Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 391: Fall (5,700 characters)

"Today, you must die!"

The voice of the old man Konghai was like thunder, resounding between heaven and earth, and the sound of thunder rolled, as if the emperor had given the world a decree!

At this moment, his Qi machine was like a mountain and a tsunami, and his Qi penetrated the Changhong, shaking the entire sky!

In the midst of the ingenuity,

The whole world seems to be shaking,

fear arises,


"Oh, Your Excellency is very confident."

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flickered,

Just as he was about to say something, the words came to a sudden stop.

Because at this time,

Void behind him,

I don't know when two figures appeared!

They are all old people of Kong Hai!

Those two people, one on the left and one on the right, and the figure of the old man Kukai in front of them formed a thorny situation where heaven and earth meet, and the qi and qi were connected with each other between the nothingness and intersected with each other, forming a huge "circle"!

The fusion of the three people, surrounded Zhang Qingyuan in the middle!

At this moment, Zhang Qingyuan's face became solemn.


Spiritual perception told him,

The two Kukai old people behind them have no breath under the old Kukai people in front of them!

Or rather, it's exactly the same!

The existence of the same level!

It exudes the breath of the Vast Ocean Avenue that is about to come to an end!


This is not a false phantom!

The feeling told him that it was not some kind of illusion, but a real entity!

An entity with the same power!

How is this going? !

Zhang Qingyuan's pupils shrunk to the size of pinpoints.

There was a look of astonishment on his face.

Even if he considers himself to be well-informed, the scene in front of him is beyond his cognition!

To be able to differentiate into two clones with the same strength to fight against the enemy? !

"This technique is the secret technique created by the old man, the technique of transforming three cleanses into one gas!"

Seemingly seeing the doubts on Zhang Qingyuan's face, the old man Kong Hai stood in front of him with his hands behind his back, with a proud and authentic face.

"After being trapped in that trap for thousands of years, the sky and the earth are vast, empty, and lonely with no one to communicate with, even with the mind of an old man, after persisting for three thousand years, it is close to the point of collapse!

"So at that time, the old man came up with an idea to create a secret art of clone that can communicate with himself, so as to relieve loneliness."

"It took the old man a thousand years to finally successfully create this technique of transforming one gas into three clears."

"The avatars of Yiqihua and Sanqinghua have their own thoughts, they can exist independently, and they can also think and communicate independently."

"Since then, in the prison world, the old man can also start to communicate, no longer need to record scratches on the stone to remind himself, restrain the mind, and have the help of the avatar, the two avatars and the old man continue to Exchange practice and share practice experience with each other, so that the speed of this old man's practice has almost tripled, and finally the practice of the Great Ocean Avenue has reached the level it is today!"

"And this is also the old man's strongest trump card!"

"One person becomes three people. The three people have the same strength. When facing the enemy, they can communicate with each other. Under the siege, they cooperate with each other, and they can even exert the power of slaughtering the ancestors of heaven and human beings!"

The old man Kong Hai's face was full of pride.

He does have reason to be proud,

such a secret,

Even the gods can't ignore it!

Once in the outside world,

It may even lead to a battle between the powerhouses of Heaven, Human and Dao Ancestors!

practiced such a secret technique,

It is equivalent to one person becoming three people!

The strength of each clone is not under the body at all!


The avatar and the main body have the same mind, and together, they can exert more powerful power!

In a battle of the same rank, it is impossible for a person who is not one level stronger than him to be able to defeat a strong person who cultivates such a secret technique!

Such a secret technique, in a sense, even surpasses the ordinary heaven-level secret technique!

Even in terms of power,

Comparable to fairy tales!

"Boy, die under this trick, you are enough to be proud of yourself!"

Behind Zhang Qingyuan, the clone of the old man Kong Hai spoke indifferently.

it's over!

Anyone who is in the battle, the enemy suddenly changes from one to three, suddenly there are two more enemies of the same strength, and the methods of cultivation are also exactly the same, I am afraid that they will fall into despair!

One-on-one is difficult to deal with, how to face a three-person siege?


It is also the greatest strength of the old man Kong Hai!

It was his last and most powerful support!

Since the creation of this secret technique, the first person to fall under this secret technique is this amazingly talented kid in front of him!

It is not bad to use the blood of Tianjiao to pay tribute to the birth of this trick!

A certain thought flashed through the old man Kukai with satisfaction.

Open this final hole card,

The old man Kukai no longer has any scruples,

almost at the same time,

Under the same mind, the three figures shot at the same time!

Three vast qi bursts erupted, setting off a vast and vast qi within the entire cave site. The law of the vast sea runs through the long sky, and the ancient power comes from the horizon, destroying the entire world!

three figures,

Each of them is a powerful force with the same level of the body of the old man Kong Hai!

