The messenger said something,

The long-disappeared Jinjizong Jinsheng Daozun appeared, and Danyang ancestors and Xuansu ancestors who went to the original site of Jinjizong to annihilate the demons in the realm of Wanhua were caught in it.

Jin Shengdaozun also appeared to spread the word to the outside world,

If you want to save their lives,

Then you need to go there yourself!

"court death!"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flashed fiercely,

The icy murderous intent spread out, causing the temperature of the surrounding space to drop sharply at this moment, freezing and freezing.

The space is trembling!

This is for him!

never thought,

How dare a bereaved dog do this!

The sullen look in Zhang Qingyuan's eyes appeared.


He was not wiped out by anger.

Not to mention that in the battle at Heiyuan Forbidden Land, the power displayed had already made the opponent flee.

Now, when he has shown his ability to kill the Heavenly Human Dao Ancestor series of different demon kings, and has shown his strength above the entire Yuzhou cultivation world, the other party dares to do so.

Thinking about it, the old ghost Jin Sheng was not crazy.

It must be fearless!

"Could it be that the old ghost Jin Sheng found some powerful foreign aid?"

The light flashed in Zhang Qingyuan's eyes, and the dangerous color flashed away.

Looking at the dark chaotic vacuum in front of his eyes, his face was gloomy.

Must be prepared in advance!

He is not an arrogant person, he thinks that he is the strongest in the world.

Since the old ghost Jin Sheng dared to offend the calculation, he must have something to do with it.

I knew there was a pit ahead,

Step down without making any preparations, that's not his style!



He is dead!

The anger in the heart rises, causing the outside world to change,

In an instant, the surrounding void trembled, and the avenues seemed to be split open by the terrifying aura, revealing the chaotic darkness that could not see five fingers!

The immortal aura that was above the heavens disappeared in a flash!


The splendid golden gold accumulation mountain in the past has collapsed from the middle, and the dazzling divine light buildings and magic circles were reflected on that day and night.

Standing at the break of the collapsed rock, he saw that the once splendid Jin Jizong had been turned into a ruin.

In the eyes of Jin Shengdao Zun, the ancient well has no waves, and there is not the slightest fluctuation.

as long as he is there,

Then Jin Jizong is there.

As long as he kills that weird and defiant kid and solves the Yunshui Sect, then the entire Yuzhou, he will be the supreme!

Rebuild Jinjizong,

It's just a word!

What's more, he has already promised the young holy monk from the Holy Land of Buddhism in Central Continent that Jin Jizong will belong to their Da Xumi Temple, become a force under the Da Xumi Temple in the Holy Land of Central Continent, and teach and preach Yuzhou for Da Xumi Temple. .

In return, he was able to enter the Daxumi Temple to practice and get a further passage!

This makes Jin Sheng Daozun, who has not made an inch of progress for many years, undoubtedly extremely hot in his heart!

As for the many disciples of the sect who suffered great calamity because of his escape, as well as the robbed Jinjizong's mountain gate, it was considered that they were dedicated to the great cause.

In the depths of Jin Sheng Daozun's eyes, the cold color flashed away.

His eyes didn't fluctuate at all,

Turn away.

The figures flickered a few times, crossing dozens of miles,

I came to the place where the ley lines of the main peak of Jin Jizong came together in the past.

Where the earth's vein springs are,

Sitting cross-legged, there is a figure that seems to be fused with the heaven and the earth, exuding a dazzling divine light!

The holy Buddha sits cross-legged in the void,

Holding a buddha in his hand,

Every time a Buddha bead is turned, the miraculous Sanskrit sound bursts out, and it turns into pure Buddha essence and merges into the heaven and earth, into the earth's veins here!

for a while,

In the ancient wood forest, if there are faint bells, I can vaguely see that this area of ​​100 miles is shrouded in a golden light, and the mountains, rocks and trees are rendered with a layer of gold,

It seems that the Buddhist Pure Land has come to the human world!

The moment he saw the holy Buddha, Jin Shengdaozun's waist quickly bent down, carefully walked to the holy Buddha, and respectfully said:

"World Honored, everything has been prepared according to your arrangement. The arrangement has been set. If that kid really dares to come, it must be heaven and earth, and there is no way to escape!"

"It's so good, but if you don't prevent that person from coming, you hang those two people in the most conspicuous place and force that person to show up."

Saint Buddha opened his eyes and stopped the movement of turning the beads in his hands.

His eyes seemed to have a round of golden wheels spinning slowly, and the gilded color reflected the vacuum, and he said indifferently.

For Zhang Qingyuan's arrival, there is no trace of nervousness.


In his plan, if he was not worried about Zhang Qingyuan avoiding the fight, or if he found out that he was defeated and ran away after the battle, and his body was not his strength, it would be difficult to pursue him, the Holy Buddha would prefer to directly attack the mountain gate.

After all, the matter of never going back is very important.

But now that the target is dead,

As the murderer who killed him, Zhang Qingyuan must be captured no matter what!

Although the Holy Buddha was not very fond of the record of beheading an ancient demon king who had been sealed for ten thousand years not long ago.

But after all, it has already touched the boundaries of that day.

If the other party sees that the situation is not good and runs away, it will be troublesome.

Must be foolproof!

"Such conspiracy calculations are not my wish, but this matter concerns the whole Even if the little monk suffers a little infamy, if he wants to come to the Buddha, he will not blame the little monk, Amitabha!"

The Holy Buddha's palms clasped together, his face was indifferent, and his face showed the compassion of the world.


Time flies by,

In the blink of an eye, seven days passed.

vast sky,

The sky is high and the clouds are smooth, the clouds are surging,



A huge crack opened in Jiutian, swallowing all the surrounding light, a figure walked out of it, and the world shook violently at this moment!

"I am coming!"

The dull voice without the slightest emotion spread all over in an instant, like the sound of thunder, resounding through the entire sky.

Zhang Qingyuan looked straight ahead,

The light in the eyes suddenly became sharp, and the divine light in the sight seemed to penetrate the sky!

Where the mountain at the end is,

The ancestors of Danyang and Taoist Xuansu were banned from all power and hung on the top of the mountain!

At the same time,

Not far from the surroundings, many cultivators gathered and their eyes met.

There are monks from the outside who want to come and watch the lively,

There are also some disciples of the original Jinjizong who have returned before this and gathered at the mountain gate, thinking that they want to rely on the protection of Jinsheng Daozun.

And above the mountain gate of the original Jin Jizong, a light curtain of light defense formation was raised.

Seeing the scene where the two seniors of the sect were hung on the mountain,

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes were cold,

The temperature of the surrounding void dropped suddenly, and there was a chilling killing intent that affected the void of heaven and earth!

"You are courting death!"

Zhang Qingyuan's face was cold,


One step out, in an instant, the sky and the earth shook violently, setting off a stormy sea!

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