A lot of hard work, after all, it comes with no effort!

When the Five Elements Immortal Sutra was in hand, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but feel a joy in his heart.

In fact,

Over the years, Zhang Qingyuan has never obtained the immortal methods or immortal scriptures passed down from the upper realm, but it is either a fragment, or a fragment of the fragment that has been deduced from many secret methods by himself, or it is That path is not for you.

For example, the Yin-Yang Immortal Art Remnant is derived from the Five Elements Sacred Sect of Yunzhou, and it came from beheading the Yin-Yang Double Venerable.

Although it made Zhang Qingyuan's Yin-Yang Dao's strength improve by leaps and bounds, and among the relics left by the Yin-Yang Double Venerables, there was also the map token that they obtained the Yin-Yang Immortal Law in Qingzhou.

But the scraps are only scraps after all.

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't get a glimpse of the mystery of the real fairy level!

The rest of the magic fairy scriptures will not be mentioned. The inheritance of the seven extraterritorial magic gates in Yunzhou is derived from the magic fairy scriptures, and Zhang Qingyuan is through the integration of the inheritance methods that penetrate the seven extraterritorial magic gates. Push back up.

This way of pushing backwards, you don't have to think about how much it deviates from the original.

After all, although this deduction method is against the sky,

But after all, relying on Zhang Qingyuan's own knowledge,

As for the Taiyi Immortal Sutra obtained not long ago, the inheritance seems to be complete, but it is not complete.

Zhang Qingyuan could clearly perceive that part of it was missing.

I don't know if it was deliberately done by the upper realm, or for some other reason.

And most importantly,

The path taken by Taiyi Immortal Scripture is completely different from the path that Zhang Qingyuan wants to walk!

The path of the Taiyi Immortal Sutra is to cultivate the soul, and it is the path that the soul emerges from the body, and the sun **** ascends!

the end of the road,

The sun **** is separated from the body,

The body turns into a golden body and remains in the mortal world, while the Yang God soars away from the sky!

This way of specializing in one road, although it is the essence of immortal scriptures, can bring certain road inspiration to Zhang Qingyuan.

But to make Zhang Qingyuan take the detached road of giving up the physical body,

Not to mention that this is contrary to what he wanted in his heart,

It is also not suitable for the current Zhang Qingyuan.

"The five elements of profound meaning, the reincarnation of the heavens, the great destruction of the five directions..."

The Five Elements Immortal Sutra is engraved on the immortal tablet in the secret place of the inheritance of the cave.

The above records are not only the way forward for cultivation, but also describe many points to pay attention to when cultivating immortality with the Five Elements Dao.

It can be said that this immortal scripture is a complete inheritance path!

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. This undoubtedly made Zhang Qingyuan extremely happy.

If so,

There is no doubt about the road ahead.


With the three powerful immortal methods, he can also practice a few more ultimate moves that press the bottom of the box. Since then, he has more choices in the face of powerful enemies.

After simply reading the contents of the immortal tablet, Zhang Qingyuan felt that he had gained a lot.

After years of intensive research and accumulation on the Five Elements Avenue,

At this moment, with the immortal tablet as a guide, it exploded in an instant, which made my own perception on the Five Elements Avenue rapidly improve.

Like a drop of sparks from a boiling oil pan,

Instantly ignite the explosion!

The rapidly improving perception of the Five Elements made Zhang Qingyuan's whole body boil and radiate. The five elements of the Great Dao seemed to have come to the world at this moment, turning into a substantial chain of the Great Dao, running through the universe, exuding a boundless atmosphere of terror, merging with each other, converging with each other, and blending together. The circle of five elements in the heavens exudes a vast aura!

Under that terrifying power, the entire sky was lowered at this moment!

The terrifying breath emanated,

The surrounding vacuum collapsed and shattered at this moment, revealing the dark chaos that devoured all light!

"Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!"

Indulging in the five elements of the immortal path evolved in the immortal monument in the cave space, Zhang Qingyuan's breath perception quickly improved, and he sighed three times in succession!

This time 17bX*wX*.C*O*m Zhang Si. "It turns out that the style of the five elements is so splendid, I should follow the footsteps of my predecessors and see the scenery in the sky!"

between talking,

Zhang Qingyuan's mind sank into the sea of ​​​​knowledge, and the spirit motivated the power of the Five Elements Avenue, and he had to follow the road on the immortal monument and break the gate of heaven!


As soon as he sat down,


He woke up suddenly!

It was like falling asleep in the middle of the night, suddenly a terrifying nightmare woke me up, woke up, broke into a cold sweat in an instant, making the clothes behind my back completely soaked!

"What am I doing?!"

For a moment, Zhang Qingyuan only felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave in the long winter, and a bucket of ice water was poured on his head.

cold hearted,

Trembling all over!

The body involuntarily took a step back!

Looking at the Immortal Monument again, there is no longer a little bit of joy, but an incomparable solemnity!


Zhang Qingyuan suddenly remembered a word from a long time ago.

in the past,

He just heard a saying,

After the cave realm, there is no definite way forward.

Each step,

You need to go down step by step.

At most, use the same way or the way of predecessors as a reference.

This is because,

The path of the powerful practitioners easily distorts the will of the weak and assimilates the original path of the latecomers.

This is Taoism!

The Tao that has been assimilated is not one's own Tao after all.

Contrary to your own natural will~www.readwn.com~ the difficulty of practice will increase greatly!

As such,

The latecomers will not only be able to follow in the footsteps of their predecessors, but will never be able to escape the shadow of the former. Every subsequent progress will be ten times more difficult!

Also therefore,

After the cave realm, the practice method does not exist!


In a later chance, Zhang Qingyuan devoured all the memories of Gui Yuanxin, the ancestor of heaven and human beings reincarnated from the upper realm.

From this it is known that

If the cultivator's consciousness is strong enough,

When you are at the peak of the True Yuan Realm, you can raise your soul to a certain level, and then you will be promoted again. Jieshi will be able to use the transformed powerful soul to compete with the Taoist transformation of the powerhouses ahead. Hold on to yourself!

This is the back door that was deliberately left behind when the Southern Immortal Territory of the Upper Realm was preaching in this world.

In this way, the immortal fighters who were reincarnated from the upper realm can maintain the advantage of the road ahead.

This made it impossible for the native natives of this world to compete with the reincarnators in the upper realm in the high realm.

Zhang Qingyuan was originally an exception.

Due to the golden finger of the proficiency panel, he was able to practice the mysticism of the soul.

This makes his soul far more powerful than those of the same level,

Therefore, after advancing to the realm of Dongzhen, there is no need to worry that the path of the predecessors will assimilate the avenues he has taken.

This made Zhang Qingyuan never notice this,


In front of this immortal monument,

Make a big tyrant. unguarded,

Almost got a big somersault!

If I hadn't woken up in an emergency, I'm afraid I wouldn't have been assimilated by the Five Elements Avenue in the Immortal Monument, and followed in the footsteps of the predecessors, and achieved the Dao Fruit of the ancestors of the ancestors!

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