These three figures exploded the strongest attack at the same time,

The power between each other is even more integrated, the fire helps the wind, the wind helps the fire, and the strength is raised to an even more terrifying level!

At that moment, the monstrous momentum raised by the three figures made the entire cave world of Taiyizong vibrate violently at this moment.

Lian Tiandi seemed to be terrified by the power of the Vast Ocean Avenue that merged!


The vacuum was shattered at this moment!

The avenue of the vast sea runs through the virtual sky, causing the nine days to make a continuous burst of sound, omnipresent, and the endless terrifying force crushes Zhang Qingyuan in a gesture that cannot be described in words!

At that moment,

The vacuum within a radius of ten thousand feet burst and collapsed in an instant!

The Chaos Abyss has appeared!

Everything seems to have ushered in shatter and end!

Zhang Qingyuan was under siege,

It actually produced a feeling that there is no door to heaven, nowhere to escape, no way to resist, a big crisis like death is coming!

"Very powerful, the power that this move can burst out, I am afraid it will surpass the level of the realm of the ancestors of heaven and human beings!"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes lit up with a faint white light, and the divine light bloomed. He saw through the turbulent light of the Vast Ocean Avenue, and saw the three silhouettes of Vast Ocean that swept the sky after Vast Ocean!

At this moment,

Facing the danger of death,

The expression on Zhang Qingyuan's face did not change at all.

"See if you can resist it with that move!"

he whispered,

I didn't see any movement.

One black and one white qi was born from the void, and the swimming fish seemed to jump out of the realm of its own weight. Under the traction of some mysterious force, the qi merged between the voids, and finally formed a huge black and white Taiji diagram. Hanging over the virtual sky, the yin and yang fish slowly rotate, smashing the vacuum, as if above the nine heavens, evolving a vast scene like heaven and earth returning to ruins!

Yin-Yang Immortal Techniques Tai Chi Chart!

decades ago,

After Zhang Qingyuan destroyed the Five Elements Sacred Sect in Yunzhou, he once obtained from the treasury the remains of the Yin-Yang Immortal Law left by the Yin-Yang Double Venerable.

Although from it,

Zhang Qingyuan got a lot of gains, which made his path on the Yin-Yang Avenue move forward more than a step forward.

But after all, the immortal method is too mysterious, and it is difficult to successfully comprehend it for a while!

What's more, it's still a piece of shit? !

But fortunately, after years of continuous comprehension, as well as the deduction of the plug-in proficiency panel, Zhang Qingyuan has now realized some of the secrets of it after years of hard work!

Even if it's just a scrap,

But now that it is stimulated, its momentum is terrifying. The Yin-Yang Fish and the Yin-Yang Avenue of Heaven and Earth merge and surround, so that thousands of miles of heaven and earth are captured by that round of Taiji Map!

That ray of qi originating from the immortal law was born out of nothingness,

If the rendering of that round of Tai Chi map reflects the truth of the heavens and the myriad ways, all tangible and intangible material energy will go back to its origin and dissipate into nothingness the moment it approaches the Tai Chi map!

Almost at the moment when the Tai Chi map appeared,

Boom boom boom! ! !

The figures of the three Konghai old men flew together, and the vast and turbulent turbulent caused the entire sky to turn into a vast sea. The endless tides rolled in and drowned the world. The world-destroying tsunami with the power to crush the heaven and the earth shot towards Zhang Qingyuan. Hit it down and slammed into the Taijitu body!


Collision erupts,


There is no earth-shattering momentum, and there is no earth-shattering explosion!


Just silently disappear and annihilate!

When the boundless turbulent waves of the vast ocean hit the Taiji map, the Dao Law was all smashed and annihilated in front of the yin and yang grinding disc!

In the rotation of the Yin-Yang Avenue, a mysterious and incomprehensible power of fusion emerged, which easily wiped out the layers of the vast sea mana without causing any waves!


The three empty-talking old men widened their eyes in horror at this moment, and they were shocked to see the vast turbulent scene that they set off in front of them, almost like a mud ox into the sea, and their mouths were speechless!

How is this going? !

It's not that their attacks are not strong,

The old man Kukai took his two clones to block every corner of the front and back of the world!

The terrifying qi and machines are interconnected, showing the trend of heaven and earth, shaking the world!

Wave after wave of the vast ocean swept up between the endless vacuum, like a tsunami hitting the sky, the entire sky was destroyed by the boundless blue light!

Between the world,

There are probably fewer than five cultivators in the Wanhua Realm who can resist such an attack!

