Boom boom boom! ! !

Between the voids, huge roars exploded one after another, and the energy impact that destroyed the sky and the earth swept through, and the whole world seemed to be caught in the terrible feeling of apocalyptic natural disaster!

The two fought for nine days, and the terrifying power collapsed in the vacuum, causing chaos that could not be seen from the five fingers, and the avenues of thousands of miles were wiped out!

the starry sky above,

It also collapsed and shattered in large areas under this vast force!

It was the confrontation of the supreme power at the top of humanity,

The momentum shook the world!

The sacred object of time originating from the upper realm turned into endless reincarnation, as if it could not stand the brilliance of these two people. It was crumbling at this moment. At that time, the power of time and time was rapidly consumed, and it was barely able to maintain the existence of that square foot of heaven and earth!

The two fought for a long time,

They fought and collided with thousands and hundreds of strokes,

At this moment, the entire Tianhuang is full of murderous aura, turning the world into a boundless killing field!

On this terrible battlefield,

Every ray of energy that escapes is enough to collapse the vacuum and destroy the mountains and rivers!

If a cultivator of the Myriad Realm enters here by mistake,

I'm afraid it's just the aftermath of the battle,

It's enough to crush them easily!

Boom! ! !

A magic power that shook the heavens and the earth clashed, resulting in a violent collision, splendid light and rain made up for it, penetrating the heavens and the earth, and the shocking momentum was unparalleled, shocking people's souls.

The two figures are separated at a touch,

They each stepped back outside the vacuum.

The old man's sleeves fluttered, his two old palms were put back behind him, and he stood behind his back. The blue clothes condensed by the law of the vast sea all over his body slowly floated in the chaotic vacuum.

It's like a sea tide that has set off heavy tides.

"Little friend, you and I are on the same level in strength. If we fight again, I'm afraid it will only hurt both sides. Why don't you and I just stop here and shake hands and make peace?"

The old voice of the old man Konghai resounded like thunder,

In the darkness and chaos, it spread and reflected in Zhang Qingyuan's ears.

As if to show sincerity,

He stopped first,

Stop fighting.

"Oh, what did the senior say?"

distant sky,

Zhang Qingyuan also stopped what he was doing and looked at the old man Kong Hai.

Although I am wary,

But after all, there was no active attack.

And taking advantage of this moment of rest, Zhang Qingyuan's dantian, yin and yang, five elements and seven avenues revolved in Zhang Qingyuan's body. The huge space seemed to have opened up an inner universe.

The fusion of mana, the birth and death of the Dao,

The large amount of mana consumed in the previous battle was quickly restored!

It surged up like a tide, filling the Dantian meridians.

at the same time,

In the hearty battle with the old man Kongkai, the insights gained in the battle and the experience in the battle are quickly absorbed under the operation of the proficiency panel Great Evolution!

This allows him to recover his mana at the same time,

The strength has increased by one or two points!

Taking advantage of the time when the old man Kong Hai stopped, Zhang Qingyuan was racing against time to recover and improve!

"Boy, that thing is not worthy of your trust!"

"The old man is sure that if you and I fight for life and death, and you lose both, that guy will definitely take advantage of the dangers of others and attack for the benefit of the fisherman!"

"The old man believed in that thing back then, and he ended up in such a field as it is now!"

"The consequences of this lesson, the old man has already suffered. If you don't want to die here, or if you defeat the old man, you will be locked up for thousands of years, then I will stop and make peace."

"If you don't believe me, you can try to contact that thing and see if it has locked you here with you now!"

"Humph! I think that the dead seed is no longer there. The previous cage was crumbling under our hands. Most of that thing was afraid that the old man would break free from the cage and leave, and mobilize the power in the Taiyizong Dongtian ruins to strengthen it."

"Now I'm afraid you're locked in here too!"

The figure of the old man Kong Hai stood in the chaotic vacuum, and his deep eyes looked directly at Zhang Qingyuan.

Zhang Qingyuan frowned.

Divine Consciousness evoked the token given to him by the spirits.

and did not respond.

Zhang Qingyuan's expression darkened.

He glanced at the surrounding void, and the vast white mist shrouded around him had spread and shrouded it at an unknown time. It was much denser, and even the faintly visible scene at the end of the white mist had completely disappeared at this moment. !


It is the power of the years lingering on the white mist, which is getting stronger and stronger!

If Old Man Kukai expected,

He fell into a trap,

And the guy in the back also strengthened the trap by the way!

Lock him all together!

"Zhenling, you are courting death!"

