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It was not dark yet, but the entire sky was already shrouded in a dark abyss that could not be seen by the fingers.

It was the chaotic abyss shattered by the aftermath of the terrifying battle!

Howling and howling,

The terrifying attack, enough to tear the space apart, filled every corner of the chaos.


You can also see the dazzling thunder blasting,

torn the darkness,

That is the annihilation divine thunder produced by the collision of terrifying energy qi machines!

But fortunately,

everything is over!

The calculations in this one are not easy at all.

A little carelessness may cause Zhang Qingyuan to die here!


He succeeded,

In the previous fight, under the attack of the second shot of the alien demon king, Zhang Qingyuan retreated thousands of miles away, in order to widen the distance and have enough time and space to use various means to consume the power of the alien demon king's shot,

At the same time, it is also to create an opportunity for the guard puppet, who is lying in ambush, hiding and incarnating as a dead thing and a clone together!

As early as the beginning, Shenwei Puppet was already ambushed beside him.

It was for Zhang Qingyuan who had been prepared from the very beginning!

When the demon king shot without hesitation,

It was already one step into the trap that Zhang Qingyuan laid out for him!


no surprise,

One big idea is to take advantage of him and completely kill him!

After all, he won!


Zhang Qingyuan, who killed the enemy, did not have much joy on his face. Instead, he stood on the spot and looked forward to consume the last strand of immortal essence in the immortal stone. At this time, he was already completely trapped in a stretched face. , Zhang Qingyuan fell into contemplation.

"This attack with immortal energy seems to be a bit wrong..."

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flashed slightly.

That final blow,

Seems a little too strong!

As a celestial ancestor, and after absorbing hundreds of millions of magical beasts, the alien demon king, whose strength has skyrocketed again, has been wiped out in one move!

Although it was said that under his calculations, the other party fell into the trap that he had set up in advance, was hit from the back, and completely endured the power of that blow.

But if it is normal,

Even if it is fully endured the power of that blow, the power will definitely not reach such a level!

Although the attack of that move, after integrating his own practice and understanding for hundreds of years, finally got the opportunity from the immortal stone, and broke through the bottleneck in one fell swoop and condensed a ray of immortal energy.

But according to Zhang Qingyuan's estimation,

That move can only injure the opponent at most.

Even if the alien demon king still has some means, it may not be able to resist it without injury!


The result was completely unexpected to him.

With one blow,

Even he himself has not reacted, and the convenience has turned into fly ash!

"Is there a reason for this?"

Zhang Qingyuan stretched out his hand, looked at the palms of his hands, felt the power that erupted in the previous moment, and narrowed his eyes.

Vaguely, it seemed to sense something.


There was a burst of severe pain from the tired wound on his arm, which made Zhang Qingyuan bring his mind back to reality.

"Forget it, no matter what caused the attack of the last ray of immortal energy to become so powerful, it's good to win anyway."

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head slightly,

this kind of thing,

Think about it later when you have time.

The most important thing now is to go back and recover from the injury first.

Zhang Qingyuan was suspended in mid-air,

look down,

The hundreds of millions of magical beasts that had gathered on the earth before, including those alien monsters that pulled the hole into the real world, all turned into flying back and died completely when they were sucked by the alien demon king just now.

On the battlefield, it is estimated that there is not much threat.

An impulse suddenly appeared in Zhang Qingyuan's heart.

But soon,

He suppressed this impulsive thought.

"Although the demon king is dead, the Five Elements Realm may not be without danger. Forget it, let's go back to cultivate first. The Five Elements Immortal Sutra has existed there for I don't know how long, and it's not too short of time."

Looking around the world,

Also nothing worth cleaning.

He turned to leave, and the figure disappeared.

this battle,

Some losses.

I almost died here, not to mention, there is no loot after killing the enemy.

a little uncomfortable,

However, Yuzhou is more or less his hometown in this world, and this trip is not entirely for profit.

Has the ability, and the sky fell and looked around, only if he is the highest,

He doesn't mind giving it a shot either.

When Zhang Qingyuan left,

He also did not forget to send the news of the end of the battle to the two ancestors of Danyang, as well as the head of Yunshui Sect, who was staying with the tens of millions of monks who had retreated from the Yuzhou Cultivation World.

it's over!

When the battle noises and fluctuations in the distant sky ceased, countless people were eager to see through, and when their hearts were extremely uneasy, news came from the door of Yunshuizong's head.

One to ten, ten to one hundred, one hundred to one thousand......

In an instant,

The waves of cheers visible to the naked eye are like a tsunami torrent, sweeping through the sky and resounding throughout the world!

The monks in Yuzhou had some vague guesses in their hearts after seeing the chasing alien demon beasts turn into ashes, but they were not sure.

But with the exact news coming out,

stand time,

The whole earth has become a sea of ​​cheers!

Since these days the pressure of death that I have faced all the time has dissipated, and the excitement and joy in my heart instantly turned into a flood and tsunami, submerging everything in the sky and the ground!


"Long live Dao Zun Qingxuan!"

Countless people stretched out their hands and cheered loudly!

Even the almighty Dongzhen Realm who used to be aloof and angerless in the past has completely let go of his previous barriers and restraints at this moment, and joined the cheers of countless sea cultivators!

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]


Over the past few days, the pressure of death that I faced all the time has dissipated, and the excitement and joy in my heart instantly turned into a flood and a tsunami, drowning everything in the sky and the ground!


"Long live Dao Zun Qingxuan!"

Countless people stretched out their hands and cheered loudly!

Even the almighty Dongzhen Realm who used to be aloof and angerless in the past has completely let go of his previous barriers and restraints at this moment, and joined the cheers of countless sea cultivators! Over the past few days, the pressure of death that I faced all the time has dissipated, and the excitement and joy in my heart instantly turned into a flood and a tsunami, drowning everything in the sky and the ground!


"Long live Dao Zun Qingxuan!"

Countless people stretched out their hands and cheered loudly!

Even the almighty Dongzhen Realm who used to be aloof and angerless in the past has completely let go of his previous barriers and restraints at this moment, and joined the cheers of countless sea cultivators! Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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