Remember [] for a second,!

The turbulent sound of running water resounded in the depths of my heart,

Xiaoyao Laodao suddenly had a strange feeling, as if an invisible force spread, like a bucket of ice water pouring down,

He was actually forcibly sublimating him, causing the boiling and burning vast mana to calm down at this moment!

The process of burning itself was interrupted!

The boiling energy of Xiaoyao Laodao also completely subsided at this moment!

The madness in the eyes recedes,

Xiaoyao Laodao turned around in amazement,

However, Zhang Qingyuan did not know when he had appeared behind him.

An unfathomable and incomprehensible force spread out, boiling and burning his body, suppressing all the power of the breath that was supposed to be sublimated!

The trembling surrounding void also subsided at this moment.

"Senior, this junior has been here for a while, and I haven't achieved anything, so leave it to me here."

Zhang Qingyuan nodded to him,

A calm and indifferent atmosphere, like the flowing water in the mountains, actually calmed the raging anger in his heart.

"Give some face to Zhang, this war will end here!"

Without waiting for the shocked Xiaoyao Laodao to say something, Zhang Qingyuan took a step forward, walked in front of countless people, and stood in a fierce confrontation that spread thousands of miles across the world.

A cold voice spread between heaven and earth,

Obviously not loud, but it clearly entered everyone's ears, and even overshadowed the destructive storm sweeping between heaven and earth, as well as the deafening roar!

This made everyone on the battlefield stunned, and at the same time quickly retreated, casting a stunned gaze in the direction of the terrifying air machine from the center of the battlefield.

"Who is that person?"

"I don't know, take the opportunity to gather up the formation and form a formation as soon as possible!"

"That is Qingxuan Demon Venerable. According to rumors, he fought with the Emperor God Emperor not long ago, and finally retreated!"

With the entire battlefield stagnant, many people were talking about it.

And taking this opportunity, the imperial warships that had been scattered by the Feixian League started to start, and they quickly gathered, forming a tight and tidy formation above the sky, and regaining their indomitable momentum.

Even because of the previous **** battle,

In the vast array of flying boats and warships overwhelming the sky, it added a few points of blood evil spirit!


Cover the sky!

With the re-gathering of the army formation behind him, a majestic force gathered, and Hong Tiantong, who had previously retreated half a step due to Zhang Qingyuan's appearance, regained his confidence.

"To give you face? It's really ridiculous!"

"This time the army set off to solve you, a person who doesn't know how high the sky is!"


The huge power gathered by the army made Hong Tiantong feel a powerful and unparalleled power at this time, which made him even have a feeling of not being afraid even in the face of the legendary existence of the ancestors of heaven and human beings!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Accompanied by Hong Tiantong's thunderous roar of killing,

in the army,

There are still millions of troops remaining, shouting for reconciliation, and in an instant, the sound waves swept up like a substantive wave, accompanied by a terrifying force, sweeping the sky, shaking the whole world!

Many people have heard of Zhang Qingyuan's prestige, and they know that according to the rumors, he fought back against the Great Zhou Divine Emperor not long ago. It is rumored that he has the power of the gods and humans in the legends like natural disasters and calamities!

This made many sergeants feel fearful and sweat on their foreheads.

But with the shouting and roar, the original fear seemed to be vented along with it!

the higher the sound,

The soldiers in the army became more and more fanatical,

Everyone seems to be affected!

Bear's courage rises,

As if nothing could stand in front of them, even the world would be overwhelmed by the vast army!

Shouting and killing again and again, shaking the sky,

The breath is like wolf smoke, filling the sky, making the whole world feel an obvious shock!

Many Feixianmeng cultivators saw this scene, and their faces turned pale.

"Not good! Expressing fear with roars has even further boosted morale!"

Xiaoyao Laodao behind Zhang Qingyuan groaned in his heart, his pupils shrank, and the secret thought was not good.

What the military formation gathers is the rising power of every soldier!

And the morale of the army has a great influence on the strength that the army can exert!

Those with strong morale may even reach a terrifying level of more than ten times the increase!

this moment,

In front of the vast army of the imperial capital, I am afraid that even the power of the gods and humans can stop it!

"Hahaha! Little devil, have the ability to fight!"

Hong Tiantong laughed,

The sound resounded like thunder,

Challenge Zhang Qingyuan.


Zhang Qingyuan sighed and shook his head slightly.

"Since you're courting death, let's fulfill you."

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes were indifferent, and he spoke indifferently.

In front of him, the millions of troops that covered the sky and the sun like heavy clouds covered the sky, seemed to be nothing in front of him.

I saw him raise his palm,

That palm is as white as jade, flawless, one more point is fat, one point less is thin, as if the heaven and the earth are spinning between the five fingers, including all the visible and invisible substances in the heaven and earth!

A palm shoots forward in the void,

boom! ! !

An indescribable great power has appeared!

In the palm of your hand, it seemed to expand by a trillion times in an instant, covering the entire sky!

Not waiting for Hong Tiantong and other imperial troops to react,

The vast and unstoppable force seemed to overturn the sky and the earth, and slammed into the army formation like an overwhelming force!

Boom! ! !

Earth-shattering loud noise resounded through the world!

Jiuxiao Fengyun shook,

If it is said that the military formation of the imperial army is densely packed, and the vast sea cannot be seen at first glance, then this palm shakes the boundless vast sea formation with the power of the supreme stalwart!

Click click!

In the continuous crackling sound, the monstrous momentum that destroyed the sky began to shatter one after another!

just between breaths,

The army formation that was like a high mountain and a giant mountain, which was difficult to move, was like being overturned by a palm, and it was torn apart!


In the presence, countless people grew their mouths in horror, looking at all this in awe!

I saw the sky and the earth crumble,

The suffocating aura of the military formation that penetrated Jiuxiao collapsed heavily. Pieces of flying boats and warships were directly overturned by the terrifying power delivered, and flew backwards. The light on the hull was dim and uncertain, and it burst open one after another, and the silhouettes were like dense sesame seeds. Usually sprinkled over nine days!

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