The tasks in the inner affairs hall are much less than those in the outer door, but the task rewards are also more, and the tasks require more strength.

However, in the mission hall of the Internal Affairs Hall, Zhang Qingyuan found a mission that roughly met his requirements.


[Task No. 721:

Senior Brother Tianmufeng Nangong needs to collect ten hundred-year-old ghost grasses, at least the rank above human rank, if you can find one of the yellow ranks, this spirit grass grows in the shadow of the land, you can go to the Yinfeng Valley area to find one Fan.

Reward: Herbal Medicine Pill】


Baicao Pill is one of the supplementary pill that the monks in the middle of the Lingyuan can take.

It is one of the intermediate pill pills.

This pill is a little bit biased, and the consumption of various spiritual materials is also relatively high, but among all the rewarded pill tasks, it is already the most suitable task that Zhang Qingyuan can accept.

Because of other tasks, either the cultivation base requires at least the True Element Realm, or the cost is not inferior to the purchase of Danfang in Neimenfang City.

In contrast, going to Yinfeng Valley to find ghost grass is not a difficult task.

Of course, because the area within a hundred miles of Yinfeng Valley is infiltrated by the wind from nowhere, the whole area is always dark and foggy. In this secret environment, a lot of shadows are produced. The devil is more dangerous than Zhang Qingyuan's two previous missions.

Even so, according to Zhang Qingyuan’s knowledge, due to the sudden appearance of Yinfeng Valley, the senior officials of the sect had thoroughly explored the cause of the formation of that area, but they did not find it. They only knew that the ghostly energy was gushing from the depths of the earth. Coupled with the unique environment, that area is formed.

Therefore, in order to prevent accidents, every two to thirty years or so, the gate will issue a task of clearing and suppressing the true essence realm monsters that may appear, so that the real essence realm monks of the sect will go to clean it up.

How long hasn't passed since the last suppression.

In other words, the highest strength of the Yin Devil and ghosts within the scope of the entire Yin Wind Valley is only the Ninth Level of the Spiritual Origin Realm.

This is good news for Zhang Qingyuan.

"That's the task."

After thinking about it, Zhang Qingyuan took on the task of finding ghost grass.

After returning to the Neimen Dongfu, Zhang Qingyuan made various preparations.

Then he left Xuanshui Peak and hurried towards the direction of Yinfenggu.

Yinfeng Valley was roughly 1300 miles away from Xuanshui Peak, and was already on the edge of the sect's territory, backed by a huge uninhabited area.

Crossing this boundary may still belong to the Yunshui Sect's power radiation range, but it is already beyond the enveloping range of the Yunshui Sect's large spiritual veins, and it is not considered to be the territory of the Yunshui Sect.

Zhang Qingyuan rushed with all his strength, but it took five or six days to arrive.

Before being promoted to the True Origin Realm and being able to fly with the sword, the speed of the Lingyuan Realm cultivator was affected to a certain extent after all.

Yinfeng Valley is located in an endless mountain range to the west of Yunshuizong. That mountain range is barren here, and there is not much precipitation. It is often possible to encounter a series of Gobi, rugged and vast mountainous areas for monks. They are all staying away, let alone ordinary mortals.

The west is basically a vast expanse of no man's land.

It's just that with the emergence of Yinfeng Valley, the special region gave birth to a completely different ecology from ordinary creatures, and at the same time some rare natural treasures with special attributes were produced.

Because of these natural materials and earth treasures, many casual cultivators came one after another to hunt down the ghost ghosts that grew here, and collect the natural materials and earth treasures that grew inside.

As there are more people, settlements are naturally formed.

Therefore, under the leadership of Yunshui Sect, a Yinfeng City was established in front of a canyon road leading to Yinfeng Valley, and a certain number of personnel were stationed here at the same time.

Even so, the Yunshui Sect did not completely classify the Yinfeng Valley as the private property of the Yunshui Sect, like the Xuanshui Dark River under the Xuanshui Peak.

Any casual cultivator can enter Yinfeng Valley as long as he can afford the toll of five spirit stones.

In the meantime, he is responsible for his own profits and losses, no matter whether he has gained or not, the Yunshui Sect will not take care of it anymore.

It is a semi-open special resource area.

Some poor cultivators, or casual cultivators who want to obtain some special resources, sect disciples, and even cultivators from Outland, will also enter the Yinfeng Valley to search for one or two.

Along the way, Zhang Qingyuan rushed to Yinfeng City, and walked around the city that day.

The entire city has no fewer than 50,000 mortals, and there are as many as thousands of monks, but most of them are middle and low-level monks, and there are relatively few high-level Lingyuan monks.

Some casual cultivators came out of Yinfeng Valley and gained a lot. They simply set up a stall in the city's market to sell some natural treasures they don't need.

Zhang Qingyuan also strolled around and found that there were also many ghost grasses on sale in the market, but there were basically no human-level ghost grasses of hundreds of years, let alone yellow-level ones.

This makes Zhang Qingyuan a pity.

A nearby low-level monk who lived as a guide was found. Zhang Qingyuan learned roughly about Yinfeng City from his mouth, and at the same time purchased a rough map of Yinfeng Valley, along with the general distribution of the ghost grass. .

"The outer area has been explored by the casual repairs, and all kinds of heaven, material and earth treasures have almost been wiped out. It is impossible to find a hundred-year-old human-level ghost grass. It seems that if you want to complete the task, you can only enter the core area for adventure. It's a moment."

The core area of ​​Yinfeng Valley is basically all kinds of monsters in the late Lingyuan stage.

Even if the cultivator of the Ninth Layer of Lingyuan Realm enters the core area, it may not be able to retreat.

And because the resources produced by this Yinfeng Valley are not very precious, if it is not necessary, there is basically no cultivator of the eight or nine layers of Lingyuan to venture into the depths of the Yinfeng Valley core.

After all, that place is relatively dangerous.

Except for the monks in the True Origin Realm of the Yunshui Sect, which is swept out every 20 or 30 years, there are basically inaccessible areas.

"With my current strength, unless it is a monster above the Ninth Stage of Lingyuan, I will basically not be in much danger, I should be able to!"

Looking at the map he bought, Zhang Qingyuan thought to himself.

On the second day, Zhang Qingyuan was ready to set off.

Yinfeng City was built directly on a canyon road leading to Yinfeng Valley. After going out of the west gate, it is the area of ​​Yinfeng Valley. Therefore, all the disciples stationed in the outer gate of the Zongmen stayed at the west gate to collect the tolls of five spiritual stones.

In front of the pass, Zhang Qingyuan displayed the tokens of the inner disciples. In the awe of the outer disciples who guarded the pass, he directly waived the cost of these five spirit stones and sent Zhang Qingyuan out of the city.

Most of the outer disciples guarding here have graduated from other courtyards, and have entered the extremely slim outer cannon fodder of the inner gate all their lives.

As the semi-private property and semi-public resource area of ​​the Yunshui Sect, Zhang Qingyuan's inner core naturally waived this toll.

In the eyes of everyone in awe and envy, Zhang Qingyuan's expression was indifferent, and he left the pass.

And at this time,

Behind the team queuing out of the city, two Dahan monks who had been inconspicuous and did not show anything unusual, their eyes suddenly condensed when they saw Zhang Qingyuan's Inner Sect disciple's identity card displayed at the city gate.

Look at each other,

His eyes flashed.

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