Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 514: confrontation again

In this mysterious floating island, five thousand years ago, it was rumored that an immortal **** from the upper realm took action and crossed the border to destroy the core place with a radius of millions of miles.

at this time,

Over the entire floating island, a round of pill pills is like a blood-colored sun, exuding a vast blood-colored radiance!

The hot breath fills the nine heavens and ten places,

The miraculousness of the entire remaining island was suppressed at this moment!

Fruit! ! !

The first time he saw the pill, Zhang Qingyuan recognized the pill. It was Xiaoyao Laodao who told himself that the Great Zhou Divine Emperor was mad and sacrificed the fruit gathered by half the cultivators of the Qingzhou population!

At this time,

The figure of the Great Zhou Divine Emperor was hovering below the pill, bathed in that vast and terrifying blood energy.

One after another blood-colored electric light,

radiant around him,

It exudes an aura that makes the whole world tremble with fear!

"Sure enough, even if you plan to use the forbidden land of Shenxu as a place to shield the secrets, the backlash will eventually follow... The fate of the secrets is really scary!"

above the sky,

The figure of the Great Zhou Divine Emperor, surrounded by layers of blood-colored lightning, the viscous blood stagnates on the surface of the body, and is covered with a thick layer of blood-colored mud-like substance!

He looked at Zhang Qingyuan and said lightly.

"Oh, is it?"

Zhang Qingyuan responded leisurely.

But then, the next moment,


In an instant, a terrifying bright light suddenly erupted in the sky. I don't know when, Zhang Qingyuan shot in an instant and smashed his fist into the sky, as if setting off an ancient star, emitting a lifetime of light and heat, completely burning and blooming in one day!

The vast rays of light blasted towards the Great Zhou Divine Emperor in the sky!

The Great Zhou Divine Emperor's sigh,

He understood.

After all, he also created a secret technique involving fate, such as the Destiny Destiny Technique. Naturally, he has a certain degree of understanding of the fate of heaven.

From the other side's point of view,

The arrival of Zhang Qingyuan is the calamity encountered by the opponent on the way to enlightenment!

Moreover, he killed more than half of the Qingzhou creatures, causing the backlash of the heavens, and finally guiding the coming robbery!

to this,

If it was usual, Zhang Qingyuan would really have the mind to discuss it with the other party. .

but now,

Under the bathing of the terrifying power of that pill, the power of the Great Zhou Divine Emperor is constantly increasing rapidly!

Zhang Qingyuan is naturally not stupid.

Let the opponent completely devour Dan Maru, and then consider doing it when the strength has evolved to a level that he can't imagine and can't resist!


After dodging that blow, Zhang Qingyuan made his move almost in the blink of an eye!

Gu Yan The first shot is a killer move!

The Five Elements and Immortal Dao are integrated,

Or become a terrifying force that penetrates the sky and the earth!

The virtual sky is trembling with fear!

Destruction seems to be coming to the world!

"Anything that doesn't agree with you, do you know that I have always regarded you as the biggest obstacle in my plan since this period of time!"

"I just didn't expect that, I thought I had overestimated you, but I didn't expect it to be far underestimated!"

"Not only will I eliminate my ultimate move, but my strength will increase by leaps and bounds, one day at a time, and in the end, I will even be able to keep pace with me!"

The voice of the Divine Sense of the Great Zhou Divine Emperor oscillated between the virtual sky and entered Zhang Qingyuan's ears.

It seems that there are several words,

But in fact,

That arrived in Zhang Qingyuan's mind almost at the same time!

The Great Zhou Divine Emperor is not in a hurry,

A violent terrifying blood-colored radiance rose from the whole body, facing the dazzling light that swept the sky and covering the sky in front of him, slowly raised his hand, and squeezed it across the void!

In an instant,

It seems that there is a huge blood-colored hand that covers the sky and covers the entire sky. It crosses the border, and there are thousands of realms in the world. All the visible and invisible laws in the world are within the palm of this palm!

"By virtue of his background as a loose cultivator, he has cultivated into the ancient lost Five Elements Immortal to achieve the point that countless people in history have been unable to achieve, and at the same time, it is almost impossible to kill, but the strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the speed of improvement. Amazing... Your existence really makes me sleepless!"

"But fortunately, everything will end today!"

In the words of the Great Zhou Divine Emperor leisurely,

Earth-shattering collision,

burst out,

The interweaving of the power of the laws of immortality has produced a splendor that is difficult to describe in words!

Everything is in ruins!

Lian Avenue,

They were all broken down!

Earthquake fear!

This blow confrontation,



The Great Zhou Divine Emperor didn't care at all,

The whole figure rises into the sky,

The blood-colored pill on the top exudes an earth-shattering terrifying blood-colored radiance!


There are still 600 words here, and I will continue writing in half an hour.


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