The Buddha palm that covered the entire sky was actually broken by a punch!

Holy Buddha is very clear that this is not because he carelessly underestimates the reason why the other party did not use all his strength.


Under that anger he strikes with hatred,

It has already used one of his most powerful unique skills, the Great Sumerian Buddha Palm!

This is a terrifying unique skill that only the saints of each generation of Daxumi Temple are qualified to practice. The power can be said to be shocking. In the past, he defeated unknown opponents.

But unless it is an old man whose strength is far beyond his own, then the ancient giants that have existed since ancient times,

if not,

Not to mention the monks of the same generation, even the monks who are also in the realm of the ancestors of heaven and human beings, there are few people who can resist this blow!

Originally, the holy Buddha was angry with hatred,

I want to suppress this brazen kid on the spot with one palm,

Let him see what a real celestial being is!

let the other party understand,

The existence of the celestial ancestors of the Central Continent Cultivation World is not something that can be compared to the old, weak, sick and disabled who have been sealed for ten thousand years and whose strength is unknown!


The purpose of teaching the other party is not only not achieved,

His all-out secret skills were directly beaten by the opponent with one punch!

There was a storm in the heart of the Holy Buddha!

How can this be!

How could such a thing exist? !

The punch that the opponent threw together made him feel an immortal aura that was above the heavens and the world!

This guy,

How did you get this level of power? !

In the heart of the Holy Buddha, endless horror arose!

But unfortunately,

Zhang Qingyuan would not be kind enough to answer his doubts, let alone give him time to think.

boom! ! !

Almost at the moment when the Buddha's palm was broken,

Zhang Qingyuan moved again!

Spread out five fingers, grasp the vacuum, that palm seems to encompass the whole world, the supreme Qi of the Five Elements Immortal Dao, gathers into the terrifying sun and stars that shatter all laws, break through the vacuum like a shooting star, and slams towards the holy Buddha The sub head smashed in the past!

That punch pierced through the world, almost instantly!

The terrifying immortal qi machine has solidified the vacuum, making the holy Buddha almost unable to move, and can only watch the big sun and stars slammed down towards his head!

Boom! ! !

The Five Elements Avenue itself has given Zhang Qingyuan a combat power that surpasses the peak of the realm of ten thousand transformations. After obtaining the Five Elements Immortal Sutra, and after being digested and improved quickly because of almost Tao transformation, he even has a power beyond ordinary heaven at this moment. The terrifying power of Human Daozu!

Almost instantly,

The defense of the Buddha's essence lingering around the Holy Buddha's body was shattered and scattered like glass.


In an instant,

Saint Buddha's face is like being smeared by a big sun and stars. The golden body is like a cast of gold, without any ability to fight, and his head explodes like a watermelon in an instant!

In the void swept by the Chaos Storm, only a headless corpse remained.

Also at this moment,

call out!

From the headless golden body, a ray of golden light swept out, disappeared in the void, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye!

"Well, want to run?!"

That fleeting jinghong, naturally, could not escape Zhang Qingyuan's sense of consciousness.

boom! ! !

The vast and terrifying aura rose into the sky, and a thunderbolt exploded in the sky, breaking through the chaotic vacuum!

Zhang Qingyuan took one step forward and chased after him.

But at this moment,

hum! ! !

The immeasurable golden light of the sun suddenly rose from the sky, with a scorching aura, overwhelming the sky and covering the world for thousands of miles!

The dazzling light that has risen can still be clearly seen even at a distance of tens of thousands of miles, exuding a terrifying wave that makes people feel frightened!


Zhang Qingyuan's pupils shrank suddenly, and his figure suddenly stagnated!

Almost instantly,

The figure of a Buddha whose head is above the sun, moon and stars, and whose breath covers the universe, makes the world tremble!

As a holy Buddha under the gate of the Buddhist holy land in today's Central Continent Cultivation World, he naturally possesses the life-saving means bestowed by the ancestors of the Buddhist sect hidden above.

In this crisis of life and death,

Holy Buddha directly used that last resort!

The void cracked, and the boundless golden tide surged, filling the ten thousand zhang sky, giving the world endless coercion!

this moment,

Facing this terrifying momentum, Zhang Qingyuan felt an extreme sense of danger!


without the slightest hesitation,

Zhang Qingyuan's figure disappeared in an instant, and his breath disappeared completely, as if he had disappeared out of thin air!

At the same time,

Outside the vacuum, two figures of Zhang Qingyuan suddenly appeared!

This is the clone of Yiqi Sanqing prepared in advance!

After the body disappears, it appears.

How could Zhang Qingyuan, who knew that Jin Shengdao Zun was likely to set a trap, was not prepared?

These two avatars,

It is the backhand that Zhang Qingyuan has prepared for himself in the past few days!

Boom! ! !

The two figures instantly burst out with a terrifying aura, shattering the sky, and the vast Qi machine soared into the sky, surpassing the sky!

That is the power of immortal energy!

The two clones, each using a wisp of immortal energy, sent out a terrifying divine might that destroyed the sky and the earth, and joined forces to kill the shadow of the Buddha that covered the sky and the sun!

Faced with this scene,

The phantom of the Buddha on the sky seemed to be stunned for a But in the end,

Between raising his hand, the Buddha's palm reflects the boundless light of the swastika, reflecting the Ganges River in the heavens, wrapped in unimaginable terrifying power, and patted the two clones!

Boom boom boom! ! !

A big collision that cannot be described in words broke out!

Heaven and earth are silent,

Thousands of miles of sky collapsed in an instant,

Sound, light, color... everything in the world is destroyed, leaving only the most primitive chaotic abyss, spreading thousands of miles in the sky!

Then the earth-shattering collision swept through,

The entire Yuzhou Cultivation World felt the violent shock of that terrifying confrontation at this moment!

countless creatures,

There is a feeling of trepidation, as if death is coming!

I don't know how much time has passed,

As the shock of terrifying energy dissipated,

The thousands of miles around where the Jinjizong site is located has disappeared.

The earth, soil, and even the space disappeared, turning into a pitch-black abyss that could not be seen, swallowing all the light, and a chaos of nothingness boiled up and down!


A stream of light flashed,

Zhang Qingyuan, who was holding the unconscious Golden Saint Dao Zun in one hand, appeared in the chaotic void.

"It looks like this is an escape!"

This blow shattered the world, and completely wiped away the traces left by the holy Buddha when he escaped.

Can't track.

But it doesn't matter much,

run away, run away,

There is no way,

Moreover, the opponent's golden body was blown up by himself in a single face-to-face, leaving only the spirit to escape and leave. The strength is not really strong, at most, the Central Continent Holy Land Daxumi Temple behind it is a little more troublesome.

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