Jin Shengdaozun said with a big smile on his lips.

But in my heart,

Still a little apprehensive,

After all, that little devil confronted the alien demon king in front of all the monks in Yuzhou, and finally won the battle.

From the scenes I saw in the memory of the middle-aged monk just now,

It really made Jin Shengdaozun terrified.

It is hard to imagine how to survive under such divine might.

"Bah! You and other despicable villains dare to think about that lord? That lord slays the demon king, destroys the source of the catastrophe, and saves all beings in Yuzhou. A monk from a mere area dares to deny it, and the person who is shameless should be What a joke! He must die one day!"

Behind Jin Shengdaozun, the young cultivator who was restrained and suppressed by the substantive breath at the moment heard the words of the conversation between the two, and immediately cursed.

One is because the closest elder, the fourth uncle, was killed by his hand, and he heard the secret of the two's calculations, knowing that he would definitely not survive, so he just wanted to return.

The two are actually because of the family inheritance behind the young people,

hundreds of years ago,

Their ancestors used to be good rangers in the mortal arena and martial arts. Once on the road to stop the desolate village from offering sacrifices to the monsters, they encountered a fairy who came across the river. At the same time, the sword left a deep impression on the hearts of their ancestors.

With the corpse of the monster, their ancestors passed the threshold of feeling anger in one fell swoop.

At the same time, in the rest of his life, he pondered that the sword that the immortal cut out finally achieved the powerful martial skill of their family, and based on this, they established themselves in the world of self-cultivation, and continued to develop to this day.

After becoming famous,

The ancestors also looked for the immortal who came across the river,

This really allowed them to find some clues,

The sword that was swung in Jiang Zhong at that time made their family step into the family level of the cultivation world, and made them have the core family inheritance martial skills. Based on the inheritance, it is very likely that the big man!

When he was young, that big man went out on a mission, realized the Tao in Jiangzhong, and finally killed the demon snake that brought great danger to his ancestors with a single sword.

Perhaps the great man who will achieve unique achievements in the future will not think of it at all,

A random blow at that time,

It changed the fate of the two warriors in the Jianghu, and as a result, a comprehension family that had been passed down for hundreds of years was born.

Of course,

To those big men, their family is like the weeds on the roadside, and they are inconspicuous at all.

And their family has never publicized the causal relationship with that one.

After all, that one stood too high and too far,

If you say this kind of thing, people will probably think it's putting gold on your face, and no one will believe it. At the same time, if one day it spreads to that person's ears, it will be bad for that person to be disgusted by that person.


But the whole family is proud of it.

Especially when that person stood higher and higher, and what he did became more and more earth-shattering, and finally even saved the entire Yuzhou Cultivation World that was about to die.

The young people in the family have fallen into a state of fanaticism in their respect for that one, and no one can belittle it!

At this time, the young people knew that they would definitely die.

Simply swearing loudly,

Curse the most vicious language to these two who dare to calculate, and also despise the one who is like a **** in his heart.

"you wanna die!"

Jin Shengdao Zun showed anger on his face, and his anger burned.

As a Myriad Hua Realm, an existence standing at the peak of Yuzhou, how could it be easily provoked by a mere Ling Yuan Realm ants?

He reacted like this,

But it was because he expressed his worries in his heart, and when he became angry, he instinctively wanted to use anger to cover up the worries in his heart!

Seeing that Jin Sheng Dao Zun was furious, when he was about to crush the ants into powder,

"Why do you need to be angry, this generation is nothing but ants, and you don't know the vastness of the world."

The holy Buddha on the side said faintly,

Bursts of Sanskrit sounds scattered with faint golden light, like ripples of light visible to the naked eye, bursts of waves and tidal waves appeared in the void!

for a while,

The anger in Jin Shengdaozun's heart was quenched by an invisible force.

"The little monk is not talented~www.readwn.com~ I came here on this trip, and just killed a demon king who was blocking the way."

between talking,

The boundless golden light ripples,

Jin Sheng Dao Zun and the young man were in a trance for a while, the golden light flashed in their pupils, and they saw the scene of the holy Buddha crossing the ancient road of the realm, killing the demon king who blocked the road in the middle!

The vast golden light collided with the darkness that devoured the world, splitting the whole world in half, and the world was shattered and destroyed, reflected in the vision of the two!

this moment,

Whether it's the young man in the Spiritual Origin Realm or the Golden Saint Daoist in the Myriad Transformation Realm, they all have a feeling like an ant looking up at the sky and seeing the storm that swept the world and destroyed everything!

"The cultivator in the realm of ten thousand transformations replaces the heart with the human heart, the human beings in the world, and the Taoism is natural, so that the power can encompass one world, and between the battles, the boundless power seems to be rolling in a world!"

"Those with such realm strength, among the mortal beings, are like the immortal gods who pick the stars and take the moon, and have incredible power! In the eyes of the unknowing monks, that is the realm of the ancestors of heaven, humanity and Taoism."

"But in the realm of heaven and man, is it so simple?"

"The so-called heaven and man, I am the heaven, I am the Tao, I control the heaven and the earth, I am the ancestor of the Tao!"

As the voice of the Holy Buddha fell,

At that moment,

The figure of the Holy Buddha became infinitely taller and infinitely farther at this moment!

In the eyes of the two,

That is truly above the heaven and earth,

It is for the ancestors of heaven and human beings who came to the world!

this moment,

Both of them, whether they are young people in the Spirit Origin Realm or Jin Sheng Daozun, have grown their mouths, staring blankly at all this, and instinctively understand what the realm of Heaven and Human Dao Ancestor is!

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