
The phantom face is full of astonishment, incredible!

He didn't expect the attack from the rear at all. After turning his head with difficulty, he was even more stunned after seeing Zhang Qingyuan's expressionless face.


How did he hide from my perception? !

this moment,

Countless doubts came to my mind.

But unfortunately,

He had no time to think about it.

The suffocating aura that was full of extreme ferocity erupted and swept across!

The phantom had lost both in the previous battle, and only a trace of the source of immortal energy was left to maintain its own existence. How could there be any strength to contend with that terrifying monstrous aura?

Just the effort between the breaths,

This statue has been sleeping in the forbidden land of Shenxu for many years, and the remnant soul of the unknown immortal who may have thousands of plans in his heart has dissipated and disappeared!


Feeling that the breath of Yin-Yang Immortal Dao completely disappeared, Zhang Qingyuan also let out a long sigh.

The body is completely relaxed at this moment!

The previous confrontation between the two sides, the shocking scene, makes Zhang Qingyuan now have lingering fears!

This made him feel it again,

That kind of feeling like an ant facing this natural disaster in front of the mighty immortals and gods!

all along,

Although Zhang Qingyuan has also encountered many powerful enemies,

But with the increase in strength,

Today, at the realm of myriad transformations, he has the strength to compete with heaven and man, and even his strength is close to that of the virtual heaven level.

This gave him great confidence!

In the entire Canglan Realm, the Heaven and Human Realm has already reached its peak.

And his own strength, even if it is not invincible in the blue world, but he is still close to that invincible level!

but now,

The battle that took place in the forbidden area of ​​Shenxu undoubtedly gave him a great vigilance!

"Even if I can be invincible in the human world, there are still existences in the outer world, foreign realms, immortal worlds, and there are very ancient existences, and I know many hidden sectarian forces... The road to detachment is already a long way to go. !"

Recalling that Yu Xiaoqin, whose dedication awakened the remnant soul of Immortal Venerable, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

That Daluo Zunjiao, who manipulated everything behind his back, made the Great Zhou Divine Emperor, who ruled the entire Qingzhou land, reduced to a test product.

But the woman named Yu Xiaoqin knew that there was a remnant soul of an immortal venerable hidden in the forbidden area of ​​Shenxu.

The secrets of this world,

I'm afraid there is more than I know!

take a long sigh,

Many thoughts flashed through Zhang Qingyuan's heart.

At the same time,

not far away,

The avatar that was attacked by the ghost of the remnant soul and flew out and smashed through several mountains. At this time, the figure in the pothole was severely injured by a blow, and it was completely hopeless. It dissipated like weathering. .


That figure is just a clone!

The avatar differentiated by the technique of one gasification and three purifications!

This secret technique is said to have been inherited from the upper realm, it is extremely mysterious, and it has the power to mix the fake with the real.

After thousands of years of research and improvement by Konghai Laodao who has been trapped in one place, the differentiated avatar, Dao Fa breath is almost a real other individual!


No matter how you mix the fake with the real,

As an immortal who used to be high above the nine heavens and only existed in myths and legends,

That is an incredible ability that even Zhang Qingyuan can't understand!

Even if there is only a wisp of remnant soul left, it is impossible to tell whether it is the clone or the main body!


Zhang Qingyuan arranged a backhand for this and successfully deceived the other party.

This is also the reason why the phantom backstab failed, and when he was backstabbed by himself, his face was stunned!

Zhang Qingyuan made a move in the direction of the pothole where the clone disappeared.

He saw that in the collapsed pothole, a stream of light rose up, crossed the sky, and swirled into his hands.

It was an animal hide full of unknown runes and unknown materials!

There is a dark silver halo on the surface, which is dark and uncertain, exuding a mysterious charm!

This is the trophy that Zhang Qingyuan got after beheading Guo Taiping of the incoming Da Luo Zunjiao!

At that time, I also obtained a bottle of the essence of heaven and earth, as well as a lot of experience about cultivating immortal scriptures.

That bottle of the essence of the source of heaven and earth finally allowed the Xuantian Mirror to be successfully repaired.

Allow yourself to easily shuttle in the emptiness and chaos around the forbidden area of ​​​​the gods, and successfully enter the center of the forbidden area of ​​​​the gods.

And the many experiences of cultivating the immortal scriptures made him gain a lot and improve a lot in front of the practice of the five elements immortal scriptures.

Only this hide,

Zhang Qingyuan has been unable to figure out its secret.

But these days,

But also found some of these characteristics.

The first is its ability to conceal and assimilate breath!

The previous clone, who was wearing this animal skin, finally escaped the perception of the ghostly shadow of the remnant soul of the Immortal Venerable!

"I'm afraid this is something from the fairy world, but I don't know what the runes recorded on it mean..."

Zhang Qingyuan lightly rubbed the dark silver animal skin in his hand, and pondered inwardly.

The soft material makes it difficult to describe the tactile sensation in words. The thick animal hide feels like a spun yarn to the touch!

And only the gods of the upper realm can have the perception of isolation fairy!

"Forget it, the origin of this thing will be explored in the future... Da Luo Zunjiao, Guo Taiping... Maybe when I go to Central Continent in the future, I will have the opportunity to unlock the secret... ..”

Putting the animal skin in his arms~www.readwn.com~ Zhang Qingyuan glanced around, his consciousness spread, and he began to explore the island.


Qi Tiandao was possessed by the existence that came from outside the world, and even the storage space was polluted and melted. Zhang Qingyuan could not get anything from the other party.

The same is true of that wisp of soul.

Because he was afraid of the fairy's methods in the legend, even if it was just a wisp of remnant soul, Zhang Qingyuan didn't dare to be careless.

So in the first time, it was completely annihilated.

if not,

If he can devour the remnant soul of the immortal, Zhang Qingyuan will not only be able to achieve the Yin-Yang Immortal Dao in a short period of time, but also hope that the Chaos Dao will be able to know the many secrets of this world.

For example, what happened in the upper realm, why did he exist here, and in such a situation, what happened in the blue world, and why did alien monsters, blood monsters, and other alien creatures invade?

Many doubts can also be answered one by one.

This gives you an intelligence advantage.


Zhang Qingyuan did not dare to take risks.

Although the god-devouring technique that devours people's souls is powerful,

But he himself is nothing but the realm of myriad transformations,

Wanting to forcibly devour an immortal whose essence is beyond heaven and earth,

It will be hard to say who will swallow who then!

But it is not without benefits. At least the battle between the two sides has greatly broadened Zhang Qingyuan's horizons, especially the use of the remnant soul in the immortal way of yin and yang, so that Zhang Qingyuan has also gained a lot.

not to mention,

There was nothing left on the two of them.

But the land of the gods,

Isn't it still there?

Zhang Qingyuan's figure flashed, and he began to explore the island in the land of Shenxu.

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