it's all over!

With the death of the Great Zhou Divine Emperor, the Great Zhou Dynasty, which had been revolted in the world due to various operations such as blood sacrifice to the world, has completely collapsed!

The luck of the dynasty itself was refined by the Great Zhou Emperor, and with his fall, the last trace of luck that maintained the court disappeared, and the demise of the Great Zhou Dynasty had become inevitable.

in a short time,

The remnants of the military rebelled one after another, and the three major institutions were also torn apart. After all, when the Great Zhou God Emperor sacrificed Qingzhou, he did not regard the military and the three major institutions as human beings, and started directly without notice. The blood sacrifice array.

As a result, people's hearts collapsed, and the power to maintain the existence of the imperial court was torn apart, and even many people rushed towards Shenjing with monstrous anger.

At the same time, those monks who had a **** feud with the imperial court and the corrupt noble class in Shenjing gathered together and attacked Shenjing.

Those nobles of the imperial court who consider themselves noble by nature, regard human life as a must, and brutally kill them, even shouted at the pariahs for their absurdity when the calamity was imminent. language.

Due to the deliberate calculation and connivance of the Great Zhou Emperor,

The nobles in the Shenjing are all extremely stupid and inferior to the beasts.

When the Great Zhou Dynasty existed, when the Great Zhou Divine Emperor suppressed the Qingzhou Cultivation Realm, they could still act recklessly with the behemoth behind them.

But when the big tree behind them collapsed suddenly, they were no different from the pariahs they used to look at.

On that day, the entire Divine Capital was plunged into a sea of ​​fire.

With the deep grievances accumulated over the past ten thousand years, they were turned into ashes!

the whole Qingzhou,

At this moment, violent turmoil began!

When the old king falls, a new king will rise.

Of course,

It may also be like a whale falling,

When a whale falls, all things are born.

But all of this has little to do with Zhang Qingyuan.

The battle in the forbidden area of ​​Shenxu, except for a few parties, is unknown to the outside world.

However, the Qingzhou Cultivation World is not without smart people.

Through this period of time, most of the events in Qingzhou can be guessed, not to mention that when he attacked the Black Prison, Zhang Qingyuan also rescued a lot of Wanhua almighty cultivators.

These beings, who have experienced the battle between the power and the gods, know some inside information, have some guesses, and can vaguely guess some things.

Although the specific inside story, they can not guess.

But the end of the Great Zhou Divine Emperor may have something to do with Zhang Qingyuan!

Also from this,

The existence of Zhang Qingyuan has become a myth and legend in the eyes of the top powerful monks in the Qingzhou cultivation world!

Even let Feixian League,

They have all become forces that are detached from the outside world!

Perhaps low-level monks, small and medium-sized forces feel that the dynasty has collapsed and the great world has come.

But those at the top know that,

The old king is gone,

In fact, the new king already exists!

But all this,

Whether it was the turmoil in the Qingzhou Cultivation World or among the high-level powerful groups in the Qingzhou Cultivation World, Zhang Qingyuan didn't care much about his awe.

After everything was over, Zhang Qingyuan returned to the Feixian League.

As his temporary residence in Qingzhou, it is time to digest the harvest of this battle in this retreat.

At this time, within the Feixian League, Xiaoyao Laodao and others were participating in the attack on Shenjing.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't intend to disturb their plans, but just sent a message to tell a little about the death of the Great Zhou Divine Emperor.

At the same time, he made some arrangements for the next placement of his cheap disciple, Lin Hao.

For some reason, Lin Hao seemed a little hesitant to say anything, as if he had something to say.

It's just that when Zhang Qingyuan asked him if there was anything wrong, the other party hesitated and did not speak.

This made Zhang Qingyuan a little puzzled.

But in the end it didn't take it too seriously.

In fact,

He didn't even bother to pay attention to other things.

He gained a lot from the battle in the forbidden area of ​​Shenxu.


He needs to retreat well and absorb the gains from this battle.


This retreat may be the most important and longest retreat since Zhang Qingyuan came to this world.

Now, Yin-Yang Immortal has arrived.


It is the Chaos Avenue that he has been planning since he stepped into the real cave!


Simply arrange all aspects,

Zhang Qingyuan entered the secret realm of Dongtian.

"In this cave, the spiritual energy is good enough to support the cultivation of the realm of heaven and man...but..."

suspended in mid-air,

Feeling this vast world and the aura of the heaven and earth that pervades the world, Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flashed.

Flip your palm,

The pale white radiance circulated, reflecting the aura of pure and profound, the space rippling lightly like a tidal wave, and the Xuantian Mirror, which was covered with cracks on the surface, slowly unfolded.

Finger pinch trick,

I saw a beam of light shining from the broken mirror

hum! ! !

Above the secret realm of Dongtian, the void trembled violently, setting off waves of light ripples.

under the light of light,

An island slowly flew out of the mirrored nothingness!


When the floating island appeared,

The entire cave shook violently, as if something extremely heavy was pressed into this side of the world!

at the same time,

The vast Qi machine surged, like setting off a storm!

A huge amount of heaven and earth energy, like tsunami tides, rushed towards the direction of the floating island!

Zhang Qingyuan's figure was suspended in mid-air, standing still in this turbulent world, quietly watching the changes.

The huge change lasted for more than half an hour,

Not long after, like two peerless powerhouses fighting each other, the outcome was finally decided, and the violent turmoil between heaven and earth subsided.

At this moment,

The floating island is suspended in the air and merges with the entire cave!

A huge amount of heaven and earth energy poured into the floating island,

And from the floating island,

It gave birth to an incomprehensible mysterious energy, and it merged into the secret realm of the cave, making the Qi of the whole cave in the secret realm seem to have been promoted!

"According to the record of that Immortal Venerable's remnant soul, this floating island is a corner of the gravel and dust of the Upper Realm Immortal Court... Hope, don't let me down!"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flickered slightly, and he secretly said in his heart.

Since it is a thing of the upper realm, and it is also the residence of that remnant soul, I hope there is something magical!


Zhang Qingyuan's figure flashed,

fell into the floating island.


It will be his longest retreat.

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