The sky exploded, the heaven and earth were under the impact of terror, and under the continuous terror explosion, the vacuum was boiling violently at this moment!

The storm of light in the sky swept the world!

The terrifying collision time and time again, the large tracts of the sky are collapsed!

Under the raid of the imperial army, the mountain protection formation of the Dongshan Society was broken in an instant, so that the monks of the Dongshan Society in Shangshan could not gather at all, and they were scattered by the raid!

The masters with the black ice platform inside rushed left and right, and outside the imperial army swept across,

The entire Dongshan Club is torn apart.

have to fight each other,

The Dongshan Society itself is no stronger than the people in the court, especially the leader Xue Zhenyun was hit hard by undercover in the first time. The entire Dongshan Society seemed to be fragmented at this time, and there was no possibility of resistance. Went out!

"Mr. Li, hurry up!!!"

Seeing this scene, Zhou Zhengbin only felt cold hands and feet for a while.

The terrifying black ice platform, the main reflector of Changkong, severely damaged several giants of the Dongshan Society who fled high in the sky, and hit the ground like a cannonball. soaring into the sky,

And the army behind him is also suffocating, sweeping everything, any cultivator who wants to rush into the formation will be crushed into mud at this moment!

At this moment, in front of the power of the imperial court, the entire Dongshan Society is like the autumn wind sweeping away the leaves, and it is about to be swept away!


Must run away!

Zhou Zhengbin grabbed Lin Hao who was not far away with one hand, and was about to escape with Zhang Qingyuan!


"Want to run?! Delusional!"

A loud explosion like thunder came down from the sky, and the space seemed to be shattered!

Then a terrifying breath descended,

I saw that Ying Changkong, the main leader of the East Mountain Domain of Black Ice Terrace, had already severely damaged all the high-level executives of several major East Mountain Clubs and smashed them to the ground. The situation was already clear. on the sky.

"You two, are the thieves who killed Li Zhengbang?"

Ying Changkong's body shook with a terrifying aura, slamming into the void, and the majestic pressure rolled down. He glanced at Zhou Zhengbin and Zhang Qingyuan's eyes, a moment of indifference, as if he was looking at two dead people.

"Lord Domain Master, it is these two people!"

I don't know when, Deng Long had already solved the opponent who was entangled in him, appeared behind Ying Changkong covered in blood, and said respectfully.

"That's good, let these two people abolish their skills, break their hands and feet, and take them back to the capital to suffer the punishment of piercing their hearts for ten thousand days!"


Without saying anything unnecessary, Ying Changkong waved his hand, directly deciding the fate of Zhou Zhengbin and Zhang Qingyuan.

But he didn't make a move, just stood there silently,

Deng Long understood in his heart,

Overjoyed in my heart,

The domain master is going to give him this credit!

The surrounding imperial court Hei Bingtian also showed envy on their faces, but their hands and feet were not slow, and soon Xue Zhenyun, who had been severely injured, and other high-level leaders of the East Mountain Society were all seized, and the Dantian Sea of ​​​​Consciousness was abolished. Escorted over.

The curtain is set!

The surrounding battles are also quickly subsiding,

Deng Long showed a smirk on his face and walked slowly towards the two of them.

"The two of you, even if you die, you can be proud of yourself! The Dongshan rebels will exist for thousands of years. If Fei Er and the other two did such a big thing and violated the imperial court's scale, the imperial court would not have almost mobilized the entire East Mountain region. The elite army is coming to besiege!"

"It can be said that the Dongshan Bandit Society perished entirely because of the two of you!"

Deng Long was extremely happy at this time.

No wonder he wasn't excited,

Hundreds of years ago, he was trapped at the peak of the real essence realm with the help of nobles, so he was able to break into the real realm of the cave, but at the same time, as a price, he secretly joined the black ice platform and became the control of the black ice platform scattered in the East Mountain Club. 's dark child.

For many years, he has been disguising himself with a rebellious personality,

But I don't know how many days and nights,

More than once, I was awakened by the nightmare of being discovered by Dongshan Club!

At the same time, the inner demons are entangled,

Make it difficult for him to break through again!

But now,

It's all over!

At the same time, as the biggest hero in destroying the Dongshan, he also subdued the two criminals who dared to kill the governor and the governor, and this time he will definitely get a great reward!

Thinking of this, Deng Long almost burst into laughter under the pressure of years of venting.

"Ah! Damn! I knew I shouldn't accept these two **** fellows!"

"Bastard! I should have killed these two people earlier!"

"The foundation of thousands of years is destroyed in one fell swoop, both of you deserve to die!"

"You two calamities, thanks to my kindness to accept you, but brought such calamity!"

Hearing this,

All around are the high-level executives of the major Dongshan Associations who have been hit hard, and the senior officials of the major Dongshan Associations who were escorted by the imperial sergeants are all cursing at this moment.

The eyes that looked at the two were full of resentment.

These people who used to be aloof at this time did not hold any grudge against the people in the imperial court who captured them, but they poured out all their anger on the two of them!

There is nothing more than human nature to bully the soft and fear the hard!

Zhou Zhengbin's face,

Turned red at the moment,

I don't know if it's anger or shame.

"Hahaha, you guys..."

Deng Long laughed out loud, his voice was full of wanton, what to say,


Before he could finish,

A white as jade, neither fat nor thin, as if the most symmetrical and perfect palm in the world, suddenly enlarged in front of his eyes!


What's this?

What happened?

At that moment,

Deng Long felt that his thinking seemed to have slowed down, time and space had also slowed down, and the world seemed to be pressed the slow button!


There are three hundred more words here.

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