Remember [] for a second,!

The cultivators who entered the cave realm were more or less the geniuses and elites of the Qingzhou Cultivation Realm.

Many people burst into dazzling light in the battle,

For example, Li Wei of the Feixian League led the rest of the disciples in the league to escape in the siege of many experts in the imperial court, and he became famous in an instant, causing a sensation in the entire cave.

Not only that,

Many people were also fighting, gradually showing their prominence, and their prestige began to spread.


No matter how genius and evildoer,

After all, the real cave is the real cave, and there is no possibility that it can be comparable to Zhang Qingyuan's avatar.

I am afraid that if they are allowed to enter this central altar from the periphery, it will take at least half a month to overcome the difficulties and obstacles.

Also therefore,

When he arrived at the central altar, the adventures of many Qingzhou cultivators had just begun, and naturally no one would disturb him.

Just searched around,

It is roughly estimated that there are thousands of skeletons in the square around the altar.


Not enough valuable things have been searched for in them.

Zhang Qingyuan disliked all kinds of bits and pieces, and these people did not have the habit of keeping diaries. Zhang Qingyuan could only roughly guess the time period when they died four or five thousand years ago based on the state of the bones of these people.

As for why he died, and what happened,

The corpse on the ground in front of him has already been eroded by the nine secluded evil spirits for thousands of years, and turned into a white bone skeleton, and Zhang Qingyuan is not a professional forensic doctor, how can he see anything.


Zhang Qingyuan shook his head slightly, then did not stop,

The figure flashed,

The next moment is to appear on the top of the high altar,

High Platform Center,

There stood a blood-colored giant pillar, the bucket was thick, up to ten feet high, and the whole body was decorated with majestic dragon patterns. It could be vaguely seen that the dragon pattern pillar was originally an unknown material like gold.

It looks like a weapon in the hands of a mythical giant.

But at this time, the whole column was infected by blood that came from nowhere.

The holy brilliance was covered, as if countless evil ghosts had climbed up from the nine secluded hells, surrounding it, leaving only terror and unknown.

Rao is based on Zhang Qingyuan's state of mind and soul cultivation base. When he first saw him, he felt the boundless sea of ​​blood impact!

Like all the spaces in the sky and the ground,

They were all swallowed up by the boundless sea of ​​blood surging in!

In the endless sea of ​​empty blood, there are endless evil spirits roaring and roaring!

If any cave monk is here,

I'm afraid that not in the first moment, the mind will be infected by the unknown blood sea, and the cultivation base will go crazy and become the most vicious and evil demon!

"What the **** is this!"

There was a flash of light in Zhang Qingyuan's eyes and pupils, and all the phantoms of the sea of ​​blood in front of him instantly shattered like glass and disappeared completely.

But at this time, his eyes were still full of fear.

This thing can even affect him, the horror in it can be imagined!

If it is placed in the outside world, I am afraid that it will not set off a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!

"It seems... it's a weapon! The blood on it is the countless enemies who died on this weapon!"

Standing and staring for a long time, Zhang Qingyuan's pupils suddenly shrank to the size of pinpoints!

Even showed a horrified look!


Every drop of blood on that giant pillar contains a different will, either fierce or resentful, but what is certain is that to be able to leave such a terrifying will on the blood, at least it is above heaven and man. level!

"Hey, after tens of thousands of years of time, it still retains such a terrifying shock of blood, if this clone is not dominated by my own will, I am afraid that the first moment I see it, the soul's thoughts will be distorted. It's gone!"

Zhang Qingyuan's pupils shrank slightly and he sucked in a breath of cold air.

He suddenly understood,

This area of ​​dozens of miles around is bloody, life is cut off, space is distorted, and the roar of evil spirits is like a region. How did it come about!

Domain field!

This world, I am afraid that it is not the domain field that is distorted by the breath that escapes from this huge stick!

its existence,

Affect the surrounding world!

"Why is there such a murderous weapon here? Is it possible that the mirror reflecting this secret space is intended to imprison the existence of such a murderous weapon?"

At this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but have many thoughts in his mind.

However, although I have doubts in my heart,

But he didn't try to measure the power of this weapon, no matter what its origins or magic, his purpose was not such a **** weapon.

Zhang Qingyuan glanced around,

to find some clues,

I don't know what happened here.

I see,

The place on the high platform is inscribed with dense and unknown lines, and the mysterious trajectory is full of unfathomable meanings, like immortal texts handed down from the nine heavens.


These mysterious words, which should have been bright, were now polluted by black bloodstains.

The light dimmed completely,

the power dissipates,

The rest is only decay, like weathering after thousands of years.

This altar, these array patterns, may have once suppressed this peerless weapon.

I just don't know what happened later.

All the members of the Great Wilderness pilgrimage mission died,

The formation pattern on this altar has also been eroded by the monstrous blood and evil energy of the distorted vacuum, decayed little by little, and finally completely decayed, becoming what it is today.

"Well, it's useless to think about this kind of thing."

No clues were found,

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head after all.

I gave up thinking about the origin of this peerless murder weapon.

During the search,

He saw behind the towering stick of terror,

There is a downward extension channel, and at the end of the channel, the fluctuation of the space channel slowly rotates.

"It's there!"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes brightened,

The figure flashed,

He crossed the stick weapon and entered the passage.

This is a huge space in the middle of the altar. In the center of the space, there is a white-boned corpse in a brocade garment, kneeling on the ground, facing a certain direction, holding a rotten long sword in both hands, which penetrates the chest inward. .

And in front of the Sea of ​​Consciousness sitting on his knees,

A few shocking characters were written in black blood on the ground:

"Your Majesty, I did my best!"

An indescribable accompanied by the handwriting of the iron painted silver hook, rushed towards you!

Even after thousands of years,

Still haunting!

Zhang Qingyuan was silent,

Shaking his head slightly.

I'm afraid this is not an existence that has already stepped into the realm of heaven and man, but now he is buried here, and he doesn't even know his life.

He bypassed the corpse,

in front,

is a vortex of space,

Behind the space vortex,

It is an endless chaos!

in chaos,

A mirror is quietly suspended in nothingness, and the reflected rays of light are intertwined, reflecting this Fangdongtian world!

found it!

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