When refining the essence of Guishui, the spiritual sense must spread all the time, watching the changes in the water.

The same is true when refining alchemy. It is necessary to control and refine various spiritual objects such as the medicinal materials in the alchemy through the spiritual sense, in order to increase the success rate of alchemy.

Therefore, after entering the inner door, Zhang Qingyuan's spiritual consciousness has gradually grown and refined as early as this step by step actual training.

The growth and skillful use of spiritual consciousness made Zhang Qingyuan's perception more acute.

So not long after Zhang Qingyuan entered Yinfeng Valley, he found something wrong with him.

Someone is following!

It's just that the people who are following are too secretive. If it weren't for the changes in Zhang Qingyuan's spiritual consciousness during this period, he would not even be aware of any clues.

There is no way to know where the other party is hiding.

In desperation, Zhang Qingyuan could only use himself as a bait to reveal his flaws and lure the opponent to attack.


He succeeded.

Abruptly evaded, with a backhand sword out of the sheath, the sword-drawing skill of the sword-intent and sword-power was gathered, and the two hidden enemies hidden behind him were instantly hit hard.

"Damn it! It's just a mere eight-fold Lingyuan, how could it be so strong!"

The two figures were chopped off by a sword, and the spirit element shields around them were shattered one after another, and even the magical weapons that stood in front of them were almost distorted and shattered.

One of them looked horrified, and felt the power pouring into his body like a mountain and a sea, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Since this journey, Zhang Qingyuan has not shown too much strength.

After slaying the leader of the Bone Monster Demon, and after displaying the advanced martial arts of the human rank that covered the sea and three stacks of waves, it also showed a look of exhaustion and weakness.

Therefore, their judgment on Zhang Qingyuan's strength is not too high.

Any one of them can kill the inner disciple of the Yunshui Sect.

But in order to be safer to obtain more intelligence,

The two eventually followed all the way to this inaccessible place, and shot together, ready to capture the other side.

But what they didn't expect was that the inner disciple of the Yunshui Sect, who had thought they could be captured and killed at random, suddenly turned into a beast that devoured people!


With a heavy blow, without any hesitation, the slightly injured monk swiftly ran backwards.

He directly left behind the dying companion who had suffered most of the sword-drawing skills.

"Damn **** damn it!"

The fleeing man with a hideous face, quickly escaped towards the distance.

That contained sword intent, and the incomparably powerful sword-drawing technique had already shattered his liver and gallbladder, and he no longer had any courage to fight against it.

But how could Zhang Qingyuan let him go easily?

With a pinch of the finger, it formed a seal, and the faint spirit element fluctuated.


A ray of cold light flickered in mid-air, like lightning floating in the void, a ripple suddenly appeared and disappeared.

Suddenly escaping the space, coming urgently toward the back of the head of the escaping man!

Feeling the severe danger warning sign coming from behind, the escaping monk wanted to avoid it in a panic.

But at this time, Zhang Qingyuan's spiritual consciousness has grown and condensed, and the imperial object technique has reached a higher level, and the lower-grade magic weapon breaking Qi needle instantly penetrated the opponent's head at a faster speed before the opponent dodges.

The escaping man's body stagnated, and he fell directly to the ground.

His eyes widened, unbelievable.

A little red appeared on the forehead.

And at the same time,

Another huge wound was cut open in the abdomen, and the enemy was severely wounded almost cut off. He looked at Zhang Qingyuan in horror, clutching the wound and retreating continuously.

Zhang Qingyuan's face did not fluctuate at all, his figure flashed, and instantly appeared behind the seriously injured enemy.

A palm shoots out, and a sharp palm wind howls.

Before the other party could make any sound, Zhang Qingyuan had already snapped his neck.

Quickly searched all the storage bags and other objects on the two corpses, Zhang Qingyuan then buried the corpses hastily, and then plucked the ghost grass together, and quickly left the valley.

Fortunately, before leaving, the fluctuations in the battle here did not attract any other monks or demons.

Only a mess of land remained in the same place.

After walking far, Zhang Qingyuan found a relatively remote and safe place and began to count the gains this time.

"Who are those two?"

Thinking back to the two people who attacked him earlier, Zhang Qingyuan was also a little puzzled.

The strength of these two people is around the early stage of the Ninth Layer of Lingyuan, and one of them is the peak of the early stage of the Ninth Layer. Why do they focus on themselves? Is it a casual cultivator who specializes in plundering for a living?

With all kinds of concealed tracking skills, it seems to be the case.

But Zhang Qingyuan instinctively felt that it was not like it.

Soon, Zhang Qingyuan searched the storage bags of the two and got a possible answer.

"Han Haizong..."

Looking at the simple and simple in front of him, the token with the word Hanhai is engraved on it.

Zhang Qingyuan's face changed slightly.

Although Zhang Qingyuan rarely goes out, he has not even left the territory of the Zongmen for thousands of miles after crossing into this world.

But as for the general situation of the surrounding cultivation world, Zhang Qingyuan still knows something from predecessor records in some books.

Hanhaizong is located on the border of Haizhou adjacent to Yuzhou.

It is a large sect of the same level of power that radiates a continent with the Yunshui Sect~www.readwn.com~ At the same time, there are many frictions and conflicts with the Yunshui Sect, and historical grievances have a long history.

As early as hundreds of years ago, Hanhaizong and Yunshuizong had a battle that lasted for decades.

It was also during that battle that the water sword fairy of the Yunshui Sect rose to fame, smashing the hole with true essence almost shocked the entire cultivation world of Yuzhou Haizhou, becoming the pinnacle of an era of evildoers.

"People from the Hanhai Sect, what are you doing here?"

Zhang Qingyuan vaguely felt something was wrong.

The cultivator of the hostile sect appeared here, and he also carried a token to show his identity. No matter how it looked, it was impossible to come to the Yunshui sect to collect spiritual objects.

Moreover, the storage bags of these two people are a bit strange.

There are very few spiritual resources inside, only a few non-ranked elixir, a few unknown monster beasts' body materials, and some talismans and pills.

A few middle-to-low-grade artifacts were not suitable, and Zhang Qingyuan also looked down upon them.

Both storage bags were empty.

There are many spirit stones, a total of seven hundred spirit stones, and one of them is a very precious middle-grade spirit stone.

Looking at the crystal clear middle-grade spirit stone in the jade box, the spiritual energy around him was almost haunted into mist, Zhang Qingyuan's face showed an irresistible joy.

The aura content of a medium-grade spiritual stone is more than a hundred times that of an ordinary spiritual stone.

However, because of the extremely rich aura, middle-grade spirit stones play a great role in many places, such as the arrangement of formations, and even breakthroughs in cultivation. It is simply a fantasy to exchange a hundred ordinary spirit stones for a middle-grade spirit stone. .

"No matter what the Hanhaizong's plan is, with this middle-grade spirit stone, maybe I can hit the nine-level realm of Lingyuan!"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flickered.

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