Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 537: make things difficult

Something seems to have happened to Tianmen.

The atmosphere is a little chilling.

One by one, monks wearing black and white uniforms filed out with solemn faces, guarding the level strictly!

Seeing this scene,

Dao Zun Yi An pondered for a moment, but did not panic.

this kind of thing,

After many years of traveling, I have seen many such accidents.

Signaling everyone not to panic, he went to inquire about the news first.

"Not long ago, one of my ancestor's most beloved juniors went out to Yunzhou and died there. You guys..."

"Li Ying, what are you doing! Don't talk too much!"

Just when Dao Zun Yi An was secretly pulling a thin cultivator and was about to inquire about the news, a stern shout came like a thunderbolt, making the thin cultivator shiver, and the original words were swallowed directly.

I saw a middle-aged man with a burly stature and an angular face walking over, looking up and down with sharp eyes like a falcon, with a cold sense of coldness.

"Also ask fellow Daoists to go back and wait in line."

The middle-aged man stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation.

see this,

Daozun Yi An frowned slightly, but didn't say anything.

"It's annoying."

He clasped his fists and saluted, then left.

Seeing the return of Dao Zun Yi'an, Zhang Qingyuan cast an inquiring look.

Dao Zun Yi An slightly shook his head,

He didn't know what was going on either.

"It doesn't matter, just wait for a while. Although this kind of thing is rare, it's not that it hasn't happened. When the ancestor who guards the door is done, it will be over."

Although I don't know the specific circumstances of the death of one of the ancestors' most beloved juniors in Yuzhou, there should be no major problems.


Zhang Qingyuan vaguely felt that,

Things may not be so smooth.

Time flies by,


is a month.

Just when everyone felt something strange,


Someone please.

"Are you from the Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce? Take your boat and go to see the ancestors!"

Although asked,

But there is an unmistakable tone of notice in the words!

Zhang Qingyuan and Yi An Daozun looked at each other, and both felt a little inexplicable.

"What kind of ancestor is this, a big face!"

Zhang Qingyuan said in a low voice, a sharp edge flashed in his eyes.

First, I let myself wait for a month,

Then call someone casually, and let yourself and others go to see him?

This can almost be said to be maliciousness visible to the naked eye, which made Zhang Qingyuan feel unhappy.

At this time,

Dao Zun Yi An, who heard clearly from the side, almost jumped up, and quickly said:

"Fellow Daoist Zhang and hold back one or two, you can meet when you meet. The other party may not be malicious, maybe it's just a routine, or maybe he heard about Daoyou Zhang's record and just wanted to meet..."

Dao Zun Yi'an quickly comforted him, for fear that Zhang Qingyuan would get angry and hit the door directly.

Others don't know,

But he has collected a lot of information about Zhang Qingyuan, but he is very clear,

The Lord around him is not someone who can swallow his voice!

If it's anywhere else, that's fine.

But this is where the gate of heaven is,


But there are more than three celestial ancestors!

And these people,

Not alone,

The forces behind them are all the existences of more than one Heavenly Human Daoist!

This can't be a conflict here!

"Fellow Daoist, don't worry, Zhang is not the kind of demented person who will not take the initiative to cause trouble."

Zhang Qingyuan said lightly, his face was calm, and he couldn't tell what he was thinking.

To this,

Dao Zun Yi An deserves a wry Under the voice of the monks at the Tianmen Pass, ten spaceships slowly moved forward and came to a giant mountain towering into the clouds.


A white-haired old man with a high crown and his back turned to the crowd to make tea.

Opposite the old man was a middle-aged man in his 10s and 50s, with a small long beard fluttering under his chin, a white robe fluttering, and a pair of eyes that were slightly long and narrow, but revealed a deep wisdom and depth like a starry sky!

The two sat opposite each other,

In the middle is a stone platform.

There is a chessboard in Taichung. In the chess game, black and white pieces are dotted, strangling and colliding, and the suffocation is soaring. It seems to include a terrifying battlefield of the fall of the gods!

The figures of those two people were as small as two ants in front of the mountains and mountains, almost insignificant.

But the two just sat there,

It seems to be the center of everything in heaven and earth,

The surrounding mountains and giant mountains, the lush forests, the fairy mist lingering in the mountains, and even the ten huge spaceships that flew from a low altitude not far away and landed under the mountainside, all became the supporting roles of those two people at this moment!

"Junior Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce Yunzhou Branch Yi'an, I have seen the senior, I don't know if the senior called the junior to come up, but if there is an order?"

Dao Zun Yi An stepped forward, bowed his hands to the two people in the mountains and bowed his hands in a respectful salute.

"You don't need to use the Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce to press me. You are just a branch in a rural area. The Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce is not clean, and it can't help this old man."

The old man with the crown of feathers had a faint voice,

And then do it:

"Go, search those ships to see if there are any contraband!"


There are more than 400 words here, everyone will read it tomorrow.

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