"It's a pity, if there is enough source power, my improvement will only be greater..."

In the secret room of the spaceship, Zhang Qingyuan was surrounded by incomprehensible mysterious immortal Qi Dao Yun, and the terrifying breath fluctuated.

His eyes opened, as if the deep starry sky flickered, reflecting the unimaginable Dao Yun laws.

space tremor,

It seems like it's going to fall apart at this moment!

Standing up from the retreat and meditation, Zhang Qingyuan stretched out his palm, white as jade, flawless, but it contained unimaginable power!

After carefully realizing that after entering Central Continent, Zhang Qingyuan received the baptism of this side of the world, although Zhang Qingyuan felt a little regretful, but he was generally satisfied.

The growth of the mana of the heaven and the human series has improved more than one step!

It was just the infusion of the three thousand miles of purple energy, and after digesting the benefits, his mana increased by 10%.

In the realm of Heaven and Man,

It also took a small distance forward.

The progress in this at least saved him a hundred years of hard work!

further increase in strength,

Zhang Qingyuan was naturally happy in his heart.

There is still a lot of distance from the peak of the Immortal Dao, and every step forward means that he is one step closer to the peak of this world.

"The land of Central Continent is truly outstanding!"

Without intentional perception, the world within a radius of thousands of miles was reflected in Zhang Qingyuan's mind.

At this time, the fleet flew quickly above the sky,

Passed by below the towns where the monks gathered,

some of,

It is not uncommon to see monks in the realm of caves.

Even monks in the realm of myriad transformations can occasionally perceive it!

And these areas,

It can only be regarded as an inconspicuous rural area in the cultivation world of Central Continent, far from the prosperous area in the center of the city.

The strength of the cultivation world in Central Continent is evident!

This also means,

The upper limit that the Central Continent Cultivation World can accommodate is even higher!

"The upper limit of this side of the world is raised. As long as there is enough source power of the world, it can speed up the accumulation of the mana of the avenue, so that the mana can be raised to a level sufficient to support the development of the inner world in a short period of time..."

Although it was not long before he entered Central Continent, Zhang Qingyuan already had a general understanding of the environment around him and had a general plan for the future.


When I think of the source of heaven and earth,

Zhang Qingyuan had a headache.

According to the treasures of heaven and earth that he has come into contact with, the source of heaven and earth is undoubtedly the best thing that can directly improve the mana of a monk.

Even, it also has the function of being able to repair the magic weapon and even the fairy artifact.

But these things are not easy to get.

When I was in Qingzhou,

He actually obtained a treasure called Fortune Panyu from the forbidden area of ​​Shenxu, which can condense the source power of heaven and earth, but this speed is not fast, and the accumulated source power of heaven and earth has long been consumed in Zhang Qingyuan's retreat breakthrough.

There isn't much left at all.

When he was in the Wanhua realm, there were several major forces behind him to search for resources for him. The spiritual stone possessed by Zhang Qingyuan can be said to be worth hundreds of millions!

But after entering the realm of heaven and man,

It seems that overnight,

He became a pauper again.


In the realm of heaven and man,

The spirit stones of the middle and lower grades have no effect at all.

The aura obtained by refining 10,000 low-grade spirit stones is not as good as a cultivator in the realm of heaven and earth feeling the world and swallowing a mouthful of the vitality of heaven and earth.

Only high-grade spirit stones, and even top-grade spirit stones, have such a role in assisting the cultivation of monks in the realm of heaven and man.

But this effect is not very big.

The only thing that can really improve rapidly is the source of heaven and earth!

"I don't know where these sources of heaven and earth come from...Unfortunately, this way of gathering the sources of heaven and earth is really incomprehensible, otherwise it wouldn't end here."

"However, when I killed the cultivator of the Daluo sect named Guo Taiping when I was in Qingzhou, I seized a lot of the source of heaven and earth from him... At least, in those top powers, such as the Holy Land Ancient The first-class sect should know the secret of the source of the source of heaven and earth..."

Zhang Qingyuan pondered, many thoughts flashed in his mind.

But for the time being,

He wasn't in a hurry yet.

Let's go one step at a time.

"Perhaps, I can go look for fellow Daoist Xiao Jingyun whom I met in Yunzhou three hundred years ago."

Three hundred years ago,

When working hard in Yunzhou,

He once met a cultivator named Xiao Jingyun who came from the cultivation world of Central Continent. The other party came from an ancient Three Sacred Sect in Central Continent, and they had formed a friendship with each other for a while.

At that time, the other party had invited him to go to Central Continent, and at the same time left a token. If he entered Central Continent one day, he could use the holy relic to go to the Three Saints Gate to find him.


As a newcomer to Central Continent, it can be said that he is unfamiliar with the cultivation world of Central Continent.

Maybe go to visit one or two.

If you can communicate with the powers of the Three Saints Sect, it would be good.


"Is this the one who was a heroic fellow Daoist Zhang Qingyuan, who used ten thousand transformations to defeat heaven and man before he became Dao, and finally became Dao in other continents?"

"Haha, welcome fellow Daoist to come, I'm really sorry for the loss of welcome."

Although Zhang Qingyuan had a plan in his mind to go to the Sanshengmen to find Xiao Jingyun~www.readwn.com~, he still decided to follow the fleet first and go to the Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce with Dao Zun Yi'an.

After all, the vast Central Continent, the vastness of the territory, is the largest in terms of area among the nine continents in the world.

Unfamiliar places, do not know the direction of the Three Saints Gate.

The Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce itself may know more.

Also therefore,

Zhang Qingyuan followed Yi'an Daozun and the fleet to a place called Rao'an City in the eastern boundary of Zhi'an, which is also the branch of the Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce in the trade with Yunzhou.

Before Zhang Qingyuan and the fleet arrived, the news had already reached the branch first, and the branch president Shen Zheng had already gone out to greet him.

Being able to achieve the realm of heaven and man in other continents, and in the realm of Wanhua, he has the strength to go against the heaven and man,

such people,

Not to mention that now he is already an existence in the series of heaven and man, and the future that can be seen is also promising.

A large chamber of commerce can grow and grow, and naturally it will not be a fool.

It is normal to befriend and invest in the younger generation of monks who have a bright future!


In the void, Shen Zheng just stood there at will, and there was a kind of fusion of heaven and earth, as if making Zhang Qingyuan Zhiruo feel like facing a world directly!

This is the real power of the virtual sky level!

In the realm of heaven and man at the peak of the Immortal Dao, the existence of the second step!

Unlike when Zhang Qingyuan was in Qingzhou, he faced the Great Zhou Divine Emperor who gained the power of the virtual sky by swallowing up the entire Great Zhou Dynasty.

The branch president in front of him, Shen Zheng, has truly opened up the inner world and stepped into the virtual world level!

"President Shen's words are serious, and Zhang is taking the liberty to interrupt this time. It's enough that the president doesn't blame him!"

Zhang Qingyuan bowed his hands in return, polite and authentic.

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