Zhang Qingyuan's face was so gloomy that he could almost squeeze water.


There was still no response from the surrounding space!

"Haha! That's true!"

The empty old man laughed,

Everything was as expected, so he sent an invitation to Zhang Qingyuan.

"Boy, since it's not benevolent, you can be unrighteous. You and I will join forces to tear this space apart and get away from this place. How about this old man owes you a big favor?"

"I don't know if you know, little friend, that the leader of the Wild Heaven Sect would never return to this person."

"That year, Daoist Ning and the old man had a life-long friendship. The reason why the old man was able to sneak into Yuzhou quietly and destroy the Taiyi Sect was because of the help of my Daoist Ning."

"It's a pity that the old man was so aggressive back then that he was trapped here, and even the old friend Ning couldn't contact the old man again. If the little friend helped me escape, my old friend must be very grateful!"

"Although the old man is not talented, he is also the great ancestor of the Vast Sea Sect. After returning home, he will have something to say."

"With this love, the little friend is invincible enough to traverse the two continents of Yuhai!"

"What's more, with Xiaoyou's current strength, I am afraid that he has already begun to find a way to a higher level!"

"Though the two continents of Yuhai are large, they are very small when looking at the entire Canglan world. The barren land of the two continents is only a shallow depression in the rivers and lakes, and it is impossible to raise true dragons in shallow water!"

"If you want to go further, you must first go to the land of Jiuzhou where cultivation is more popular, especially the Central Continent among the continents of Jiuzhou!"

"That's where the luck of the world's cultivation world gathers. In that world, there is even the possibility of becoming an immortal!"

"However, the entire Yuhai and the two continents are blocked by endless black storms. The two continents have fallen into foreign territories and have been separated from the land of Jiuzhou for a long time. If you want to leave these two places to go to the more prosperous Jiuzhou, you must have a secret way!"

"The old friend of this old man, Ning Bufu, is a person from Central Continent, and he has more than one secret path. After this trip has formed an alliance and left, even if the old man will give up his face, he will ask him to come and leave for you. way"

The old man Kukai followed his instructions,

extreme analysis,

In every sentence, the voice is full of unparalleled allure,

As if the devil tempted people!

at the same time,

The old man Kukai had a confident face on his face.

Although staying here for thousands of years,

But no one can guess people's hearts more easily than him!

this condition,

Putting it in front of any Tianjiao trapped in the two continents of Yuhai will definitely be moved!

As long as he reaches the pinnacle of this world, as long as he can no longer see the way forward, even if he is given a glimmer of hope at this time, he will seize this opportunity with all his might!

as he was

And his words are true.

Of course,

One thing he didn't say,

That is, whether or not to abide by the agreement in the end and what to do after breaking the trap set by the surrounding sand of time, it is up to him.

Now make more promises,

Then the man dies before the promise is fulfilled,

Can't blame him for not keeping his promise, no?

It can only be said that he is not lucky enough.

Can't stand it.

In the heart of the old man Kukai, a certain thought lingered.

But the expression on his face did not change in the slightest.

"It's just cheap for the dead seed hidden behind the scenes at this time, and if we cooperate, I will wait for me to pick anything in the ruins, and there will be further opportunities after going out!"

"I want to come and venture into the cave site of Taiyizong because there is no way forward. I want to find the way forward here!"

The old man Kukai said confidently,

Everything is under control!


What he didn't know was,

At this moment, on Zhang Qingyuan's indifferent and unchanging face,

The look in the heart is as weird as it is weird!

Dominate the Jade Sea and the Two Continents? Wouldn't the sect leader of the Wild Heaven Sect return? Can you leave, go to other continents, and enter another wider opportunity?


If the old man Konghai didn't go out, no one would be Zhang Qingyuan's opponent in Yuzhou and Haizhou.

And never again,

He died at his own hands not long ago,

As for the land of Jiuzhou,

I just came back from Yunzhou not long ago.

Where did this old guy get the confidence to think that these conditions could impress him?

Looking at the other party's self-confidence at this time,

Zhang Qingyuan even had a feeling that he couldn't bear to interrupt the other party's beautiful dream!

for a moment,

A silent choking,

flooded my mind.


above the sky,

Zhang Qingyuan seemed to think for a moment,

Finally nodded.

In any case, at present, it is still necessary to break the surrounding circular space trap and escape.


"I didn't expect that this old man of Konghai was not only a strong man of the same era as Ning Buu back then, but he was also inseparable from each other, colluding with each other to destroy the Taiyi Sect, and I don't know what their purpose was."

