Remember [] for a second,!

ps: Don't subscribe yet. This is a repeat of the previous chapter. I haven't finished writing it yet. Please post it first, and everyone will read it tomorrow.


Boom boom boom! ! !

The god-killing spear that radiated a dazzling vacuum that swept across thousands of feet in a radius, flew backwards in the direction of the military formation with a momentum of undiminished power!

The power that was as heavy as a thousand ounces, crushing the sky, was all thrown back under this sleeve!

"not good!!!"

Inside the chariot, King Pingxi felt a kind of terrifying fear, and his face changed suddenly.

The Wanhua realm masters on the court side also showed a horrified look on their faces!

"Raise your shield! Defense!"

With the roar resounding through the heavens and the earth, the momentum of the soldiers on the ground below rose into the sky, densely packed, like a tsunami that was overwhelming, turning into a boundless blood-colored evil spirit!

Above the military formation with a radius of tens of thousands of meters, layers of thick, mountain-like blood-colored giant shields appeared one after another, layer upon layer, like a copper wall and an iron wall, indestructible!

"Thousand-fold immovable mountain formation!"

In the surrounding void, some people were shocked.

That terrifying aura made the surrounding vacuum feel as heavy as a mountain, giving people a feeling of powerlessness that was difficult to contend with.

"The troops led by King Pingxi this time are all elites. One hundred thousand troops, each of which is above the real yuan realm. I am afraid that this thousand-fold immovable mountain formation is difficult to compete with the Taoist realm of Wanhua realm!"

The terrifying army formation rose in an instant, and the aura of blood evil covered the sky and the sun!

at the same time,

The god-killing spear that flew upside down has also arrived. The dazzling divine light, if the big sun meteor broke through the heavy atmosphere, smashed the large area of ​​​​the vacuum on the top and smashed it fiercely in the direction of the army formation. go down!

Boom! ! !

The earth-shattering collision set off a terrifying storm of destruction, sweeping the vacuum!

The surrounding earth collapsed in an instant!

The soil of the earth disappeared and turned into nothingness!

The devastating storm that swept through the impact, almost torn the space, and swept away with a terrifying force that was enough to crush the cultivator of the real cave!

Originally, I wanted to get closer to see if I could pick up some cheap loose repairs. I immediately ran away crying and screaming, and then was swept away by the terrifying impact. Sweep away!

The smoke swept up and hit the sky,

It dyed half of the sky a khaki.

After a long time,

the vibration disappeared,

Heaven and earth calm down,

The smoke and dust that filled half the sky also gradually dispersed, revealing the scene where the imperial army was located.


When the scene in front can be seen clearly, there is a continuous sound of gasping in all directions!

The thousand-fold immovable mountain formation was broken!

The long spear penetrated from the middle, and the huge square army formation composed of 100,000 elites was like a cake at this moment. , forming a huge fan-shaped cavity!

The sergeant inside, under the terrifying boundless power, was completely wiped out!

With one blow,

This is enough to compete, and even enough to surround and kill a Wanhua Taoist army, it is already a heavy loss!

More than half of the soldiers died on the spot and disappeared!

And in the center of the tip of the God-killing spear, a carriage made of divine gold was piercing through it, breaking a huge gap, and nailing it to the ground.

The surrounding soldiers and servants all vanished into ashes, and there was no life in a radius of 100 zhang.

the owner of the carriage,

The King of Pingxi was levitatingly suspended in the back thousands of meters away, frightened, and his face was blue and white at the same time.

The surrounding imperial court's Black Ice Terrace, the Yin-Yang Division, and other masters of Wanhua, all of them are scattered in different shapes, all of them are in a state of embarrassment.


In that moment just now,

They are also out!


That divine spear pierced through with the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth. With extremely pure destructive power, it easily penetrated their Taoist power and destroyed them all!

If it wasn't for the bad sight at that moment and the hiding fast enough,

I'm afraid that all of them have been hit hard in that one moment!


At this moment,

The whole world is dead silent!

The sound seemed to be suddenly lost,

The stillness of the sound of a needle falling to the ground can be heard clearly,

At this moment, countless people showed unprecedented astonishment on their faces, and they couldn't help but open their mouths.

What happened in front of you made people wonder if it was just an illusion!

Even the Taoist Master Xuanqing, the head of Tianzong, the Evergreen faction, etc., there are quite a few in Qingzhou, and the giants of the great sect leaders who are at the peak of the cultivation world have their pupils shrunk to the size of a needle at this moment!

These beings standing at the pinnacle of the Qingzhou Cultivation Realm are all at the pinnacle level of the realm of ten thousand transformations.

also more clearly,

What exactly does this scene mean!

"Heavenly Ranks Thousands of Changes!!!"

The Taoist Master Xuanqing, who was canonized as the head of the Taoist Sect by the Great Zhou Dynasty, looked extremely solemn at this moment, and spoke slowly and authentically.

As soon as these words came out, there was an uncontrollable drooling sound around.

Countless eyes converged on the flying boat that broke through the sky. At this moment, that flying boat seemed to be the center of heaven and earth, the protagonist of the world!

When the spacecraft slowly stopped and landed,

No one here dared to speak,

Even King Pingxi of the imperial court military, his army was severely injured, his face was blue and white, and he could only suppress the burning anger in his heart.

Watching helplessly as the spaceship representing the largest rebel organization in the imperial court descends,

No No wonder the Feixian League only sent two Wanhua to come, and they did not pay any attention to the people from the court military and the public sect. It turned out that there was a heaven-rank Wanhua accompanying! "

"Yeah, the Heavenly Rank Wanhua, this is no longer what the strength of the army can make up for, unless it is a shot of the same rank, otherwise a Heavenly Rank Wanhua can be said to be invincible!"

"Hey, that King Pingxi still wanted to pinch a soft persimmon to stand up, but he didn't expect to kick it on the iron plate. It's a pity that he is a guy who bullies the soft and fears the hard, so he didn't dare to go up and fight hard."

"The 100,000 Longteng Army was severely damaged at one time, and with the background of King Pingxi, it is also broken..."

With the approach of the flying boat,

The many monks onlookers began to whisper.

between the void,

From time to time, an unknown divine sense sound transmission spreads out, whispering, but extremely harsh.

King Pingxi in the army felt an unprecedented dryness on his face, blue veins burst out on his forehead, and a pair of iron fists almost burst...

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