that moment,

Jealousy rose in my heart,

Let his mood, which has not had many waves for many years, almost explode at this moment!

What the old man Kong Hai didn't know was that the power of chaos that Zhang Qingyuan exerted was the result of the fusion of Yin and Yang, the Five Elements and the Seven Great Dao, otherwise he would be even more shocked!

It is very remarkable that ordinary people can build a great road.

Cultivating multiple avenues, the previously completed avenues will interfere with the unfinished avenues~www.readwn.com~, resulting in an exponential increase in the difficulty of concurrent cultivation!

The fellow practitioners of the Seven Great Paths have reached such a level that they can even create the power of chaos through reversal and fusion.

The difficulty in this,

It is even ten times more difficult than his, which is about to cultivate to the extreme, the Great Ocean Avenue!

If you let him know the truth,

I'm afraid I'm not being overwhelmed by jealousy!


Although the old man Kukai didn't know the inside story,

But the strength shown by Zhang Qingyuan in front of him is enough to make him give birth to endless murderous intent!

"Since he has been offended, this kid must keep him here!"

In the depths of the old man's eyes, there was a terrifying killing intent,

jealousy inside,

It made him murderous.

The space is almost freezing at this moment!

The temperature is freezing cold!


The old man Kukai looked gloomy, and he was moving in the wind and clouds,

In an instant,

The entire Vast Ocean World seems to be moving at this moment!

The blue light is overwhelming, and the boundless ocean is reflected in the virtual sky, and the waves are roaring and galloping!

That is the reflection of the mana of the boundless vast sea of ​​the old man Konghai!

raise your hand,

make a fist,

Innumerable qi machine fusion,

The old man Kong Hai embraced the general trend of heaven and earth, and punched in the direction of Zhang Qingyuan,

The faint blue light instantly covered everything in the sky and the ground, like every corner of the sky and the void submerged by the vast sea!

boom! ! !

The world is shaking at this moment!

A punch in the face,

Just the release of breath makes the world feel like being submerged and suffocated!

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