"It's just. Isn't it said that there is a certain amount of qi in the world of an era, why are there two such characters that defy the sky?"

"In the history of these 10,000 years, it is already a splendid world to have a celestial statue every thousands of years, but at that time, there was such a radiant existence that overwhelmed the same generation. Sun Zhengfeng is indeed a bit incredible!"

Zhang Qingyuan's expression did not change, but his thoughts were surging in his heart!

You must know that as far as he knows, in the six or seven thousand years of history recorded by the Yunshui Sect, in the entire Jade Continent Cultivation Realm, only Ning Bufu was suspected of reaching the legendary level of heaven!

After reaching that level,

Only five or six thousand years from now!

In the meantime,

The existence of that level is blank!

No one can match!

Even the Heavenly Rank and Myriad Transformations have become ancient legends of many forces!

But now,

As an old man of the same era as Ning Bufu, he was actually at the level of the heavens.

And after thousands of years, he has been trapped in a corner for many years, and he has almost reached the pinnacle of the world!

The appearance of these two characters in the same era is a heaven-defying figure for Yuzhou and Haizhou.

It is unimaginable!

It's even harder to imagine,

What is the reason for the two to collude together to promote the inheritance from ancient times, for the demise of the Taiyi Sect, which continued in this realm, the Taoist Taiyi Immortal Sect of the Upper Realm!


What makes Zhang Qingyuan more concerned is that,

The old man Konghai actually knew that this world was called the Great Blue World, and there was also the land of Jiuzhou in addition to Yuzhou and Haizhou!

This is even more unimaginable!

Because Zhang Qingyuan also learned the name of this world from the spiritual sea of ​​consciousness of Gui Yuanxin, the ancestor of heaven and human beings in the upper realm!

these two,

There must be some big secret!

Maybe it may also involve the Xenophobic Demon King in the Five Elements Realm who is no longer in contact with Ning Bu!

Zhang Qingyuan glanced at the other party,

There was a storm in my heart!

However, on his face, he maintained the look of Gujing Wubo, and there was no clue at all.

"Very good, let's do it together!"

The two finally reluctantly reached an agreement.

The two people who were fighting for life and death temporarily put down the fight under the threat of reality!

No matter what the old man Kong Hai had calculated, Zhang Qingyuan also suppressed many thoughts in his heart.

There will be no further delay,

Taking advantage of the surrounding space that was destroyed by the previous battle between the two of them, it has not yet been fully restored.

The two hit it off!

Boom! ! !

Two vast and terrifying Qi machines, earth-shattering, shattered the world!

One after another vast laws are intertwined, running through the universe, and the breath that escapes is the collapse of the vacuum, shattering the mountains and rivers, and tearing the entire sky into a huge hole at this moment!

The two cultivators, who were not under the power of the Heavenly Human and Daozu series, joined forces.

generated power,

Immediately shocked the whole world!

The white fog with the power of time,

It's all torn apart at this moment!

Chaos penetrated the space, revealing a vast expanse of darkness!

Above the white fog the power of time and time that circulates,

It was actually wiped out by the two of them with the power of mana comparable to that of heaven and man!

The space that trapped the old man Kukai for thousands of years,

It started to fall apart at this moment!


at this time,

In the distance at the rear, the power of the Forbidden Law of the Dongtian Ruins is being fully mobilized to gather, and the formation spirits that want to form the great formation of the heavens and completely seal the two are feeling that their power is rapidly losing!

The human-shaped phantoms gathered by countless light curtains,

At this moment, the eyes on the illusory face showed an anthropomorphic crimson color!


I saw that the two of them were already on fire.

Originally, I wanted to take this opportunity to repair the time sand circulation space, mobilize more forces to gather in advance, and prepare to take advantage of the fishermen after their battles produce results.

prepare in advance,

Well, the next plan to complete,

Finally, the goal of breaking free from bondage, seizing adulthood, and enjoying freedom of substitution is achieved!

This is an unprecedented opportunity!

Not only did an excellent timing appear, but a young body with extremely high talent appeared.

But it didn't think of it at all,

Just completed the preliminary preparations,

The planning hasn't started yet.

This is the end of it!

The two of them watched the battle of life and death, and the battle reached an intense stage.

As a result, in the blink of an eye, they shook hands and made peace, and joined forces to deal with it? !

I'm numb,

A burst of gnashing of teeth.

"Damn human monk!"

Even though over the years, it believed that it had a thorough understanding of the human cultivator, it completely failed to anticipate this happening!

human monk,

So crafty!

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