Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 540: 1 palm over the sky

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"you you you!"

The white-haired old man's face was turned blue and white with anger, and his hands and feet were shaking!

Since he was promoted to heaven, wherever he went, he was greeted by people's admiration.

No one had ever dared to embarrass him, so that the older he got, the more he would put up his own shelf, and he had already put himself on high.

Even when he was weak in the past, before he became enlightened, no one had ever given him such an embarrassment!

The hot red palm prints on the face,

Like a burning red hot iron block, it was imprinted on his face, making him vaguely hear the sound of Chi Chi!

The unprecedented huge insult has already burned his sanity to the ground!

"you wanna die!"

The white-haired old man shouted sternly, his voice became sharp, and the air seemed to be torn like a cloth, making a sharp whistle!

boom! ! !

The majestic anger, like a volcano that has been suppressed for thousands of years, erupted at once, and the mighty scorching hot breath rose into the sky like a river of heat, running through the land of Jiuxiao!

A fist full of anger blasted out, the white-haired old man burst into anger, the power of heaven and man above all living beings completely bloomed in extreme anger, and an earth-shattering power erupted, destroying all the living beings in front of him!

Boom! ! !

In the earth-shattering loud noise, under the punch of the white-haired celestial being, thunder and lightning converged into the great sun and stars.

The world centered on the white-haired celestial man, the space vibrated violently, swaying violently like a glass screen, and finally shattered one after another. The dazzling and blazing lightning ripped apart the sky at this moment, exuding a terrifying and terrifying aura!

It was just the release of the breath, which caused the rocks in all directions to crack, the trees to be cut across, and countless trees and rocks to collapse, which was extremely shocking!


The white-haired old man must dance wildly and stare in anger, until he is a **** and demon who has come to the world, howling wind and clouds, mastering the thunder of the gods, shattering the world, and bringing a world-destroying natural disaster to the world!

The terrifying power that made the world tremble, showing the power of heaven and man in a single glance!

"This is the power of heaven!"

The shocking momentum made almost everyone present feel a suffocating terror pressure!

Dao Zun Yi An unconsciously opened his mouth wide.

He just felt as if there was a huge mountain on his mind, making him almost kneel under this world-destroying divine might!

The shocking qi rushes into the sky, causing endless terror and oppression to all beings!

"The great powers guarding the Tianmen are all senior great powers who have been immersed in the realm of the ancestors of heaven and human beings for many years, not to mention the realization of the Tao in Central Continent. The strength itself is more than one step stronger than the monks of the same rank in other continents!"

"That guy is dead, let's not say whether his record of fighting against the heavenly people in the realm of Wanhua is true or false, even if it is true, he dares to offend the parallel-imported heavenly people from other continents with his ancestors, it is already true. Take the way of death, you will surely die!"

The terrifying momentum shot into the sky, and while the surrounding people were shocked, the fluctuations of spiritual thoughts intertwined in the void, communicating with each other.

The anger of heaven and man will burn the sky and destroy the world!

Such terrifying power,

Who can resist?

No one would think that the daring kid named Zhang Qingyuan could survive under such power!


Facing the furious white-haired old man, Zhang Qingyuan only showed a sneer on his face.

For everyone present, it was a calamity-like attack, but it failed to attract the slightest attention from him.

"Self-esteem is very high, but your strength is not very good. If you say that you are an old waste, you won't admit it. Go back and eat milk!"

Zhang Qingyuan sneered,

In the face of the white-haired celestial man who was wrapped in the anger of the sky and gathered the power of the law of the heavenly way of the ancestors, as if to destroy the whole world,

He just stretched out a palm!

Press down slowly,


That white jade-like palm reflected the sky outside, and the radiant light reflected the heavens, expanding a hundred times a thousand times in an instant, covering the entire sky!


Went out!


It got dark at this moment!

The domineering Chaos Avenue appeared, covering all the brilliance in the sky and the ground in time!


a crisp sound,

The sky shatters,

The white-haired celestial being attacked by the Law of the Great Way of Heaven and Human beings did not have the slightest ability to resist, that is, under the horrified gaze of the other party, without the slightest surprise, they collapsed and shattered one after another!

