Even though one immortal stone was directly consumed, it was worthwhile to be able to successfully condense the Ottomu Divine Thunder, giving oneself an extremely powerful means after being promoted to the Heaven and Human Realm.

Zhang Qingyuan was naturally delighted to have the power of the Immortal Technique level like Yimu Shenlei.

【Through your unremitting efforts, you have successfully condensed the Otsuki God Thunder by refining the immortal stone. 】

[Otomu Shenlei: 0/100 (slightly through the fur)]

Looking at the text on the proficiency panel, Zhang Qingyuan didn't spend much time. In the next time, taking advantage of the initial mastery of Yimu Shenlei, he began to study the power in it, and the figure flew directly into the chaos outside the sky. In the vast empty area, start the exercise.

Above the nine days, the terrifying chaotic thunder broke out, and the chaotic nothingness was torn apart by a big hole!

The way of heaven is suppressed, crushed by the aura that destroys everything,

for a while,

At this moment, the sky is down a little bit,

It's just the distribution of breath, that is, a chaotic hole is torn open in the chaotic nothingness area above the nine heavens, and the abyss crack runs through thousands of miles!

Well it's nine days away here,

It is a hundred thousand miles away from the ground, separated by heavy suffocating winds, almost outside the world.

The turmoil caused by the Yimu Shenlei did not spread to the ground below.

if not,

With the momentum in front of me, I am afraid that the first moment when the Chaos Divine Thunder is deployed in the secret realm of Dongtian, the world of Dongtian cannot withstand the power of the terrifying Immortal Dao series of destroying thunder, and it collapses!

over nine days,

In the endless chaotic void area, Zhang Qingyuan looked at the terrifying Yimu Shenlei with a hint of satisfaction on his face.

Then he continued to perform several times,

It was not until the strong mana in the body was almost consumed that it had to stop.

The power of Yimu Shenlei is indeed extremely terrifying, and it can even be said that among all the means Zhang Qingyuan currently has, the most powerful trump card in attacking and destroying!

But at the same time, its consumption is also huge.

Even if he walks the yin and yang, five elements and seven avenues in one, and his background is far beyond the ordinary monk in the realm of heaven and man, it is a little difficult to support!

If it is replaced by other Heavenly Humans, I am afraid that if it is not just used once, the mana in the body will be squeezed out!

and this,

It's just that he has just condensed, and he hasn't developed the power of this level in depth!

With the deepening of perception and the deepening of understanding, I am afraid that consumption will be even more terrifying in the future!

"I don't know if this level of power can compete with the heaven and man at the first level of escape."

In Zhang Qingyuan's pupils, the light flickered.

He felt that the lethality of this level of power was already extremely terrifying!

However, I haven't seen a monk at the first level of escape, and everything is hard to say.

But as far as the eye can see,

At least with such a powerful means, facing the peak power of the first level of escape, he will not be completely incapable of resisting.

have a break,

After recovering one or two, Zhang Qingyuan performed the drill several times again, and after getting familiar with the newly acquired power, Zhang Qingyuan stopped and returned to the land of Yunzhou.

After several drills, Zhang Qingyuan's mastery of Yimu Shenlei has also improved by two points.

[After you perform the exercise, you have improved slightly, and your mastery of Ottomu Shenlei +1]

[After you perform the exercise, you have improved slightly, and your mastery of Ottomu Shenlei +1]

[Otomu Shenlei: 2/100 (slightly through the fur)]

Seeing the improvement, although there was not much progress, Zhang Qingyuan still had a hint of joy in his heart.

But he also knew

This is because he has just succeeded in condensing Ottomu Shenlei, so after starting the exercise, he can improve.

Want to continue to improve later,

The comprehension of the Great Evolution Technique, and the continuous display and exercise of oneself, are all indispensable!

A lot of hard work is needed in the future.

Returning from the nine heavens,

Zhang Qingyuan, who has been in retreat for more than a year and gained a lot, is in a good mood.

That is, he recruited his own cheap disciple Yue Wenhe.

Speaking of which, Yue Wenhe was the descendant of Master's own family.

At the same time, when I first came to Yunzhou, the Yue family gave me a lot of help, and my chances of being promoted to the hole were largely related to the Yue family, so I accepted the most outstanding among the younger generation of the Yue family at that time. Yue Wenhe.

Although Zhang Qingyuan did not have much time to personally guide and teach,

But his realm is high enough, and he has a proficiency panel at the same time, and every step of his practice is extremely solid.

Before leaving, Zhang Qingyuan recorded the experience of these practices as jade slips and handed them over to Yue Wenhe and several other disciples.

a good legacy,

It is obviously extremely important for monks.

And Yue Wenhe and several others also lived up to Zhang Qingyuan's expectations. Over the years, a group of cheap and named disciples have all stepped into the real world.

The seven sons of the past have now become the seventh patriarch.

Become the mainstay of Qianyun Mountain.

Summoning Yue Wenhe this time is not only a reward for giving him a lot of help for the three immortal stones he has obtained, but also a little understanding of what has happened in these years, and by the way, he will take a test.

After all, although it's just a named disciple who was casually accepted,

But he, Zhang Qingyuan, is famous all over the land of Jiuzhou, and he will definitely leave an indelible legend in the Canglan Realm in the future.

How could the disciples accepted by him weaken his momentum?

This exam lasted for three days.

When Yue Wenhe entered ~www.readwn.com~, he was confident that his achievements would definitely be praised by the master.

When it came out, it was already a look of doubt about life!

until this time,

Yue Wenhe suddenly remembered,

Two hundred years ago, his master was a **** who was able to slay ten thousand transformations with half a step in the early stage of Dongzhen and the late stage of the war!

own strength,

Maybe enough to be the roost among peers,

But if you put it back two hundred years ago,

Compared with Master,

This little bit of strength is not worthy of shoes at all!


In just over two hundred years,

Master has already ascended from the real cave to the sky, and has reached the extreme realm of heaven and man that no one has been able to reach since the beginning of time in Yunzhou!


Still far from it!

Yue Wenhe's heart was obviously extremely complicated.

But fortunately,

He has gained a lot in this line of work.

Although Zhang Qingyuan was not very satisfied with his many aspects of his practice, his special research on the law of water movement is also remarkable, and he has received one of the few praises from Zhang Qingyuan.

After a few days of guidance, only a few words came down, and all his doubts about his practice in the past were completely dissipated.

Regarding the future road, Zhang Qingyuan has already cleared the fog, and the road ahead is smooth!


As a reward to him for handing in three immortal stones, Zhang Qingyuan handed over to him the semi-finished exercises that he had summarized and practiced after the real cave.

Since then,

He will become the real senior brother among the named disciples accepted by Zhang Qingyuan.

When Zhang Qingyuan left in the future,

He is responsible for assessing the rest of the other juniors and juniors, and then decides on his own whether to teach it to a few people.

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