time goes by,

Time is fleeting.

Fifty years have gone by in the blink of an eye!

Since the cataclysm of the demonic catastrophe ravaged the land of Yuzhou, it almost led to the demise of the cultivation world of Yuzhou. In the end, Taoist Qingxuan was born and saved the world. It has been two generations now.

In the catastrophe that swept the whole world, the entire Yuzhou Cultivation World was almost empty, and the losses were heavy. Most of the mortal monks who were not able to evacuate and perished in the wave of monsters were turned into bones on the side of the road. ,

Even two generations later, even if the surviving monks worked hard to open up, the vast Yuzhou land was still incomparably empty.

At the same time, as the so-called wild grass can't be burnt out, the spring wind blows and grows again.

The earth of the comprehension world is also recovering rapidly.

Large tracts of wild forests rose up from the ground, and all kinds of monsters thrived on the vast land, quickly occupied the wilderness that humans could not recover, and turned one forest after another into a forest of monsters. .

The struggle remains,

It's just that the cooperation between people has become much closer, and what has been replaced is the conflict between people and monsters.

During this process,

Yunshui Sect is detached from things,

Due to the existence of Zhang Qingyuan, who saved the cultivation world, and the only two ancestors of the Wanhua realm in the entire Yuzhou cultivation world, now the Yunshui Sect has become the holy place of the entire Yuzhou.

All surrender,

The power is extremely expanded,

Especially after taking advantage of the catastrophe, the population was not abundant, and many major sects and major forces were shattered, and they obtained a huge expansion.

Development is in full swing.

However, all of this has nothing to do with Zhang Qingyuan, who has been in seclusion all year round.

During these fifty years,

Zhang Qingyuan hardly reappeared in the outside world, and devoted himself to seclusion and ascetic cultivation in the secret realm of Zongmen Dongtian.

After a lot of hard work, he finally digested most of the gains after returning to Yuzhou.

About half of the Five Elements Immortal Sutra has been comprehended, and the three super-powerful immortal methods attached to it have initially been cultivated into one. .

In addition to these, including the spiritual practice of the Taiyi Immortal Sutra, the Yin-Yang Immortal Law's perception of the Yin-Yang Dao, defeating the holy Buddha to get a piece of Buddha's finger from the inside to perform the body refining and progressing method, etc., also each have their own A lot of improvement.

Today's Zhang Qingyuan,

Although he has not yet been promoted to the realm of Heaven and Human Dao Ancestor,

However, compared with fifty years ago, the strength has still undergone earth-shaking changes!

He doesn't know what level of strength he has reached.

But it's definitely not that low.

At least,

Now, if he goes to Central Continent, I am afraid that apart from the first-class sacred immortals and Buddhas standing at the peak of the world, few people can threaten his safety.

However, while making great progress, Zhang Qingyuan also encountered a bottleneck in his cultivation.

For example, the other half of the Five Elements Immortal Sutra, even if Zhang Qingyuan used the Great Evolution Technique to deduce and practice, the progress was slow.


He has encountered a bottleneck.

Zhang Qingyuan understood,

Fifty years of ascetic cultivation has finally reached the end of what he can achieve at this stage.

Haste is not enough,

If you want to go further, you must first take a while, go out for a walk, explore other continents, and relax.

It is not advisable to work behind closed doors,

My mind is tense, I need to relax.

In this world, there has never been a single-minded retreat in the cave dwelling, and in the end, you can cultivate all the way to a monk who soars through the air.


Zhang Qingyuan meant to leave the Yuzhou Cultivation Realm.

Exactly fifty years ago, he captured the Golden Sage Daozun who was causing chaos. After that, he did not hesitate to search for his soul, plunder his memory, and by the way refine him into a puppet of the Wanhua realm.

During this process, Zhang Qingyuan learned that the holy Buddha who suddenly appeared against him back then was actually the descendant of a Wanhua realm enemy who was killed in Yunzhou.

Daxumi Temple, holy Buddha!

This person ~www.readwn.com~ had been searching for his soul in the sea of ​​​​knowledge of the Five Elements Sect master when he killed the Five Elements Sacred Sect in Yunzhou.


He even nearly collided with the other party!

At that time, the Holy Buddha happened to be in the Five Elements Sect, because of a major event, he found the ancestor of the Five Elements Sect, and heard that he had killed the Taishang Patriarch of the Dajing Dynasty, and was about to wait. I went to the door myself and cleaned it up to break the cause and effect.

It's just that the other party left in a hurry for some reason.

And that Chengzu also seems to disappear.

Unexpectedly, under the wrong circumstances, they met in Yuzhou.

Fortunately, this is also the case, otherwise, with the strength of his original time in Yunzhou, he may not be able to escape when facing this person!

I just don't know why the Holy Buddha appeared on the road to Yuzhou, and he also named his name and surname to arrest the sect leader of the wilderness.

Zhang Qingyuan remembered that before he killed Ning Fufu, he heard that the intercontinental teleportation array belonged to him back then, and the other party was also born in Central Continent, and mastered the communication channel between Yuzhou, which is called the Lost Land, and the outside world, Jiuzhou. .

Come to think of it,

That person must have a big secret!

It's a pity that when he killed Ning Bufu back then, he couldn't get much of the memory of the other party.

However, this incident undoubtedly made Zhang Qingyuan more interested in Daxumi Temple.

Of course, compared to

What makes Zhang Qingyuan more concerned is the ancient road of the realm that Jin Shengdaozun took when he left the Yuzhou Cultivation Realm!

This ancient road connecting the Outer Continents that the other party found from Ning Bufu seems to be a common passage for Ning Bufu to travel to and from Yuzhou and Outer Continents in the past!

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