Boom boom boom!

The light of thunder and lightning in the sky is like Mars being swallowed and annihilated by the endless darkness!

to destroy,

Get into the **** group!

This is a completely unequal confrontation!

With the Yin-Yang and Five Elements, the two immortal scriptures, and the seven avenues, the Law of Chaos Dao is finally merged. Just a wisp of breath in it, it has a supreme style that covers thousands of Dao!

This terrifying force that traverses the heavens, I am afraid that more than 99% of the heavenly people in the world will only be smashed and collapsed in front of such a great force!


In the air, there was only enough time to hear the terrified and unbelievable scream of the white-haired celestial being. The whole person was hit by a terrifying force, and his body was slapped to the ground like a fly.

Boom! ! !

There was an earth-shattering loud noise, the rocks cracked, and the earth collapsed into a huge hollow in the palm of the hand.

The figure of the white-haired old man was directly suppressed and rolled into the depths of the rock formation!

"He's actually a god?!!!"

see this scene,

All around, all the people who see all this in their eyes,


Terrified terrified!

"What avenue is this!"

Although Zhang Qingyuan to this day has been able to condense his power within the palm of his hand, without revealing the slightest, and without causing the aftermath to affect others.

But the terrifying existence of the Chaos Avenue, just taking a look at it, it will damage their minds who are not strong enough!

The scene where the earth suddenly went out, the darkness of the world came, and the chaotic airflow appeared,

In the hearts of all people are left indelible deep memory!

Even some people with unstable minds,

At the moment of facing the terrifying avenue that overwhelms the world, the path of cultivation was directly destroyed by the assimilation of the overbearing force and will!

Many people spit out a large mouthful of blood, and their bodies involuntarily retreated. They were affected by the Chaos Avenue, and their cultivation was almost completely abolished!

Even if it is the Dao Zun of Yi An in the realm of myriad transformations,

At this time, the Dao mana in the body was also shaken for a while, and it was almost affected by the assimilation of the supreme Dao power!

"What happened to the way he practiced? How could it be so terrifying!!!"

In the presence of another cultivator in the realm of heaven and man who played against the white-haired old man, his calm heart for many years has also set off a storm at this moment!

Like other monks in the realm of ten thousand transformations and the realm of caves, their eyes widened and they looked at the scene in front of them!

As the ancestor of Heaven and Humanity in Central Continent,

His strength is higher, and his vision is wider than that of the many Wanhua cultivators who are here. He is also clearer. The performance of Zhang Qingyuan in front of him is truly shocking!

It goes without saying that he can become a heaven and a man in a place where spiritual energy is scarce in other Able to rise in the end of the law and fight all the way to an invincible peerless genius, although due to the environment, he is weaker than the monks in Central Continent. , but when they adapt to the laws of the Central Continent Cultivation World, their strength will also increase rapidly!

This person,

The future is limitless!

Even more shocking is that,

This son actually condensed the power of such a terrifying and overbearing avenue!

In the moment before,

Even the self standing on the side has the feeling that the Dao is shaken!

That level of power and divine might,

Simply unimaginable!

"It's incredible! If this child enters Central Continent, I am afraid that he will be a Lin Yan-like character again, and the Central Continent Cultivation World will create a sensation again!"

The man murmured in a low voice that day.

In this trip, he was actually just an outsider, and there was no conflict with Zhang Qingyuan, so he could watch all this from the perspective of an outsider.

It is also clearer that at the previous moment, the power of the tip of the iceberg displayed by Zhang Qingyuan was terrifying!

between thoughts,

His eyes moved not far away to the colleagues who guarded the Tianmen Wanlei Mountain, who were defeated by the mana of the avenue and suppressed under the earth.

With a little pity in his eyes.

Poor guy, this is already dazzled by hatred, and he has no reason to realize what the strength of this kid in front of him means!

And after such a humiliation, I am afraid that this colleague will not have time to calm down,

Nine times out of ten, you won't let it go,

Maybe this will become the fuse for the demise of Wanlei Mountain...

It seems,

I'm going to stay away from that guy in the future.

The middle-aged Tianren's eyes flashed, and he thought secretly in his heart.

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