Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 496: An everlasting plan

"The one in Shenjing's real name is actually Qi Tiandao, but after he established the Great Zhou and ruled the entire Qingzhou ten thousand years ago, he abandoned this name and called himself the Emperor of God, except for those in Central Continent, No one knows his name anymore."

In Qi Tiandao's pupils, the afterglow of the setting sun was reflected, and a gilded streamer flashed in the depths of his pupils.

He stood quietly on the top of Yunhai Mountain, looking at the distant sky, as if thinking of a lot of the past.

"Why do it like this?"

Zhang Qingyuan frowned and couldn't help asking the deep doubts in his heart.

Since this day,

Although Zhang Qingyuan did not show up, he had been observing everything in the dark, observing Qi Tiandao's account of the Feixian League's funeral.

From his point of view, the other party is all sincere.

Qi Tiandao,

He really took Feixian League in his heart, and he really wanted to overthrow the Great Zhou Dynasty, and he took every cultivator of Feixian League into his heart.

It is precisely because of this that he has received a lot of support from the Feixian League.

But this,

What is the situation?

A clone, why does the purpose of behavior have such a big conceptual conflict with the main body?


Qi Tiandao was the avatar of the Great Zhou Divine Emperor. It was Zhang Qingyuan's ability to defeat the Great Zhou Divine Emperor in his body within the space of consciousness. Seeing that he was already on the verge of being broken deep in the core of the original source, he determined a thing.

Now Qi Tiandao also admitted it.

This is an indisputable fact.

But why?

Zhang Qingyuan was at a loss for a solution.

But at this moment,

A flash of aura suddenly flashed, and he vaguely felt that he had guessed something.

"This is a long story."

"Thousands of years ago, the main body had a chance to collect the luck of heaven and earth, in order to break through the method of heaven and man, so the main body brought that secret technique to Qingzhou, with the help of the Great Wilderness Holy Dynasty in Central Continent. , established the Great Zhou Dynasty."

"But the main body is also clear that using this secret technique to take a shortcut to break through the limitations of heaven and man, the strength of the body is only the weakest group in the series of heaven and man, and it can't leave the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty, so the main body is in While practicing with the help of the dynasty's luck and enhancing the accumulation, at the same time seeking solutions, weaving the net of the dynasty's luck, searching for various ancient ruins in Qingzhou, hoping to find some opportunities from it."

"Until 9,000 years ago, the main body finally found the land of Shenxu in the north through the shroud of the dynasty's luck network!"

"The land of Shenxu is extremely dangerous, and after leaving the area covered by the Great Zhou Dynasty's territory and disconnecting from the Great Zhou Dynasty's luck, its strength has dropped significantly, and it has fallen to the peak of the realm of ten thousand transformations... Therefore, the main body can only explore a corner of the land of the gods and was forced to leave."

"But fortunately, in the place he explored, he found the Temple of Sacrifice to Heaven that can be connected to the upper realm... Through the Temple of Sacrifice, the main body obtained the secret of Yiqi Sanqing from the mysterious big man in the upper realm. technique, so there was the birth of me and another clone."

"The main body does not want to be confined to the emperor's dragon qi for the rest of his life. He wants to break away from the shackles of the Great Zhou Dynasty's luck, to be detached from the sky. He, who has only achieved heaven and man with secret techniques, is connected to the Great Zhou Dynasty's luck. It is extremely close, almost to the point where one is prosperous and one is lost, so he thought about whether he could differentiate into two clones, and use the background of the main body to accumulate the two clones to the level of heaven and man, and finally rely on the power of three people. , cut the connection between them at the cost of heavy losses.”

"But not long after that, the cult Daluo Zun Sect from Central Continent approached him secretly, claiming that Daluo Zun Sect had a perfect solution to his problem, but asked him to join the Daluo Zun Sect and do it for them. A big thing..."

"The method is to first severely damage the fate of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and while it is weakening, transfer the cause and effect associated with the main body to the clone by deceiving the sky, and use the clone that is homologous to itself to withstand the cut off emperor. The price of the backlash caused by the connection of Dao and Qi luck! At the same time, Daluo Zunjiao also has a three-phase secret technique, after the monks cut out the past and the future self, "


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