But it is such a great power,

When it hit the yin and yang circle, it disappeared without even the slightest turbulence, and disappeared in the slowly rotating Taiji map!

between heaven and earth,

All that was left was the sound of rushing water,

the endless depths of space,

The starry sky of thousands of miles was greatly distorted under the impact of this unprecedented terrifying force!

endless starry darkness,

The sky is like a violent tsunami, one layer after another twisting and surging, as if the entire world has been overturned!

But no more terrible vision,

They can't change the power that the three of them have united together, and the reality of being swallowed up by that black and white yin and yang circle!

"This is impossible!!!"

above the sky,

Seeing that all his trump cards were used, and the power of the three peak blows of his own was combined but did not play any role, the originally confident old man Kong Hai showed disbelief on his face!

two separates,

It was also full of horror and disbelief!

With the power of the three of them, even the monks in the early stage of the realm of Heaven and Human Dao Ancestors will suffer heavy losses if they are not careful!

But now,

The power of the Great Ocean Avenue that traverses the virtual sky was actually "devoured" by the black and white catalogue? !

What a means!

Originally full of self-confidence, the blow that could end everything was resolved by the other party's inexplicable means!

In the heart of the old man Kong Hai, there were already stormy waves!

"I do not believe!"

The old man Konghai roared, and his face became hideous at this moment!

He would never admit it,

The most powerful means of pressing the bottom of the box by yourself is easily shattered and solved!

Click! ! !

On the forehead, a mark that exudes a mysterious and mysterious light of pure and profound light shines brightly at this moment!

The old man Kukai is crazy!

The Heavenly Heart Daoyin, which is about to complete Daoism, is completely released at this moment!

The extremely squeezing power even affected the surrounding chaotic vacuum, so that the water movement laws of the whole world resonated with it!

Even the Shuixing Avenue among the Five Elements Avenues that Zhang Qingyuan refined, had a violent vibration at this moment, as if inspired by the Heavenly Heart Dao Seal of the old man Konghai!

In front of the vast sea road that is about to come to an end,

Surrender to it!

Chaos is boiling at this moment!

The light is extremely distorted,

The surrounding mountains and tsunamis gathered together, almost covering the entire heaven and earth, the Great Ocean Avenue, and at this moment, it also lit up with a splendid brilliance, the power blocked the heavens, and the vast power was coercive for eternity!

At the price of retreating in cultivation,

The strength of the old man Kong Hai is almost between his breaths, soaring more than ten times!

The Tai Chi map shrouded in Zhang Qingyuan's body was faintly twisted at this moment,

The power of the Great Ocean Avenue, which has skyrocketed tenfold, has already surpassed the limit that the Yin-Yang Taiji Diagram can carry!

After all, this is just the remnants of a fairy tale.

Zhang Qingyuan also failed to cultivate it to a very profound level!

After all, the power of protection is limited!

At this moment, the surging power of the vast ocean floods the mountains and rivers of the world, and the vast ocean collapses the vacuum and destroys the vastness!

Under the eruption of the Heavenly Heart Dao Seal of Old Man Konghai,

The power of the Great Ocean Avenue raised by the two avatars has also been raised to an extremely terrifying level.


Click! ! !

With a crisp cracking sound,

After all, that round of Taiji Tu couldn't bear the terrifying power from this confluence, the power of yin and yang of black and white, shattered and opened at this moment!

terrifying energy burst,

The impact swept the world in an instant!

The fragments of Yin-Yang Avenue suddenly spread out in the void!

"Haha, it's over!"

The old man Konghai laughed loudly, the sound was like substance, shaking the sky!

The boundless power of the boundless vast sea shattered the Yin-Yang Taiji map and slammed towards Zhang Qingyuan, who was shrouded and protected by it!

After the power of this blow shattered the Taiji map,

Still has the power of shocking the earth!

Zhang Qingyuan has nowhere to escape!

After all, he won!


Under the siege of the terrifying power that shattered the heavens, the expression on Zhang Qingyuan's face did not change.

There seems to be nothing in the world that can be moved by him,

Between the violently turbulent chaotic vacuum, the wind and clouds were turbulent, and the storm impact swept.

Zhang Qingyuan raised his head, his eyes passed through the vast impacting energy storm, and the three figures of the old man Konghai were reflected in his pupils!

"Your secret technique is flawed!"

"Otherwise, why didn't you tear open the trap and cage through the technique of transforming one qi into three clears before this, but waited until I arrived, and then lured me to join forces?"

"I'm afraid it's not that I don't want to, it's that I can't!"

"So, your secret technique has a big flaw!"

