"Jie Jie Jie! In the end, it was me who won!"

In the distant sky, there was a sound like thunder, and the sound of thunder rolled, and the sky was dimmed at this moment!

The powerful air machine is overwhelming,

I saw a stream of light coming from outside the sky, breaking through the sky, and falling in front of Zhang Qingyuan.

It was not long ago,

The phantom that led Zhang Qingyuan to confront the old man Kong Hai!

"Hahaha! No matter how cunning you humans are, you can't escape my palm!"

"Yes, then this body is mine!"

The phantom of Zhenling looked at Zhang Qingyuan, full of excitement and greed.

That empty old man is finally dead!

In this way, the restrictions on it are lifted!

And God blesses,

A young body with such a powerful aptitude was sent here!

What's even better is that the opponent has already lost both sides in the previous battle!

It will be replaced by the next one, and there will be no surprises!


Finally able to get out of here!

And from today,

It will also become a human being from now on, and get out of this cage of heaven and earth!

boom! ! !

Without any hesitation, Zhenling shot with a bang!

this moment,

The entire Taiyi Cave Heaven shook.

A light curtain rose up, the formation hummed, endless dust rose into the sky, and the light of the big formation enveloped the sky vertically and horizontally, covering the entire Taiyizong cave at this moment!

All the formation power was mobilized at this moment!

The entire Taiyi Dongtian site is also working for it at this moment!

The sky turns upside down,

The sky became dark,

Between the surrounding voids, thick white mists rose up, blocking the surrounding vacuum, and constantly eroding in the direction of Zhang Qingyuan.

at the same time,

Zhang Qingyuan only felt that an invisible pressure suddenly developed on his body, like a mountain, pressing on his shoulders,

a mana,

At the same time, it was sealed by an invisible force!

At this moment, the strength of the whole body seems to have disappeared.

Like becoming a mortal!

"Boy, your body belongs to me!"

The spirits laughed,

In order to prepare for this plan, it has been planning for an unknown number of years, and now it has finally seen the light of day!


It's all over!

Zhenling phantom stretched out his hand and probed towards Zhang Qingyuan's head,

Now that Zhang Qingyuan's power has been sealed by the power of the large array that has gathered, then what the array spirit has to do next is to enter Zhang Qingyuan's spiritual sea of ​​consciousness, and instead, dove occupy the magpie's nest!


In the face of this extremely dangerous scene, the next moment will be completely taken away,

The expression on Zhang Qingyuan's face in front of him did not change in the slightest.

Looking at the phantom's eyes,

Instead, with some pity.

This scene,

Let the phantom of the spirit be a little puzzled,

"The moment you show your true body and mobilize the power of the great formation in this cave site, you have already lost."

When the figure of the phantom of the phantom touched Zhang Qingyuan a long distance in front of him, Zhang Qingyuan, who was motionless, let out a faint voice.


The entire figure of the phantom of the phantom was directly frozen in place,

Remain in the outstretched position.

"how did you do it!"

The phantom of the spirit array is frozen in mid-air at this moment,

A bewildered look appeared in his eyes.

It is clear that within this forbidden spirit formation, the mana will be sealed, and it is estimated that there is not much power left, and more importantly, the guy in front of him has no moves at all!


Doubt, puzzlement, and a dazed look appeared on the phantom of the spirit.


At this moment,

Above the body of the spirit formation, in the middle position, a big hole has been broken at this moment!

The center of the great formation that covered this Taiyi Cave was destroyed at the moment!

The core of the large formation that was destroyed at this time appeared on its body, creating the shocking result of a large hole being broken in the chest of the spiritual phantom!

"You underestimate me too much. Since you feel your malice, why didn't you leave behind?"

"You're not human after all."

"And I knew that you were hiding behind your back. If I didn't have a hole card to prepare, how could I choose to fight with the old man Kong Hai after I came out?"

Zhang Qingyuan smiled lightly, and said slowly.

"This is the preparation I left behind before I went in to fight the old man Kukai!"

at this time,

the other side,

In the depths of the secret cave, where the core of Taiyizong's great formation is located, the figure in dark armor is suspended in mid-air, and below is the raging wolf smoke, rising into the sky into the sky!

The formation base of the core formation was smashed by the figure in black armor!

And this figure in black armor is the divine guard puppet that Zhang Qingyuan won by passing the test not long ago!

Before entering that trap and fighting the old man Kukai,

Zhang Qingyuan just kept one more thought.

Since he did not intend to use the energy of the precious immortal stone to drive the guardian puppet to deal with the old man of Konghai,

Coupled with the words, words and deeds of the previous spirit, Zhang Qingyuan felt that something was wrong, and he secretly had a heart of embankment in his heart.

So when the spirits didn't pay attention, they secretly released the **** guard puppet, and the outside world showed that Xuancheng **** guard puppet was in the storage bag, but because of the precious energy, it would not be used unless it was necessary.

And the fact is,

Zhang Qingyuan, through the distraction operation in the Magic Immortal Sutra, put some of the spiritual thoughts on the control Shenwei puppet, letting it leave early and lurking aside.

Then, through the guard puppet, find the core of the phantom!

Zhang Qingyuan knew that for the array spirits, unless the core of the great array that covered the entire Taiyizong secret realm was destroyed, the array spirits did not have to worry about any injuries at all.

The opponent is not a human, nor an animal, but the intelligence generated by the great formation of heaven and earth!

want to deal with it,

You have to find the core!

And this thing ~www.readwn.com~ can be done through the **** guard puppet that you control!


He succeeded!

The array spirit that guided Zhang Qingyuan to fight with the old man Konghai did not find it. As early as a few days ago, Zhang Qingyuan dispatched the hidden guard puppet.

At the same time, through the eyes of the guard puppet, watching the operation of the big formation, through the deduction of the great evolution technique, found the core location, and ordered the guard puppet to hide in the vicinity.

until before,

The array spirit mobilized the power of all the great arrays in the whole world to deal with Zhang Qingyuan,

During the operation of the array,

The core weakness is already revealed!

So when Zhenling was about to kill himself,

Zhang Qingyuan directly ordered the divine guard puppet who was far in the horizon to attack the core formation.

Backstabs that occur in the core,

The spirit formation was completely unexpected and did not sense it at all!

Since then, there has been a big hole in his chest,

The figure of the spirit formation is frozen in mid-air,

"Why are you?!"

Looking at Zhang Qingyuan, his face was full of disbelief.

"It's not just me, even the old man Kukai must have something to deal with you."

"Otherwise, how could I and the other two fight immediately after knowing your existence but breaking the trap?"

"In this world, human beings are too dangerous and cunning. In the next life, let's be your spirits!"

between talking,

Zhang Qingyuan rolled up his sleeves,

The phantom of the spirit array suspended in mid-air was easily erased and disappeared!

"In this way, it is really over!"

Zhang Qingyuan let out a long breath.


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