ps: The last chapter has been written, maybe because it was sealed, you need to long-press in the directory to download it again.


"The one just now, is it a clone?"

Zhang Qingyuan was shocked.

If there is no misunderstanding, that woman named Yu Xiaoqin, who is taught by Da Luo Zun, should be just a clone!


Why would she do this? !

Who is the master of the terrifying Yin-Yang Immortal Dao aura she drew out?

How did she know,

Is there such a terrifying existence sleeping in this forbidden place of the gods?

countless doubts,

It came to Zhang Qingyuan's heart.

But now,

He also didn't have much time to think.

"You, you've crossed the line!"

At this moment, a deafening sound resounded through the heavens and the earth, like a terrifying divine thunder that ripped apart chaos, sending out a terrifying roar between the chaos of the virtual sky!

loud noise,

Let Zhang Qingyuan feel a roaring feeling in his head!

The figure of Zhang Qingyuan,

I had to retreat again, quickly moved away, and retreated two hundred miles again!

at this time,

In the depths of that floating island,

The overwhelming fairy light rose up, illuminating the dark void where you can't see your fingers, and a terrifying figure, as if stepping on the whole world and above the world, slowly rose from the horizon!

Even at a distance of 300 miles, Zhang Qingyuan felt as if his eyes were burned the moment he saw that phantom!

The terrifying immortal Dao Yun exudes,

as the sun shines,

The whole body seems to be like an immortal **** descended from the miracles of the ages!

"Exotic thief, die!"

a roar,

The terrifying voice made the world tremble. The phantom raised his palm and slapped his palm towards the direction where the Great Zhou Divine Emperor used to be, that is, the source of the sea of ​​blood!

Unparalleled tyranny, Peiran's immortal destiny and unstoppable majestic will swept across the heavens!

I saw the intersection of yin and yang circles on one side, producing a supreme stalwart power, suppressing and smashing the entire world, and everywhere along the way, chaos was pierced!

Zhang Qingyuan showed a look of astonishment,

just take a look,

That supreme Yin-Yang Immortal Dao merged into a rule that surpassed all the heavens and the ten thousand Dao, which made Zhang Qingyuan feel that even his soul was wiped out!

"Is that a fairy?!"

Zhang Qingyuan closed his eyes,

Tears of blood fell from the corners of my eyes,

The light of that moment burned his eyes and left an indelible terrifying impression on his soul that yin and yang merged!

There was a storm in my heart!

"No! That's just... a remnant of a fairy!"

Boom! ! !

almost at the same time,

A terrifying collision broke out!

Zhang Qingyuan, who closed his eyes, was unable to see that gorgeous and boundless scene.

Unable to understand the confrontation of forces, they annihilated each other, resulting in a terrifying force like destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

It was like a round of sun erupted on the floating island, which was enough to burn out the big star, cut off the terrifying energy storm of the galaxy, and swept in all directions!

Everything was destroyed and destroyed!

The moment he closed his eyes, Zhang Qingyuan had already activated the Xuantian Mirror in his body, hiding his figure in the mirror, transforming reality and reflection!

This is what he learned from Xiaoyao Laodao's mouth and used it to directly cross the forbidden area of ​​Shenxu!

To know,

Even the Great Zhou Divine Sovereign, whose strength is comparable to Xutian, has to use Lin Hao and other Qingzhou new generation protagonists Tianjiao as pathfinders before they dare to set foot in the empty outer space of the forbidden area of ​​the Divine Ruins!


Even a place of nothingness that can traverse the entire void that even the powers of the virtual sky level cannot easily ignore, at this moment, they are directly involved in the vast and terrifying energy storm!

Being swept up and impacted, disappeared!

terrifying confrontation,

The power even spread beyond heaven and earth!

this moment,

The entire land of Qingzhou felt an obvious vibration.

The monks within the Qingzhou area felt a sense of fear from the bottom of their hearts, as if something terrifying happened in a world they didn't know about!

A panic!

But the truth of the matter, they are not qualified to know.

I don't know how long it took, let alone how the two earth-shattering existences fought against each other and hid in the Xuantian Mirror. Zhang Qingyuan, who was precarious, finally felt that the outside world seemed to gradually calm down.

clack clack......

The space shattered like glass,

Zhang Qingyuan walked out of the fragmented space.

The mirror surface fluctuated like water waves, washed into a round of white jade mirrors, and returned to Zhang Qingyuan's hands.

"Broken again!"

Looking at the Xuantian Mirror whose surface was full of cracks, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but feel complicated.

But now is not the time to pay attention to these,

He looked around the void around him,

The confrontation has indeed stopped.


That terrifying impact swept away the ominous curse that appeared and loomed in the chaotic nothingness around the forbidden area of ​​​​the divine ruins!


Those ominous curses are the power that survived after the peerless power of the upper realm broke the forbidden area of ​​the Shenxu for millions of miles 5,000 years ago!

However, in this confrontation, the remaining forces have been completely swept away!


Zhang Qingyuan murmured in a low voice, his face full of complicated expressions.

Think of that earth-shattering blow five thousand years ago,

Look at It's just a remnant of the soul, the phantom that erupted with such terrifying power!

Immortals are terrifying,

Even far above his cognition!

"Before you become a god, you must lay a stronger foundation as much as possible, and set the foundation for a broader future in advance! Otherwise, if you meet the gods behind the scenes when you become an immortal, you will not have enough strength. Just be the ants who dare to challenge the sky by pinching them to death!"

Seeing with his own eyes the power of the tip of the iceberg of the legendary Immortal Venerable, Zhang Qingyuan not only did not feel discouraged, but his heart became more determined!

Yin and Yang fairy scriptures,

from chaos,

No matter how difficult it is, we must go through this path!

Zhang Qingyuan looked at the emptiness and chaos ahead, and his eyes were full of determination!

"I don't know, what is the final result of this battle..."

Seeing that the battle fluctuations in front disappeared, without hesitation for a long time, Zhang Qingyuan stepped out and swept away gently in the direction of the previously floating island.

everything is gone,

turned into nothingness,

The terrifying storm of annihilation swept through the chaos!

Heaven and earth have been wiped out in this area!


On that floating island, the soil on the island was cracked and the rocks were cracked, but what surprised Zhang Qingyuan was that under such a terrifying confrontation, it was not destroyed. It was really surprising!

I don't know what the origin of this floating island is, but it is so strong!

No wonder under that blow five thousand years ago,

It still remains in the core!

Zhang Qingyuan approached carefully, glanced at the void,

Impressively see,

The two sides in the confrontation are already losing both sides!


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