"Uncle San, what do you think of these people?"

When everyone left, Zhao Yuanyang stood with his hands in the courtyard, and suddenly asked, as if talking to the air.

With the sound falling.

A figure appeared from behind, appearing beside Zhao Yuanyang like a ghost.

None of the inner disciples gathered here were even aware of the people hiding here.

"Yes, the future is bright, and the potential is good."

The middle-aged monk who Zhao Yuanyang called his third uncle stroked his beard and nodded.

On the path of spiritual practice, personal connections, relationships, and communication are also learning.

Zhao Yuanyang made friends with inner disciples. Naturally, it was impossible to associate with people casually. He selected some fellow daoists who had potential or would be helpful to him in the future.

Although this is a bit snobbery, the reality is like this.

Whether it is other people or Zhang Qingyuan, this is clear in their hearts, and they don't feel disgusted in their hearts.

Because they really need this personal connection.

"Of course, in the past few months, I have visited the inner sect disciples one by one with the newly introduced inner sect disciples, and finally selected more than 20 people who are suitable."

The praise of the third uncle made Zhao Yuanyang a little proud.

The strength of the people participating in this small gathering is not the best, but Zhao Yuanyang has certain criteria for judging whether it is ability or psychic potential.

And his Zhao Yuanyang's gaze is still very accurate.

However, the middle-aged monk glanced at Zhao Yuanyang beside him, but his brows were slightly frowned.

Secretly said in my heart:

"Yuanyang, this child, has good talents, but he seems to rely too much on personal connections...It's true that Dharma's wealth is important on the road to cultivation, but all this is only for the sake of being able to climb to a higher path in the end. Weili attributed to its own auxiliary means..."

After entering the inner gate for a few months, Zhao Yuanyang's performance as a middle-aged monk was almost in sight.

He focused most of his energy on network expansion, focused on making friends with others, observing the potential of other new inner disciples, and evaluating whether to make friends or not, and he became slack in his practice.

But the big roads fight for the front, and if you don't advance, you will retreat.

Personal connections, after all, can't help you practice.

The middle-aged monk wanted to say something but stopped, but in the end he still didn't say anything.

For this kind of thing, you can only gain the most if you comprehend it after you make a mistake.

The middle-aged monk generally knew that it would not be too long for Zhao Yuanyang to wake up, and it would not take more than a year and a half at most.

Because among the people at this gathering, there was a young man who made the middle-aged monks especially cared about.

That was the inner disciple named Zhang Qingyuan.

With a solid foundation, a deep and stable foundation, it is clear that the one yuan Guishui Jing is a pure but slow method, and the progress is not slow in the slightest.

This proves that during the period of time when the other party entered the inner door, the other party did not relax at all, and has always worked hard to practice unremittingly.

Few people can do this.

He just entered the inner gate and became a true disciple of the Yunshui Sect.

Most of the young disciples will relax and celebrate, and some even return to their families, holding banquets and inviting ten miles and eight villages to have a carnival.

This is human nature.

There are only people with strong xinxing. Under this environment, they are still persevering and practicing consistently.

And Zhang Qingyuan, in the eyes of this middle-aged monk, is the kind of great perseverance.

"When the boy surnamed Zhang's cultivation base exceeds Yuanyang, there is no need for me to say anything at that time, and reality will give him a punch, so that he can clearly understand what is the real support on his own path of cultivation... ."

Looking at Zhao Yuanyang, who was a little excited, the middle-aged monk thought to himself.

He also knows something about Zhang Qingyuan's information.

It is precisely because of this that he guessed that in the next one and a half years, that Zhang Qingyuan will be promoted to the Ninth Level of Lingyuan smoothly.

Now Zhang Qingyuan is already invincible in the Lingyuan Eighth Layer, and is even more able to leapfrog challenges at the outer door.

Once promoted, the strength will be greatly improved.

At that time, Zhao Yuanyang, who had delayed his practice, estimated that it was only between the peak of the Nine Layers and the middle of the Nine Layers. With that strong foundation strength of Zhang Qingyuan, Zhang Qingyuan, who had greatly increased in strength of the Nine Layers, defeated Yuanyang this child.

Two years ago, this same door of my own was not enough for my opponents of several rounds.

But two years later, his qualifications and family background were not as good as his fellow students catching up step by step, until now he has surpassed himself.

If this contrast does not make Zhao Yuanyang wake up, then he is considering whether to go back and talk to his eldest brother, and change his training.

At that time, if Zhao Yuanyang's child could wake up to himself, it would not be a big problem to go wrong for one or two years of practice. On the contrary, it would have a lot of benefits for Zhao Yuanyang's future growth.

It's not terrible to make a mistake.

As long as you can understand the mistakes and correct them, this past mistake is a rare growth asset.

It is precisely because of this that the middle-aged monk, after seeing that Zhao Yuanyang's path has gone astray, did not speak to remind him, but quietly waited for the future development.

Knowing and comprehending yourself is always more profound than others put forward.


What happened later, Zhang Qingyuan naturally had no way of knowing ~www.readwn.com~ Zhang Qingyuan who had returned to the cave, after the Silver Shadow Longsword was handed over to Lieyang Peak's Lin Yan upgrade, he had no intention of going out and even went underground. The Dark River has no plans to refine the essence of Guishui.

Without the silver shadow magic sword, one's own strength has been directly reduced by 20%, and even the one-strike sword-drawing ultimate move is lacking.

If the fluctuations of that day happen again, what should Zhang Qingyuan do?

Therefore, Zhang Qingyuan planned to stay in the cave to practice before Silver Shadow was upgraded.

While meditating in the cave mansion, while studying the basics of alchemy in his spare time, he basically understood all the principles.

A few days later, I went out again.

Going to Tianmu Peak, with the help of Qian Sen's arrogance, he bought a batch of low-level medicinal materials with Bailingshi, and at the same time bought an ordinary pill furnace in the Fangshi to return to the cave.

In a few days,

After preparing, Zhang Qingyuan began to open the furnace according to the simplest Qi-sensing pill recipe in the alchemy basics.

This kind of pill does not increase the chance of a mortal's feeling of success. Its essence is to maximize the use of spiritual resources, and by the way, it can slightly improve some of the mortal body's constitution.

For example, if a spiritual grass is used for a mortal, it can only be used once, and the rest is up to fate.

However, if you assist other pill to refine the spirit grass to make a sense of Qi Dan, then a spirit grass can be used reasonably three times, four times or more.

It is precisely because the Ganqi Pill itself is an elixir that makes the most of the rational use of elixir, without worrying about various other pill characteristics, and therefore it is one of the simplest basic pill prescriptions in the alchemy technique.

Now, Zhang Qingyuan uses this pill as the beginning of his alchemy practice.

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