Remember [] for a second,!

Boom! ! !

The deafening sound resounded throughout the world for hundreds of thousands of miles,

The confrontation of each blow exploded the endless divine brilliance of the shattering sun above the nine heavens.

The confrontation between the two figures shattered that piece of heaven and earth!

Countless creatures looked in horror at the sky where the terrifying fluctuations came, and the hundreds of millions of monks in the huge city of Shenjing, thousands of miles away, felt a surging surging of true vitality and blood!

"The confrontation between heaven and human series!"

Some people swallowed wildly and looked extremely frightened.

At that level of confrontation, the qi machine of heaven and earth is filled with terrifying fear, and the avenues are shattered and collapsed!

Outside such a medicine garden, one can feel such a terrifying depression.


How terrifying to be at the center of the battle!

"Who is His Majesty the God Emperor fighting against?! Being within the scope of the Divine Capital, His Majesty's strength should be invincible in the world!"

On the star observation platform, the master of Yin and Yang, dressed in a blue yin and yang robe, looked up at the sky with a solemn expression.

In his perspective,

There was a violent chaos in the qi machine of heaven and earth, and even the positions of the stars in the heavens were impacted by this vast aura and changed!

"I don't know, it may also be from the legendary Central Continent. Don't forget, His Majesty the Emperor God is also rumored to be from Central Continent..."

On the other side, the middle-aged man dressed in brocade also spoke heavily.

This person is undoubtedly the chief embroidery envoy of one of the three major institutions of the Zhou Dynasty.

"Indeed, not long ago, it seemed that people from Central Continent approached His Majesty, and they made His Majesty a little unhappy. I don't know who those people were and whether they had anything to do with that incident five thousand years ago... "

The other figure, who was covered in black robes, as if shrouded in darkness, also made a sound, and a deep light flashed in his eyes.

Hearing this, the two people around turned their attention to this person, and their eyes flashed with shock.

The whole world knows that the Black Ice Terrace is the body and mind of His Majesty the God Emperor.

It seems now,

The Black Ice Terrace is much closer to His Majesty the God Emperor than expected.

It's just... What does the host of the Black Ice Platform reveal such secret information?

Is this to try something?

The air is a little quiet,

The three of them didn't know what to think.

"Then do I need to go and help His Majesty?"


It was the Lord of Yin and Yang who spoke up and broke the silence.

"This level of power is not something I can get close to... Your Majesty is near the Shenjing range, and can mobilize the power of the dynasty's luck in the entire Great Zhou Dynasty. In a level of confrontation, once I get involved, I can't do anything but add trouble."

The chief embroidered clothes made the governor speak out leisurely.

"If that's the case, then it's better to guard the capital for His Majesty... In this kind of battle, some mice in the gutter seem to have some bad thoughts."

"There is also the Heiyuan Heavenly Prison, although I don't know what happened, but since that qi burst first in that direction, and finally left smoothly, then the person who wants to come to Heiyuan Heavenly Prison, I'm afraid It's not much Indeed, let's clean up this mess first."


Boom boom boom! ! !

The void exploded, thousands of miles of heaven and earth were vast, and from then on, the mighty Qi machine of the four poles in the universe carried out the nine heavens!

Between darkness and nothingness,

The two figures flickered, and in the blink of an eye, they seemed to span hundreds of thousands of miles, and the collision erupted like lightning beyond the human horizon.

Zhang Qingyuan's figure trembled violently, and the bright golden light that bloomed on his body trembled, and the light also dimmed for a while.

The entire figure was knocked back hundreds of feet.

this blow,

Apparently, he suffered a lot again.


There are still 800 words here, and I will finish writing it in half an hour.

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