Remember [] for a second,!

ps: Don't subscribe yet. This is a repeat of the previous chapter. I haven't finished it yet. The ending is very painful.


Boom! ! !

The loud noise that shook the world shook the entire cave world,

No one knows what happened, but at this moment, whether it is continuing to explore in the same place or the cultivator who is fleeing, there is a kind of terrifying fear in the mind!

That is above the level of life,

Fear as if the natural enemy is coming!

At this moment,

He never said that he would continue to explore here. The strength of all parties, whether it was the imperial court or the teams of major sects, all turned into rainbow lights in horror, squeezing out milk-like strength and fleeing in the direction of the entrance when they came. And go!

All conflicts and battles, even your life-and-death hatred, are put down at this moment.

Instinctively flee along the entrance where you came from!

During this period,


The continuous loud noises, like the avenues cracking and exploding, the sky is actually cracked in large areas at this moment, spreading like cracks in glass. The chaotic abyss that can't see five fingers is revealed!

The sky is broken!

Among them, a terrifying apocalyptic storm was set off, with lightning and thunder, and electric snakes danced wildly between the heavens and the earth. The violent heaven and earth aura impacted everything in the heavens and the earth, destroying all tangible and intangible substances as if they were destroyed!

"There are peerless powers fighting!"

at this time,

The cave realm that was fleeing in all directions, all felt the terrifying breath that penetrated the sky above the head,

And the terrifying danger from that breath collision!

Mind-blowingly shocked,

The power of this level is even higher than the Dao Zun of the Myriad Transformation Realm they have ever seen!

Could it be the power of the legendary celestial ancestors?

Could it be that the one in Shenjing made a move?

What kind of secrets did the mission of the Great Wilderness Holy Dynasty hold?

for a moment,

The terrifying momentum makes people's minds pale,

But there are also some great power children who know more secrets, and many thoughts can't help flashing in their minds.

They come here for different reasons than many other loose cultivators.

Loose cultivators are to gain wealth, not to mention the grown-up treasures in the secret realm of space that have been maintained for 5,000 years without people.

If you can find the people of the Great Wilderness Holy Dynasty Mission, or their bones, and bring them to the court to hand over a reward, you will undoubtedly be able to achieve great wealth!

You must know that for thousands of years, in order to find the traces of the Great Wilderness Mission,

The Great Zhou court can be said to have paid a bounty of the blood,

Each of these conditions, in exchange and comparison, is even comparable to the equivalent price of the condition of the Great Zhou court helping you achieve the realm of ten thousand transformations!

For the active cultivators in Qingzhou, the attraction can be imagined.

It is for this reason,

That's what led to this event.


It's not half a day yet.

Those loose cultivators who came with the idea of ​​becoming rich overnight and with the idea of ​​​​going to the dragon's gate, plan to completely fail.

But everything is fair,

The dreams of the loose cultivators are shattered,

The children of their great powers,

Full of thoughts and calculations are also over at this moment!

Whether or not he can go out alive at this time, I am afraid it remains to be seen.

a stream of light,

Under the terrifying natural disasters swept away by the darkness and shattering, lightning and thunder, and the world-destroying storm, they all ran for their lives.



When a series of streamers scrambled to go out through the space passage in the crowd, among the group, Duanmu Yun, the leading master of Xuanqing Dao, and a few disciples behind him didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief because they escaped the danger.


A big hand of aura of thousands of feet, like a giant mountain in the mountains, grabbed them in one hand.

Duanmuyun was startled, and he was about to break out in a force of resistance.

"Disciple, it's a teacher, come here!"

A familiar and dignified voice recalled in my ears,

It's Master!

At this moment, the heart that I mentioned was also loosened, and I let the big empty hand grab them and move them a hundred miles away in the blink of an eye!

a whirlwind,

It has already crossed the void of hundreds of miles to a mountain top, and saw his master Xuanqing Daoist.



Before Duanmu Yun could say anything,

The master with an unprecedented seriousness on his face rolled up his sleeves, as if the universe, they were accommodated in, and then a burst of wind galloped, and in the blink of an eye, it was three thousand miles away!

until this time,

Taoist Master Xuanqing just turned over his sleeves and released them all.

"Master, what happened?"

In the turbulence, the figure was unstable for a while, but Duanmu Yun, the senior brother, was the first to react, standing firm, steadying his mind, and asked the Taoist Master Xuanqing.

at this time,

The Taoist Master Xuanqing, dressed in a Taoist robe and with a long blue beard fluttering under his chin, no longer has the usual carefree meaning of ancient wells and waves on his face.

Instead, it is an unprecedented dignified,

Looking solemnly at the distant sky,

that direction,

in the direction they left,

It is also the direction of the secret realm of the cave!

Duanmu Yun had never seen such a solemn expression of his master, and there seemed to be a heavy and depressing atmosphere in the air.

Duanmu Yun was stunned for a while,

And the few brothers and sisters behind them who had recovered from the sudden change were even more at a loss!

"Don't make a sound, just watch!"

Daoist Xuanqing said in a low voice, his eyes did not move,

Staring intently at the world ahead.

Just between Duanmu Yun and the others inexplicably,


Click! ! !

A crisp and pleasant sound, as if it came from a crisp sound in the depths of everyone's heart, as if something was broken!


they saw,

the world ahead,

Suddenly it got dark!

As if the heaven and the earth were torn apart,

shattered like glass,

The whole world ushered in the ultimate darkness, swallowing up all the brilliance in the sky and the ground!

That piece of heaven and earth with a radius of thousands of miles on the horizon seems to be pulled and plunged into the darkness of despair by an unimaginable and boundless force! ! !


It collapsed in that area!

It was like a black hole that devoured everything came to the swallowed up the heaven and earth in a radius of thousands of miles!

light and dark,

A clear line is created!

Duanmuyun opened his mouth involuntarily, even though he had already reached the peak of Dongzhen Realm, he was already within reach of the realm of Wanhua Dao Zun.

At this moment,

It also produced a kind of fear that came from the heart, which made him instinctively tremble!

"what is that?"

Looking at the darkness, Duanmu Yun only felt that one of his heart was pinched by an invisible big hand, looking at the black hole that swallowed all the brilliance in the sky and the earth, as if even the sight of the soul was swallowed up, endless. The throbbing surged out, making him unable to move a single finger!

"The one from Shenjing moved!"

"This is......"

"An unprecedented battle between heaven and man!"

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