In the air, the atmosphere was extremely depressing.

Zhou Zhengbin is still not allowed to explain,

Deng Long made a move,

The mysterious light behind him rolled the following three people to him like living creatures, and then he wrapped his arms around him, looking down coldly.

"Good grandson, tell me what happened to you!"

at this time,

Along with the huge movement caused by Deng Long, the eyes of the monks in the realm of caves around the station were all attracted.

Under the convergence of many terrifying sights,

All three bodies trembled from the heart.

"Don't be afraid, your grandfather is right behind you and will definitely get justice for you!"

Deng Long frowned slightly and said coldly.

With the support of his ancestors behind him, Deng Yunian swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, calmed down, and under the witness of countless eyes, he dodged his eyes and told a little nervously about what he had encountered before.

Roughly, they discovered the thousand-year-old vermilion fruit growing on the edge of the cliff in the mountains, but because the medicinal properties were not enough, they stayed there and did not pick it. Instead, they often came to water some fertilizers made from fermented spirit beast dung.


In their sudden effort, they were picked up by one person.

They came forward to the theory,

As a result, the other party suddenly attacked,

Hit them hard.

And that person was the kid named Lin Hao brought by Zhang Qingyuan.

"Is there such a thing?"

"Ah, although the little thousand-year-old vermilion fruit is not worth anything, at least let people talk, and let's do it after negotiating."

"Maybe it's a habit of indulgence in the past..."

The sights projected from the surroundings, the voices of conversation sounded one after another.

Someone's voice has an unknown meaning,

But some people believed Deng Yunian's statement.

Because that kid Lin Hao was only at the sixth level of Ling Yuan, and Deng Yunian was already at the seventh level of Ling Yuan, plus the two behind him,

If it wasn't for a sneak attack, how could the latter three be injured and retreat, and finally find their ancestors to do justice?

At least before the confrontation,

Deng Yunian and others were unprepared.

And only so,

That kid Lin Hao, who was at the sixth level of Ling Yuan, was able to make a sneak attack!

"You are farting!"

Such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of Lin Hao in the rear. Seeing Deng Yunian in mid-air confounding right and wrong, the monks and spectators gathered around them immediately walked out with anger on their faces.


Also at that moment,

boom! !

A terrifying aura suddenly pressed on him, pressing him to the ground.

"When a big man speaks, how can you speak out as an ant!"

In the sky, Deng Long's cold voice spread, resounding between the heavens and the earth, crushing Lin Hao with a majestic force.

"Daoyou Deng, children are ignorant, please don't care."

Zhou Zhengbin, who was on the side, immediately stood up, and with a flick, a force spread, and he wanted to help Lin Hao, who was on the ground.


The gravitational force that was pressing on Lin Hao's body did not move at all!

Regarding Zhou Zhengbin's success,

Deng Long in the sky does not give face at all!

With arms folded, he stood blankly in the sky, condescendingly and proudly looking down.


There was a burst of laughter from the surrounding void.

Zhou Zhengbin's face flushed with shame and anger,

But soon,

In the end, it was forced down.

Now under the fence,

The things that Mr. Li promised at the beginning have not been completed.

Not the time to turn around.

With a slightly embarrassed smile on his face, he bowed to Deng Long in the sky and said with a smile:

"Brother Deng doesn't need to be angry, it's just a conflict between some children. Why don't Zhou take out a ten thousand year vermilion fruit as compensation to brother Deng. How will this matter be settled?"

Right at this moment,

Lin Hao, who was pinned to the ground, gritted his teeth, his gums were cracked and bleeding, and he raised his head with difficulty, looking at Deng Long, who exuded a terrifying aura in the sky and pressed him to the ground. UU Reading

"One person does the work and one person does it! This is none of the business of President Zhou and Mr. Li. If you want to compensate, I will give you my life!"

Lin Hao said every word,

Under the terrifying pressure, without uttering a word, the mouth was full of gurgling red blood!

When facing the great power of Dongzhen Realm, he can still maintain his arrogant backbone,

However, it made the original discussion voices silent!

At the same time,

Zhang Qingyuan, who has not made a sound, is behind Zhou Zhengbin and has not attracted anyone's attention at all, but there is a faint white light in his eyes.

Under the sight of that pair of pupils,

The wisps above Lin Hao's head were looming, and the fleeting white luck not only did not fall into a precarious state of decline, but instead grew stronger, and the color became more profound!

"This is because I was present, and it was impossible for Lin Hao to die, so the luck did not show signs of decay. At the same time, because the mind was baptized by the breath of a late-stage monk in the real world, the Taoist heart became more determined, and the future Taoism Is it because the road has become wider..."

In Zhang Qingyuan's mind, a faint flash of enlightenment flashed through his thoughts.

The perception of the power of luck,

one step closer!

According to rumors, only the luck accumulated in the heaven and earth for thousands of years can become an immortal.

Perhaps on this path,

To be able to dig out the mystery of becoming an immortal, as well as the biggest secret of the reincarnation of the great power from the upper realm to this world to prove the Tao and become an immortal!

Although I still want to take this opportunity to continue to explore the power of luck,

However, Zhang Qingyuan was not ready to continue this absurd scene.


four hundred more words

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