After completing the reconstruction of the Xuanshui Sect, Zhang Qingyuan also left some of his heritage in the Yunshui Sect.

After all, although he has rebuilt the Xuanshui Sect, he is still a member of the Yunshui Sect.

This seems incomprehensible,

Because if a monk of a sect opens a sect in other places, then does that sect that opened belong to the sect, or does it belong to that person himself?

Not only that, but there are many aspects involved.

Normally speaking, the sectarian forces would not allow the cultivators in the sect to create subordinate sect forces indiscriminately outside, because this would share the strength of the sect itself and lead to the loss of inheritance.

Even if there are exceptions, it is the fact that the sect itself wants to expand, and the monks in the door go to open up a subordinate sect force as a bridgehead for expansion, and the opened sect and the sect are subordinates and superiors. The relationship between the vassal.

It was also related to the reason why Mingshui Daoist wanted to leave Yunshui Sect and encountered a lot of resistance from the sect when rebuilding Xuanshui Sect.

As soon as this example opens,

Hearts may be scattered.

There are some old people in the sect, and the monks in the realm of the real world who are hopeless about the road may also have the idea of ​​going out to establish a sect and calling them ancestral.

Do not agree, with precedents, a bit unreasonable.


So good, so those monks in the real world who go out are still their own sect monks?

When there is a conflict of resources, contacts, or interests, which side should you stand on?

People with different hearts, how to manage the small sects and small forces that have been split up and opened up? How to ensure that the subordinate forces maintain the cohesion of the Yunshui Sect?

Among them, there are too many places to pay attention to.


All this has nothing to do with Zhang Qingyuan!

When he made his decision, no one objected.

The order issued, the monks up and down the sect also sent out twelve points of energy to complete it!

And himself,

He is not only the ancestor of the Yunshui Sect, but also the reborn ancestor of the Xuanshui Sect!

Compared with the time when Daoists from Mingshui tried their best to escape from their sect, what a world of difference?

all of these,

All because of his strength!

Because he has become the most powerful above the entire Yuzhou cultivation world, beyond anyone's existence!

When a person's strength reaches a certain level, then the rules in the world that can bind people have nothing to do with him!

As the saying goes, repaying the peach,

Under Zhang Qingyuan's gratitude, he naturally left a legacy in the Yunshui Sect.

That is the essence of his cultivation to this day, the essence of his cultivation base,

If anyone gets it,

Even if the comprehension is not very high, and the aptitude is not a genius, as long as you have this persistent perseverance, you will be able to step by step to the realm of the cave, and even the realm of myriad transformations.

Of course,

It is not so easy to get his inheritance.

Zhang Qingyuan would not let anyone get such a thing casually.

He put it in the deepest part of the inheritance secret realm, and arranged some means. If you don't have great perseverance, high aptitude, or strong understanding, don't even think about getting it.

The funeral in Yuzhou has been arranged,

Next, Zhang Qingyuan was about to leave.

He is going to travel along the ancient road of the realm in the mind of Jin Sheng Dao Zun, and travel to other continents, and learn the Five Elements Immortal Sutra on the way.

at the same time,

I was going to go to the secret realm that recorded the remnants of the Yin-Yang Immortal Dharma that the Yin-Yang Shuangzun obtained in the past, and searched for the Yin-Yang Immortal Sutra.

When yin and yang and the five elements merge together and fight against chaos, it is also time for him to be promoted to heaven and go to Central Continent!

Zhang Qingyuan looked at the sky,

The line of sight seemed to pass through the void, and I saw the end of the void, the center of the blue world, where the luck of the whole world gathered together.

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is the center of the world,

It is also the closest place to the immortals in the entire cultivation world!

However, when Zhang Qingyuan set off, the old Danyang group and Xuansu Dao Zun came to them, hoping to leave Yuzhou and go to other continents together.

"Old Ancestor, Senior Brother, you are..."

Zhang Qingyuan showed a hint of surprise on his face.

"Now that the Yunshui Sect has the Wanhua Realm puppet that you refined from Qingyuan, and the Yuzhou Cultivation Realm has completely calmed down during that battle, the old man and Xuan Su were very thoughtful, thinking that it would be better to leave with you. , go to Outer Continents, and take a look at the customs and customs of the outside world."

Ancestor Danyang stroked the long white beard under his chin and said with a smile:

"I'm ashamed to say that although the old man's lifespan is almost the same, he still has further thoughts. As the saying goes, there is no end to cultivation. When I was young, I was also a seeker. Thousands of years have passed. The heart has not been wiped out, and I just took this opportunity to take a look outside, communicate with more monks of the same level, and maybe find a further opportunity."

Between the words, a flash of memory flashed on the old face of the ancestor of Danyang.

But it soon disappeared, replaced by yearning for the road ahead.

"Yuzhou, after all, is too small. Even if you add Shanghai, it's not a big deal. There are only three or five monks in the Wanhua realm in the two continents."

"I have been trapped in this world for more than 2,000 years. When I was young, the old man also explored the outside world, but unfortunately he never found a way to Now that there is a way, the old ghost Jinsheng I can also go, so I think Xuansu and I should be fine, if it doesn’t get in the way, I’ll go ahead together later.”

at this time,

Although the face of the ancestor of Danyang is no longer young,

But in those eyes, there is still a look of the unknown.

"That's right, Yuzhou is still too small after all, although thanks to the undisclosed teachings from the junior brother, the strength of the senior brother and I have greatly improved, but this improvement has reached the limit. I really want to go out for a walk, anyway, if I can come back along the road, maybe I can find a further opportunity outside, no matter how bad it is, it is also a good thing to communicate with a few more fellows in the Wanhua realm.”

Taoist Xuansu on the side also spoke authentically.

"Hey, speaking of which, because of my poor strength last time, I had to let Junior Brother Zhang take the risk and come to rescue. I am really ashamed. already."

"Senior brother, don't worry, this is not a big deal."

Zhang Qingyuan waved his hand,

Then I thought about it,

It's not a big deal either.

Since Ning never walked past, Jin Shengdaozun walked past, so basically there is not much problem.

The big deal is that when it's time to part, give the two some trump cards, so that when they return, they can add security.

"If that's the case, let's move forward together."

Zhang Qingyuan nodded.

Shortly thereafter,

The three auras that carried through the heaven and earth rose into the sky and disappeared into the sky. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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