Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, seven days have passed.

this day,

Somewhere deep in the lofty mountains, the forbidden area in the center of the huge monster mountain range.

above the sky,

The three streams of light seemed to come out of the water, and ripples appeared in the space visible to the naked eye.

"Is it here?"

Zhang Qingyuan asked, and at the same time glanced at the lush ancient wood forest below.

This is in the depths of the largest monster beast mountain range in the Eastern Realm. There are many powerful monsters in it. For monks under heaven and man, it is simply a forbidden place for death!

Even the existence of Hedao Heavenly Man would not dare to act recklessly, otherwise, a terrifying ancient monster might run out from the corner of the mountain nest, besieging and dismembering people.

It has been seven days since Yanbei returned the invitation.

After the other party's invitation that day, Zhang Qingyuan basically agreed to the other party's request without hesitation.

After all, on the matter of the nine-turn union of Daohua,

He also gave the former Shen Zheng, Murong Yue, and Yan Beigui a great favor.

If you can take this opportunity to pay it back, that would be great.

After agreeing,

The three of them did not continue to delay, and after a little trimming, they headed straight for the forbidden area in the center of the Monster Beast Mountain Range!

After all, according to Shen Zheng,

Yan Beigui's mortal enemy has just been attacked by them,

Those guys would never have imagined that they would kill such a carbine, and they would be even more powerful!

"Yes, in order to hunt them down, Lao Yan and I almost straddled most of Central Continent, and finally found their traces here.

Yan Beigui also let out a long sigh.

It's not easy for him to hunt down and kill all the way.

And not long ago, he joined Shen Zheng, the two great powers of the virtual world, to come, but the other party had not yet defended them. The counterattack of the great formation of heaven and earth also caused some embarrassment to them, forcing them to retreat.

But it’s okay, the last time I basically found out the means of that guy.

Now with Zhang Qingyuan,

That rascal,


"I don't know what the identity of that person is, why did he offend Brother Yan on your head?"

Seeing that Yan Beigui and the two were not in a hurry to act, Shen Zheng played one by one array and merged into the void, forming a cage in all directions to block the world below.

Seeing that he had nothing to do for the time being, Zhang Qingyuan asked aloud.

"With Brother Yan's connections and methods, if he was a mortal enemy, he should have been able to solve it long ago, right?"

"Hey, Brother Zhang, don't you know that Lao Yan's mortal enemy was originally a monk of the Daluo Zun Sect. He used to have a **** feud with me, but the other party was hiding in the Daluo Zun Sect, and I couldn't even call Lao Yan. ."

"Fortunately, the other party didn't know what happened a few years ago. He was expelled from the sect by Daluo Zunjiao, and he was also issued a wanted order by several major holy places!"

"Humph! It's true that God has eyes! In this way, that beast is completely self-absorbed in the realm of righteousness and evil!"

"The blood debt of the past must be repaid one by one today!"

Yan Beigui pulled out the giant sword behind him, the anger in his eyes surging, the killing intent filled the air, and the air quickly decreased at this moment!

Obviously the hatred between the two is huge!

What Yan Beigui didn't notice was that when he said the name Daluo Zunjiao, Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flashed.

Does Da Luo Zun teach...

When I was in Qingzhou, I had met that mysterious saint.

He also killed a true biography of the other party.

The light in his eyes flickered slightly~www.readwn.com~ Although I was very curious about Daluo Zunjiao,

However, Zhang Qingyuan did not intend to ask in detail.

This trip is to help,

Also human.

If you have any doubts, ask them later.


There are still 900 words here, and the follow-up will be written in an hour.


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