ps: When you see this line of words, don't subscribe yet. This is a repeated chapter of the previous chapter. In order to mix up the full attendance, I will post it first, and wait for a few hours to finish it before uploading it.

chaotic frontline battlefield,


The void is boiling, and above the nine heavens, a big hand hanging from the sky covers the nine sky, pouring out a silver light curtain like the Milky Way, as if the Milky Way across the sky hits people's hearts directly, and shoots towards the pitch-black half of the sky ahead!

At this time,

I saw that in the endless darkness, a black star appeared,

It seems that the boundless malice pouring out from the Nine Netherworld, wrapped in a strong curse and ominous, came across the virtual sky, and collided with the big hand on the sky that has been hanging from the sky!

Boom! ! !

The earth-shattering explosion exploded, the void boiled, and the bright rays of light were burning like the scorching sun!

The sky was torn apart under the terrifying impact!

in an instant,

There was a dark abyss crack that traverses thousands of miles, extends beyond human vision, and covers the entire sky!

The darkness that can't see five fingers is like the brilliance that swallows everything!

The sky collapsed in that piece!

The cultivators who made them look up at the sky below had a feeling of fear from their hearts as if they were about to fall into the abyss of the sky!

One blow confrontation,

The arrogant and overwhelming aura suppresses the sky and oppresses the heavens, so that the monks on the earth have a feeling as if a mountain is pressing on their shoulders!

Just as a kind of monks retreated,

Even the crazy beasts on this battlefield are scared of the instinct of life and flee in embarrassment,

above the sky,

The two peerless powers who collided and smashed the sky with one blow, but I don't know what happened, and they didn't shoot again.

People only feel it,

over nine days,

It seems that there are sights and breaths that suppress Jiuxiao, confronting and colliding with each other between the virtual sky!

Make the empty sky that was originally empty,

At this moment, the space exploded, and sparks of electric snakes bloomed, producing a deafening huge roar.

The battlefield under the rivalry of heaven and earth,

It became an empty forbidden area in the battlefield!

Many people retreated to the defense line far away, their eyes were looking at the sky, and there was only a heartfelt sigh that could not be described in words!

That is the giant power standing above the peak of the entire Yuzhou!

A giant in the realm of myriad transformations, surpassing the hundreds of millions of sentient beings in the entire Yuzhou Cultivation Realm, with only a few people!

Such a terrifying level,

It is simply the limit that the number of people cannot be accumulated!

Just relying on the distribution of breath, it is enough to suppress the great powers of those aloof caves in the past!

At this time,

Some people could not help but have a question in their hearts.

At this time, it should be the Taoist Xuansu of the Yunshui Sect or the Taoist Danyang.

So what about that person?

The one who was amazingly talented as soon as he was born, and before everyone had time to react, he had already reached the peak, and the legend of strength surpassed that of the two Wanhua ancestors of the Yunshui Sect. What kind of situation has it reached? !

It is said that in the forbidden area of ​​Heiyuan, that person survived after fighting with the alien demon king who was in the series of heaven and man, who was also the source of all the Yuzhou catastrophe.

That existence that took hundreds of years to reach its peak, what kind of strength is it now? !

That one after this retreat,

Do you have the ability to solve the source of all problems?

There are high-level monks who know the inside story,

Looking up at the sky,

The heart of the mind is surging.

At the same time,

Misty mountain tops.

Standing on the top of the mountain, carrying the blue sky on his back, Taoist Xuansu, like a boundless stalwart god, slowly retracted his palm from the void.


His vast and mighty aura suddenly became chaotic, his face paled for a while, and the corners of his mouth left bloodstains like lava flowing.


Standing behind him, he was admitted under his door hundreds of years ago, and personally taught Dong Zhenjing's personal biography hurriedly stepped forward and wanted to help.

Taoist Xuansu waved his hand,

let it back off.

"These monsters are truly blessed by nature, and the strength of the same realm is actually extremely powerful! If it wasn't for the guidance of Junior Brother Zhang these days, I'm afraid it would have been severely damaged by this blow!"

Taoist Xuansu let out a long breath,

Raise your hand,

Looking between the palms, that lingering, ominous black substance escaped,

Involuntarily he let out a long sigh.

The Yunshui Sect was not established for a long time, only six or seven thousand years, so many secrets of the ancient times came only through other major forces or ancient books in the ruins.

Only in this way, how much accuracy is there, it is unknown.

According to ancient records,

These alien demons are evil creatures that invaded from outside the domain, and wherever they go, they devour all the vitality of a world.

But after several fights, Taoist Xuansu couldn't help but have some doubts.

Since it is an exotic creature, and it comes with the purpose of destroying the world,

Such alien creatures,

Why not be sanctioned and suppressed by Heavenly Dao?

Their strength, in the same realm, is more than that of the monks of the same realm!

That's it,

This kind of matter involving the great secrets of heaven and earth, it is better to leave it to Junior Brother Zhang to explore.

Taoist Xuansu shook his head and did not ponder any further.

The mighty mana oscillates running around the sky, strands of heaven, earth and Taoism descend, mirroring the inner heaven and earth, forming a huge flawless circle, and then like a river rushing back and forth, obliterating the palm of the hand. A wisp of magic.

The surging mana is like the impact of the vast ocean, wave after wave,


Xuansu Daoist's palm seemed to be scorched by a scorching temperature, and the lingering black magic essence let out a shrill scream, and then turned into black smoke and dissipated.

at the same time,

The mysterious energy in his body began to recover quickly, and his complexion became rosy again.

"Master, are you alright?"

Seeing that Taoist Xuansu's breath recovered, the disciples behind him stepped forward to care about the tunnel.

"It's okay for the teacher, don't worry."

"Okay, Master knows that you are filial, but you are tired, so you don't need to protect the Dharma by the side. Go back and rest first."

Taoist Xuansu waved his hand, and his warm voice was like a clear spring.


The disciple bowed his hands respectfully,

Getting ready to say goodbye.

Suddenly thinking of something, hesitant color climbed up on the face, his face changed, and he stopped talking.

"What do you have to say?"

"Master, it's not because the disciple is ignorant, but there is one thing that has been in the heart of the disciple, it is really unpleasant!"

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"Why don't you, Master, wait for me to evacuate the Yunzhou Mountain Range and avoid the demon tide first? The disciple also knows that Qingxuan Daozu is in retreat at this time in order to gain the strength to counter the source of the strange demon, so the whole sect will count all the strengths. Gather together, delay to resist the invasion of the magic tide, but put all the power of the sect into a desperate attempt, what if the ancestor of Qingxuan failed?"

The disciple gritted his teeth and revealed all the doubts in his heart.

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