"President Zhou, there is no impossible business in this world, isn't it?"

After Zhou Shibin talked a lot of nonsense, Zhang Qingyuan finally spoke in a leisurely manner.

"The so-called imperial ban is only for ordinary middle and low-level monks. What does it have to do with me?"

"Such secrets may be taboos that ordinary people can't mention, but Li does not think that sects such as Feiyu Sect will not understand such things."

Feather Sect,

It is the largest faction in the nearby million-mile area.

In the sect, there is an ancestor of the ten thousand transformation series, and even if you look at the entire Great Zhou Dynasty, it is still a top-ranked existence.

Although Qingzhou Cultivation World is much stronger than Yunzhou and Yuzhou,

But the existence of Wanhuajing is still a giant, respected by people, and its prestige suppresses the area of ​​millions of miles.

stand taller,

The farther you can see, the more well-informed the news will be.

When he proposed this name, Zhang Qingyuan was naturally implying that he was not the only choice.

"Haha, Mr. Li is joking. The Four Seas Chamber of Commerce is able to achieve what it is today just because it abides by the law and obeys the orders of the imperial court."

"Although Zhou is a businessman, that place is the place where the yin and yang department's chief has ordered to forbid talking about it. If anyone mentions that, they have to walk to the Black Ice Terrace, but they don't dare to take such a risk."

Having said that,

But soon, President Zhou's voice changed.

"However, although there is no way to talk about that place, if Mr. Li can help Zhou with a small favor, then Zhou can provide a map of Qingzhou after the matter is completed. I think Mr. Li needs such a thing when he first came here. , even the map of the whole continent of Qingzhou is not something that is easy to get, the map is not brand new, if there is any mark on it, please don't care about it, Mr. Li."

While speaking, President Zhou stared at Zhang Qingyuan's eyes,

means something.

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flashed, and he understood.

However, there was a trace of doubt in his heart.

Why can't we talk about that place?

Even trading news, in such a secret way?

"What the president asks, Li must do his best."

"I just don't know what is involved in that place. Why is the Great Zhou court so cautious, and even banning outside conversations?"

Zhang Qingyuan frowned slightly and asked aloud.

When he first came to Qingzhou, Zhang Qingyuan didn't know the inside story. He once asked people about the place where Yin and Yang Shuangzun left records, and he directly invited the people from the legendary Black Ice Terrace.

Although with his strength, if you don't want others to see him, you won't be able to see him,

Those people from the Black Ice Terrace couldn't cause him any trouble,

But it certainly made him wake up,

For this reason, I lived in Dongshan City for several years, and I became familiar with this week's president before asking relevant questions.

What is that place all about?

Why not even talk about it? !

What does the order given by the Master of Yin and Yang Division have anything to do with the Yin-Yang Double Venerable?

many doubts,

Undoubtedly, Zhang Qingyuan was a little concerned.

"Don't say it, don't say it."

President Zhou waved his hands again and again, as if he had remembered something, and the look of fear on his face flashed away.

"Mr. Li, who are you, and why are you looking for that place, Zhou did not ask, but the best thing is, Mo Shenhe should be involved in that matter..."

Seeing President Zhou's secretive look,

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head secretly in his heart.

It seems that there is not much news from the other party's mouth.

"I don't know what the president wants Li to do."

Since he couldn't ask anything, Zhang Qingyuan stopped asking, and went straight to the topic.

"Actually, it's not a big problem. It's an internal issue in the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce. Soon after, the chairman of the branch in Dongshan City needs to be re-elected. One of Zhou's rivals has been eyeing Zhou for a long time."

Speaking of serious business, Zhou Zhengbin's expression became serious and solemn.

"This election for the chairmanship involves many aspects such as strength, fame, contacts, etc. Among them, it is necessary to invite someone to play in the arena, but Mr. Li is not required to play, Zhou has already invited a dragon and phoenix on the list. As a powerful person, Mr. Li only needs to come to the scene and give Zhou a strong momentum."


Zhang Qingyuan nodded.

He knew it in his heart, and it was estimated that the master he invited was the opponent's real support. His presence was just to show the other party's connections and strengthen his momentum.

Since the other party is willing to pay,

There's nothing wrong with that either.

"Mr. Li is really refreshing. After this is done, in addition to the map of Qingzhou, there are also gifts!"

Zhang Qingyuan smiled,



After leaving the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce,

Zhang Qingyuan returned to a manor rented by his family in Dongshan City.

"Sir, you are back."

The first to usher in was an ordinary boy of twelve or thirteen years old, wearing a training suit.

Originally the other party was sitting cross-legged on the ground to practice,

see myself back,

Get up quickly,

Welcome up.

not far away,

A girl of eight or nine years old, struggling to repair


After leaving the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce,

Zhang Qingyuan returned to a manor rented by his family in Dongshan City.

"Sir, you are back."

The first to usher in was an ordinary boy of twelve or thirteen years old, wearing a training suit.

Originally the other party was sitting cross-legged on the ground to practice,

see myself back,

Get up quickly,

Welcome up.

not far away,

An eight or nine year old girl ~www.readwn.com~ is struggling to repair

After leaving the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce,

Zhang Qingyuan returned to a manor rented by his family in Dongshan City.

"Sir, you are back."

The first to usher in was an ordinary boy of twelve or thirteen years old, wearing a training suit.

Originally the other party was sitting cross-legged on the ground to practice,

see myself back,

Get up quickly,

Welcome up.

not far away,

A girl of eight or nine years old, struggling to repair

After leaving the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce,

Zhang Qingyuan returned to a manor rented by his family in Dongshan City.

"Sir, you are back."

The first to usher in was an ordinary boy of twelve or thirteen years old, wearing a training suit.

Originally the other party was sitting cross-legged on the ground to practice,

see myself back,

Get up quickly,

Welcome up.

not far away,

A girl of eight or nine years old, struggling to repair

After leaving the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce,

Zhang Qingyuan returned to a manor rented by his family in Dongshan City.

"Sir, you are back."

The first to usher in was an ordinary boy of twelve or thirteen years old, wearing a training suit.

Originally the other party was sitting cross-legged on the ground to practice,

see myself back,

Get up quickly,

Welcome up.

not far away,

A girl of eight or nine years old, struggling to repair

After leaving the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce,

Zhang Qingyuan returned to a manor rented by his family in Dongshan City.

"Sir, you are back."

The first to usher in was an ordinary boy of twelve or thirteen years old, wearing a training suit.

Originally the other party was sitting cross-legged on the ground to practice,

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