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A battle easily came to an end.

Among them, Zhang Qingyuan did not even use other powers, but just tried the newly obtained spiritual tool, Xuantian Mirror.

Do not,

With the power displayed by this Xuantian Mirror that can even reflect the power of heaven and human series, I am afraid that it is a sacred artifact or even a fairy artifact above the spiritual artifact!


However, it is only one of Zhang Qingyuan's many methods, which is not very conspicuous.

When the Xiaoyao Laodao crowd arrived,

It was to see the full moon-like mirror in the void behind Zhang Qingyuan gradually fade away, turning into nothingness and disappearing.

Seeing Zhang Qingyuan's motionless figure,

As well as several mountain peaks not far away, which have now collapsed into a big pit, and the embarrassed Wu Fei who suffered a lot of trauma in the center of the pit.

Everyone present was silent for a while.


This is the end?

As the No. 1 dragon and phoenix that even the Great Zhou court had to recognize by pinching his nose, Wu Fei's strength was widely recognized in the entire Feixian League.

The other party is at the level of Heaven Rank and Wanhua, and it also belongs to the first-class powerhouse.

Looking at the heavenly ranks in the entire Feixian League, it is also a top-ranking existence, and even the strength faintly surpasses that of Xiaoyao Daozun as the deputy leader, only under the strength of the leader.

A hundred years ago, Wu Fei once fought against the leader of the alliance who had left the border by chance.

Now a hundred years have passed,

Wu Fei's strength will only be stronger!


In the next moment when the sword pierced through the sky and the fight broke out, the battle was already over?

When they sensed the momentum of the mountain gate rising into the sky behind them, they rushed back immediately, and it didn't take much time.

Within this amount of time, I am afraid it is not enough to fight a trick or two!

Is it difficult,

The strength of the person in front of him is stronger than that of the leader? !

When the people present thought of this layer, their expressions changed, shock, doubt, and disbelief.

When looking at Zhang Qingyuan's gaze, he even showed some respect.

When Zhang Qingyuan fought against the avatar of the Great Zhou Divine Emperor a few years ago in the land of Xisha and the vast sea, it was rumored that he possessed the power of heaven and man.

Although the monks in the Feixian League were shocked, there was still a certain amount of confidence in their hearts.

That is their ally,

In the past, their alliance leader had resisted the attack of the Great Zhou Divine Sovereign's body, and the opponent was tied, and the opponent had to retreat in the end.

What he drew was just a clone,

But the leader of their alliance was tied, but the body of the Great Zhou Divine Emperor!

That is naturally their leader is even better!

Only now,

The last trace of confidence and superiority in everyone's heart completely disappeared!

The surrounding eyes, when they saw Zhang Qingyuan, all had extremely complicated expressions.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, Wu Fei, this brat, has caused trouble for you, and I am here to apologize to you!"

Xiaoyao Laodao, who was headed by him, was the first to react, calmed down, and bowed to Zhang Qingyuan in a salute.

It's just that before his waist was bent down, Zhang Qingyuan flicked his palm, and a force swept away, forcibly pulling him up.

"Senior Xiaoyao doesn't need to do this, it's just a child's play, don't worry about it."

Zhang Qingyuan smiled and shook his head slightly, indicating that this is not necessary.

Then he looked at the huge collapsed pothole in the distance, and said lightly:

"How can an adult be angry at a child's provocation. If you don't accept it, you can come and challenge again. It doesn't matter much."

He really didn't care much.

When you stand high enough and your strength is strong enough, and an ant is showing its teeth and claws at you, this so-called provocation is just a joke in your opinion.

If he really cares,

Wu Fei in front of him is not just like this.

In fact,

If he is serious, let alone the Feixian League, I am afraid that no one in the entire Qingzhou can stop him.

Why don't you do it,

Just don't care.

"The daoist friend is really generous, and it's more than the daoist friend's grace to that little devil who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth!"

Xiaoyao Laodao cupped his hands and sighed, with a complex look in his eyes.

"But if you make a mistake, you should be punished. Although the little devil made his own decision, after all, the old man's management is not strict. After the Zhou Dynasty army is repelled, the old man will come to the door and ask for the crime."

"Fellow Daoist Xiaoyao is polite, I really don't need it."

The two of them had a courtesy,

Finally, the depressing atmosphere in the air was relieved a lot.

But the time was urgent, the imperial army had already reached the mountain gate, and Xiaoyao Laodao would not stay for a long time, so he could only take Wu Fei away first, and then repel the attack of the imperial army first.

But before leaving, Xiaoyao Laodao suddenly thought of something, turned his head and asked Zhang Qingyuan:

"Friend Daoist's previous mirror, but the rumored Xuantian mirror?"

"Okay, what's wrong?"

Zhang Qingyuan was a little stunned, not knowing why the other party asked this way.

"It seems that fellow Daoist really has a profound source of blessing!"

Xiaoyao Laodao sighed and said, looking at Zhang Qingyuan with a complexity that was difficult to describe in words. He did not ask Zhang Qingyuan how the Xuantian Mirror came from, but spoke directly.

"The daoist asked the old man about the forbidden area of ​​​​the sacred The old man guessed that there should be something that the daoist wanted."

"It's a pity that that place was affected by the supreme beings of the upper realm five thousand years ago, and turned into a forbidden place of death with a radius of one million miles."

"That place, even the existence of Heaven and Human series, can't pass."

"But if there is the legendary Xuantian Mirror, then there will be a turning point!"


"The daoist asked the old man about the forbidden area of ​​​​the sacred ruins, and the old man guessed that there should be something that the daoist wanted."

"It's a pity that that place was affected by the supreme beings of the upper realm five thousand years ago, and turned into a forbidden place of death with a radius of one million miles."

"That place, even the existence of Heaven and Human series, can't pass."

"But if there is the legendary Xuantian Mirror, then there will be a turning point!" "The Taoist friend asked the old man about the forbidden area of ​​​​the ruins of the gods, and the old man guessed that there should be something that the Taoist friend wanted."

"It's a pity that that place was affected by the supreme beings of the upper realm five thousand years ago, and turned into a forbidden place of death with a radius of one million miles."

"That place, even the existence of Heaven and Human series, can't pass."

"But if there is the legendary Xuantian Mirror, then there will be a turning point!" "The Taoist friend asked the old man about the forbidden area of ​​​​the ruins of the gods, and the old man guessed that there should be something that the Taoist friend wanted."

"It's a pity that that place was affected by the supreme beings of the upper realm five thousand years ago, and turned into a forbidden place of death with a radius of one million miles."

"That place, even the existence of Heaven and Human series, can't pass."

"But if there is the legendary Xuantian Mirror, then there will be a turning point!"

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