Zhang Qingyuan suddenly said,

The sound penetrated the chaotic vacuum and entered the ears of the old man Kukai.

His dark eyes,

At this moment it becomes extraordinarily deep,

It's like seeing through all the secrets of the secret art of the old man Kukai!

"Humph! What if there are flaws? Today you are sure to die!"

Zhang Qingyuan's words,

The old man Kong Hai was also surprised,

But then he snorted coldly and didn't care.

What if you found out?

Under this siege,

already mortal!

The remaining,

It doesn't matter anymore!

"it's over!"



It seems that the thousands of Tianhe slapped each other, and the terrifying tide shattered the vacuum and rushed down towards Zhang Qingyuan, as if to kill Zhang Qingyuan in one fell swoop!

Fierce murderous intent,

Makes the chaotic vacuum solidified at this moment!

"For other people, this flaw is really not important, but unfortunately, you met me!"

Zhang Qingyuan seemed to be talking to himself, inexplicably speaking.

Clap your palms,

The palms of the fingers were combined into a mysterious seal, which echoed the heaven and the earth. In an instant, Zhang Qingyuan exuded an incomprehensible mysterious energy!

Under the wisps of air, the chaotic vacuum is distorted!

almost at the same time,

The attack of the vast and majestic Vast Ocean Avenue of the old man Kong Hai was already less than ten feet away from Zhang Qingyuan!

The powerful air machine that smashed the vacuum was almost head-on. Under the suppression of the power breath, large tracts of space were smashed!

Seeing that Zhang Qingyuan will also perish in the vacuum,


Time is frozen at this moment!

Magic Immortal Sutra: His heart crosses!

With the formation of Zhang Qingyuan's palm print, the invisible and intangible magic light Dao Yun spreads out, crossing the chaotic vacuum in the dark, and reflecting on the two avatars of the old man Konghai!

In the pupils of the two clones,

Suddenly, the mysterious and mysterious Indian-style reflection in Zhang Qingyuan's hand appeared!

In front of Zhang Qingyuan at this moment, the flaws and flaws of Old Man Konghai's Yiqi Sanqing Secret Technique are infinitely magnified!

"It's over, thank you for your Great Ocean Avenue!"

By the ears of the old man Kukai,

There was Zhang Qingyuan's voice as clear as running water.

The voice just fell,

Just when the old man Kukai felt something was wrong, but it was too late to find the source of the wrong,


The pupils reflected Zhang Qingyuan's two avatars, and suddenly changed the direction of the previous attack on Zhang Qingyuan, deflected Zhang Qingyuan's body by the slightest, and suddenly bombarded in the direction of the old man Kong Hai!


sudden changes,

Let the old man's complexion change drastically!


He didn't even think

His own avatar would actually "betray"!

But between the lightning and flint, he has no time to stop and defend!

Boom! ! !

The Law of Vast Sea raised by the old man Konghai slammed into Zhang Qingyuan heavily, making a huge roar like a bell, and the energy impacted and exploded, shattering large tracts of vacuum!

Under the terrifying Even Zhang Qingyuan, who had reached the golden glaze body, spit out a mouthful of gilded blood, and the golden light on his body also dimmed at this moment!

It was already traumatized!

But at the same time,

The body of the old man Konghai was also hit left and right by the avatar that suddenly turned against the water, and a huge gap was broken in the chest in an instant.

In an instant, the body of the old man Kukai was severely damaged, and the figure was lifted out!

But it's not over yet!

When the old man Kukai has not stabilized his body,

Zhang Qingyuan has stabilized his figure with the powerful physique of the glazed golden body!

Originally, under the powerful force of Old Man Kong Hai's Yiqi Sanqing, if he was hit in the front, Zhang Qingyuan would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

However, being confused by the Demonic Immortal Sutra, the two clones attacked each other, leaving only the power of the old man Kong Hai's body to attack, and the power was greatly weakened, and only one-third remained.

After paying a certain price, he finally resisted!

Zhang Qingyuan forcibly stabilized his figure, the figure was suspended in the air,

He pointed to a sword and pointed one finger in the direction of Old Man Kukai's body. Lajianwan instantly turned into a golden laser, pierced through chaos, and penetrated Old Man Kukai's head!

Even the soul of the sea of ​​​​knowledge was strangled by the sword!

This time,

The old man Kong Hai, who had been hit hard for a long time, failed to use any means of life-saving. If his breath disappeared, he died on the spot!

in the sky,

The body of the old man Kukai collapsed weakly and fell from the sky,

Trapped in a square-inch cage for more than 5,000 years, the amazing and brilliant big man who almost brought the Hanhai Avenue to the extreme has fallen here!

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