"Junior Brother Zhang is here, come, come, please take a seat."

By the Panyang Lake, when Zhang Qingyuan arrived, Zhao Yuanyang was warmly entertaining a group of newly-introduced inner disciples who kept coming and going.

In a short while, more than twenty people gathered.

"This one is Lin Yan of Lie Yangfeng..."

"This one is the Meng Chong of Wan Leifeng..."

Zhao Yuanyang wandered among the gathering people, introducing their identities to everyone around him and getting to know each other.

Zhang Qingyuan also followed the crowd, and settled down after getting to know each other politely.

"Senior Brother Shen, long time no see!"

Sitting next to Zhang Qingyuan was Shen Hongzhou, who had also come out of the Seventeen Courtyard. At this time, he had entered the inner gate for half a year, and the opponent's cultivation had reached the stage of the mid-eighth stage.

However, sensing the fluctuation of the other party's spirit element, it should be not long after the breakthrough.

Faced with Zhang Qingyuan's greetings, Shen Hongzhou showed a wry smile on her face.

"Daoyou Zhang joked, you and I enter the inner gate together, and the strength of cultivation is above me. You shouldn't be your brother, if you don't dislike it, you can call it a fellow Taoist in the future."

Shen Hongzhou looked deep into Zhang Qingyuan's eyes, revealing a trace of envy.

Half a year ago,

His own seven-fold Lingyuan Consummation, the opponent is also seven-fold Lingyuan Consummation, and he can still fight back and forth.

As a result, more than half a year passed, and the opponent showed that he was the first to break through to the eighth layer of Lingyuan, and then he progressed by leaps and bounds, blooming his own light in the outer gate.

Although it also stopped at the outer gates of the semifinals.

But Shen Hongzhou knew that he only entered the semifinals by luck.

Compared with Zhang Qingyuan, who comprehend the sword intent and was invincible within the same level of the Lingyuan Eighth Layer, and was able to defeat even the Lingyuan Ninth Layer in the early stage, the gap was already too big to match.

During this period of time when he entered the inner gate, Shen Hongzhou admitted that he had already worked very hard in his cultivation.

Therefore, in only half a year, he broke through a small level and was promoted to the middle stage of the Eighth Layer of Lingyuan.

Just meet again,

The opponent was also promoted to the late Lingyuan Eighth Layer.

Moreover, Shen Hongzhou, who is next to Zhang Qingyuan, who has the perception of family inheritance secret skills, can also feel it more.

Zhang Qingyuan's strength at this time was another big step forward, and the gap between them was even wider than before entering the inner door.

If they fought with each other, Shen Hongzhou felt that he was afraid that he would be killed by the opponent within ten moves.

"Hey, Zhang Qingyuan's perseverance, I am far from it."

Shen Hongzhou sighed inwardly.

Since he was defeated by the opponent for the first time more than half a year ago, Shen Hongzhou had become interested in Zhang Qingyuan and learned about the opponent's past.

A remote family of a small family with medium cultivation, barely passed the sect's outer gate examination, and entered the Seventeenth Courtyard.

In the next two years in the other hospital, I practiced steadily and conscientiously. In addition to going out to receive various farming tasks such as farming, harvesting, and taking care of elixir, to obtain training resources, basically the extra free time was spent on cultivation. among.

Then it took more than two years to improve the cultivation base, from the top of the three-fold spiritual element to the seventh and even eight-fold spiritual element.

On this road, one by one, he chased after him bit by bit, and finally left behind and went farther and farther.

I still remember that the first time he showed his minions in the Tongmen Courtyard, it was the battle with Yao Ping shortly after breaking through the Seventh Layer of Lingyuan.

Just how long has it been since that battle?

But in a mere year,

The other party has already become an inner disciple, and Yao Ping is still struggling in the Seventh Level of Lingyuan in the Seventeenth Courtyard. If three years later, he cannot enter the inner gate through the outer gate Dabi, then From then on, basically he could only sink among the 100,000 disciples of the outer gate, and the chance of entering the inner gate became extremely slim.

The two contrasted, whether it was strength or status, there was a huge difference in just one year.

This feeling of others catching up little by little and then catching up is really uncomfortable.

It was also stimulated by Zhang Qingyuan that Shen Hongzhou became even harder to practice. In a short period of half a year, he made breakthroughs one after another, and his cultivation level reached the mid-eighth stage.

It's a pity that when we meet again, the other party has already gone further.

But for this,

Shen Hongzhou didn't have much jealousy, and some just sighed and admired.

He knew that Zhang Qingyuan's aptitude for cultivation was not the kind of genius child, at best it was only a middle-class talent.

The reason for being able to improve so quickly is entirely because of the other's diligence.

During the more than two years of practicing in the outer door, Zhang Qingyuan spent three or even four times as hard a day as others.

Years are like a day.

Two years of hard work is equivalent to the hard work of others for seven or eight years. How unhappy is the promotion of the cultivation level?

It was also after being defeated by Zhang Qingyuan to catch up, Shen Hongzhou felt so painful, imitating Zhang Qingyuan's hard work, only to realize that this kind of persistence is really not easy, and until now he can only barely achieve half of Zhang Qingyuan's efforts.

This also made him admire Zhang Qingyuan's perseverance even more.

Zhang Qingyuan is naturally not clear about Shen Hongzhou's inner thoughts around him.

Naturally, I didn't know that I had an extra fan unexpectedly.

Everyone exchanged and introduced each other, and the banquet began.

This gathering is a group gathering initiated by Zhao Yuanyang with him as a link. The personnel are basically the inner disciples who are in the beginning of this session, and the realm of cultivation is in the eight or nine layers of Lingyuan~www.readwn.com~ this is Opportunities to expand contacts.

As a descendant of the aristocratic family, Zhao Yuanyang's communication is exquisite and exquisite, and he does everything without leakage. Although the selected monks have different personalities, there is no such arrogant and domineering person.

There may be disagreements in personalities and disagreements with each other.

But at most, I didn't want to communicate too much. On the surface, there was still a sense of harmony, so there was no messy conflict.

Zhao Yuanyang did spend a lot of effort on this banquet.

Among them, the various spiritual delicacies are more advanced than the last banquet at the outer door. This may be because Zhao Yuanyang entered the inner door and received greater support from the family.

A banquet, everyone is happy.

During this exchange, Zhang Qingyuan also got acquainted with some contacts. Although they didn't have a deep friendship with each other, if you have any needs in the future, you can rely on this to ask for help in the past.

For example, Lin Yan of Lieyangfeng was an intermediate refiner who had refined intermediate magical items and was about to attack the advanced refiner.

Another example is Qian Sen of Tianmufeng, who is good at planting all kinds of elixir. He has a lot of elixir seeds in his hand and can provide medicinal materials to others.

Zhang Qingyuan has memorized these personal resources.

It is impossible for one person to take care of all matters, and there will be times when these contacts will be needed in the future.

After the banquet, they knew each other a lot.

At this time, it is the stage of intercommunication.

After several successful transactions.

Lin Yan who saw Lie Yangfeng stood up and said:

"Lin Mou is going to hit the realm of a senior refiner recently, and there is still a drop of the essence of Guishui. I don't know if you have extra essence of Guishui on hand, please cut your love one or two."

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